Status: Completed. Readers: 273; Subscribers: 27.

You Found My Heart


I walked into the room, without knocking and stopped dead in my tracks. Kimberlee turned towards me and gasped, then tried covering her body. I couldn't look away. I inched towards her, until I was on top of her on the bed. My breathing was raspy against her cheek, as my hands roamed her warm body.

"P - please stop," She stammered.

"Kimberlee, I can't anymore," I said, huskily, against her ear. I nibbled at her earlobe, hearing chopped breathes from her lips.

"Don't force me, please, I beg of you," She said in a small voice. I kissed her neck, softly, grazing my fangs against her. I clenched my jaw and stood from her. She sighed, relieved and sat up, grabbing a shirt and placing it on her torso.

"I'm sorry. I'm taking you home," I said, looking from her.

"Really?" She asked, hope in her voice.

"Yeah. My Father's coming tomorrow and I don't want him hurting you," I explained.

"Oh. Are - are you going to get me again after wards, though?" She asked.

"I don't think so." I tensed at those words.

"Thank you, Landon."

"I'm not doing it because I want, too. I'm doing it because My father can hurt you. If he wasn't coming, you'd be staying."


"Get dressed and I'll be waiting for you at the greeting." She nodded. I walked out of the room and sighed, angrily. She was mine and I couldn't have her. But if I couldn't have her, no one could.

I waited in the greeting for ten minutes, 'till Kimberlee came down the stairs with a duffel bag slung over her shoulder. I opened the door and walked out into the garage and started my Mustang. I knew Kimberlee needed her time with Avery; they had become attached to each other.

Minutes later, Kimberlee came out of the door, clutching her bag in her hand. She got in the car and I drove off, down the road. I kept my gaze on the road, trying not to breathe in. I didn't want to smell her; it would be too hard, not to just pull over and make her mine.

"Are you mad?" Kimberlee asked, quietly.

"No. Why would I be?"

"Because nothing happened between me and - and you," She stammered, nervously.

"No. It doesn't matter, anyways," I said, glaring at the road. I almost growled as I seen Kimberlee's building come into view. I stopped the car, quickly and looked out my window.

"Thanks, Landon," Kimberlee said, softly. I got out of the car and walked around the car, opening the passenger door for her. She got out, her head hanging low. I walked her to the building, 'till I pinned her to the wall and looked her in the eyes. She gulped, quietly, her hands on my chest.

"Even though you're home, you'll always be mine, okay?" I asked.

"No, I'm not. I was never yours," She hissed.

"True, I never had you intimately, but you'll always be mine."


"It might hurt you at first. Not long, though." I kissed down her jawline, as she breathed in my ear. My hand held the back of her neck, as I grazed my fangs against her neck, finding a place to plunge my fangs. I smiled as I seen a large vein and ripped through her skin with my fangs. She gasped, clutching my shirt with her hands. I wrapped my free arm around her waist and injected a substance into her neck. She moaned loudly, once, turning me on.

I pulled away, minutes later and kissed her lips tenderly. She kissed back, clutching my shirt tighter in her hands. I pulled away and looked at her neck, that was quickly forming into a very small tattoo snake. It went from green to black. I smirked.

"Now everyone will know you're mine," I whispered, huskily in her ear.

"Why do you want me so much?" She asked, as her grip loosened.

"You should know the answer for that. I want you so much, it's fucking killing me not to grab you and make you mine here. You'd enjoy it even if it would be your first time. Vampires give more pleasure than humans."

"I need to go."

"Do I scare you? Does it scare you that someone yearns you so much?"


"You better get use to it. I'll be keeping a close eye on you, love. If any vampire, human male touches you in any way, that will harm you, I'll kill them." She nodded. I gripped her jaw and bit her bottom pouty, rosy lip. A bit of blood dripped from her lips, into my mouth. I licked her lips along with mine and moaned.

"I have to go."

"I'll be back, I promise you, that. And one day, you'll be mine. All mine." I backed away from her, reluctantly and turned. She sighed, heavily and I knew she walked into the building as the door closed. I got into my mustang and drove away.

Kimberlee's Point Of View:

I got into my apartment, still breathing heavily. I ran my fingers over my swollen lips and let a tear roll down my cheek. What was happening to me? Had I fallen in love with someone I don't even know? A total and complete stranger? I groaned, loudly, making something gasp.

I wiped the tear away and dropped the bag on the floor beside the door. I walked towards the couch and seen Miles underneath another guy. He smiled and pushed the over guy off, making him fly over the couch. Thank the heavens they were both in boxers, though having a little view wouldn't be so bad.

Miles jumped from the couch and pounced on me, kissing my cheek, my forehead, my lips, my ear. Anything on my face, his lips could possibly kiss. I giggled and hugged him, tightly. He stood up, with me clinging to him and hugged me back. His fingers ran through my hair, as if feeling if I was all there with him.

"Jesus, I missed you, Lee," Miles whispered into my ear.

"Me too," I agreed. I felt the tears slowly pour out, as I buried my head into his neck.

"Don't ever leave me, again," He said.

"I won't," I sobbed, quietly.

"Please don't cry, sweetie. You're back. I'll keep you safe, I promise." I nodded and pulled away, wiping the tears away.

"Sorry I interrupted you." Miles blushed.

"Nah, don't worry. We'll continue later." I smirked.

"So, whose the man of the relationship? Who gets the top?" The guy Miles was underneath blushed a dark shade of red. I smiled. "Oh, I see. So, whose this gentleman?"

"Corbin," the guy said.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Kimberlee," I smiled. He blushed.

"So, why did you decide to come back? Tell me the whole story," Miles demanded.

"Can you handle it?" I asked.

"Try me. What's the worse that you can say?" He asked, crossing his arms over his bare chest.

"Trust me, a lot." He rolled his eyes.

If I was going to tell them, I needed to seat myself. Miles sat beside me, as Corbin sat on an armchair, with his elbows placed on his knees. I took a deep breathe and told them the entire truth. Miles gasped a few times and asked questions, while Corbin just sat there shocked.

"So, this guy's a vampire?" Corbin, finally, asked.

"Mhm," I nodded.

"Are you okay? Did he ever bite you?" Miles asked, looking at my neck, carefully.

"He did." Miles gasped, loudly and then glowered.

"Why? Tell me, now. No fucking defending him."

"He said I would always be his, no matter what. If any human man or any vampire male touched me in any way that would harm me, he would kill them."

"Where did he bite you?" I turned to face Miles and moved my hair from the right side of my neck. He squinted his eyes to see clearer and his eyes widened.

"What's wrong?"

"That's no bite mark, but there's a small tattoo."

"What?" I got up from the couch and ran into the bathroom, turning the light on. I gasped as I seen a small black snake encrusted in my skin. I ran my fingers over it, feeling it smooth and warm.

"What does that mean, Lee?" Miles asked, standing at the doorway with Corbin's arm wrapped around his waist.

"I dunno."

"You've had a long week, sweetheart. You better get some rest."

"Yeah, agreed." I nodded and smiled.

"We're heading to sleep too." Miles sent Corbin a seductive look, making Corbin blush. I laughed and dragged myself into my room, after kissing Miles and Corbin on the cheek.
♠ ♠ ♠
heello my dear and lovely readers. :]
on friday, april 17th, guess what movie i went to see with my bestest friend?
yuuus, you guessed it; i watched 17 again and let me tell you guys, it was a good movie. zac efron does a good job at being just an actor. sure, he was good in hsm 1 -3, but come on! singing and acting just gets tiring after a while. it's a big and better change from him always singing.
17 again - > recommended movie. two thumbs way up!

well, as you know, the story has a new character! yessir, it's corbin, miles' new boyfriend! here's a picture of our little corbin [ X ]. cute isn't he? ;]
AND, the mark landon left on kimberlee's neck. [ X ]
hopefully you guys liked this chapter. i thought it was pretty sexy and steamy, but more steaminess is coming up in the next few chapters. so, beware!
thanks a lot for reading and please, comment, critic, message! i LURVE you guys a lot!