Troubled Figures.

Chapter Two.

"Come in." I said as I was still looking in the mirror. I looked in the mirror and saw the door slowly open. I saw someone crawling towards me on the floor. I pretended I didn't see anyone on the floor then Joe jumped up and screamed trying to scare me.
"Ahh" I said sarcastically. I started laughing and I turned around. I stood up and gave Joe a hug.
"And that was for?" Joe said with a look on his face.
"I don't know, I'm glad to see you I guess." I said smiling at him. We went and sat on my bed and started talking.
"So what do you want to do today?" He asked me. I sat there for a second and thought.
"Well I was thinking we should go walk to boardwalk or something. If you want to that is." I suggested. He didn't seem to mind because he said that was fine. We both stood up from my bed and walked into the kitchen.
"Mom, we're going to go head for the boards, is there anytime you want us to be back?" I asked her hoping she didn't have a time.
"No, there is no time, but sometime before midnight. please." She said and we agreed to her rule and then turned around and walked out the door. We walked down the steps and headed for the boardwalk. By this time it was around 2 in the afternoon. We had to cross quite a few streets to get to the boardwalk. It wasn't far because I only lived a few blocks from it. As we were walking I felt something hit my hand. I was assuming Joe was doing it by accident but I didn't know for a fact. So we just talked the whole way and finally about ten minutes later we reached the boardwalk. We get up on the boards and there is a little bit of a breeze. I got the goose bumps for a split second then they went away. Joe's hair was flowing with the breeze. 'God he looks so cute' I thought as I stared at him for a minute. We walked past the arcade section on the boardwalk and I saw a squirrel stuffed animal and let out a small scream. Joe heard the scream and looked at me like I was crazy.
"There is a squirrel stuffed animal! I said as I pointed towards it. He just smiled at me and walked over to the game. He played the game and he actually won something! I laughed to myself and the next second he handed me the stuffed animal I wanted. I immediately gave him a huge hug and thanked him. This hug was different though. There was a connection between us. We separated from one another and continued walking. We were passing one of the three piers so we decided to go onto one of them and get a couple rides in. We got in line and got some tickets and put it on the ticket card. We got in line for this one wooden roller coaster called The Great White and we got front row. We got in the seats and put the bar down. They guy went and checked all of the carts to make sure everyone was securely in and off we went. We started going up and up and up and finally we reached the top of the roller coaster. We finally went down and I held my hands up in the air and screamed on the top of my lungs. Joe was screaming too. A few second later the ride ended and we got off and headed towards the exit. We did a few more rides and finished up there and headed back onto the boards. I felt something touch my hand again and I looked down slowly and saw Joe reaching for my hand. I casually let him take it and we held hands the rest of the time on the boardwalk. Time flew by fast and it was getting late. As we were about to leave I heard a loud crack in the sky. I look up and see a burst of color then a loud crack.
"Look at the fireworks." I said looking up in the sky. Joe looked up too and then looked back down and stared at me. We sat down on one of the benches on the boardwalk and watched the fireworks. Well at least I did. I look down and see Joe just staring at me. I couldn't help but to smile at him. His hair was in his face and the wind was blowing it and he still looked amazingly cute. The fireworks came to the grand finale and then they were over. People were starting to walk on the boardwalk again and it was getting crowded. Before Joe and I got up to leave he turned to me and started to say something….
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