Status: Finished! Final thoughts welcome. (:

The Flame We Had Is Burning Out

Fall Away From Your Past;

"Dakota, I can't keep calling you like this. Please, please just answer the phone. You two spoke, isn't that enough? He's going to be the death of you if you don't face this, Kota. Wesley and I are worried sick. We've looked everywhere and we can't find you. Call me back, please. I'm sorry, Dakota. I love you."

When the message came to an end, I closed the phone. It was seven thirty-five, and I'd spent an entire night walking the streets, and I ended up in some stupid little bar right off the street. The place was run down, all the wood was falling apart, and only the creeps could be found in a place like this.

It wasn't that I didn't want to speak to anyone, God knows I wanted to hug Amber and talk to Wesley before he went home, but I just couldn't do it. My feelings were too mixed up, and I couldn't go back to that place until the Benefit concert was over. I didn't want to go close. I shouldn't have even spoken to him. I was so stupid.

"Miss?" The bar tender gave me a soft smile. "An Alexander William has called for you, he says that he's sorry and he just wants to talk to you. Would you like the phone?"

I shook my head, taking another swing of my Bud Light. "Tell 'em I said, it's okay, and I don't blame him. Tell him I love him, but I can't see him. Not yet, I'm not ready."

The bar tender nodded his head and began his short walk to the back of the bar. I was aware that most of my message wouldn't be delivered, but I didn't have the heart to say it myself. I was content sitting in this sketchy bar by myself if it meant I didn't have to come face-to-face with Rian Dawson again.

My phone gave another vibrate. I was beginning to get sick of the phone in general, I wanted so badly to chuck it at the floor and watch it fall to pieces, but I couldn't. Instad, I glanced at the bright screen, watching a name flash across it.

Jack Barakat!

Giving a sigh and a growl, I finally opened the phone, ready to tell him to screw off.

"What do you want?"

"Dakota? Please don't hang up, just let me speak."

"Rian?" My voice cracked. "I don't have time to talk right now."

"Please, Dakota. I'm not leaving until I see you. Please."

"That sucks, because you have a concert to throw. I'm sure Kara would love to watch you play."

"I'm not going. I've been driving around for hours trying to find you, and I'm not giving up. Please just tell me where you are."

"I'm sorry, Rian," I pulled out a twenty and slid it across the bar for the tender to see when he came back. I climbed off the bar stool and made my way to the door. "But I can't."

Walking as quickly as I could to get away from that place and find somewhere else to hide, I took my eyes off the street to hang up the phone, which was my very own mistake. I heard the tires squeal before I even realized what had happened, I heard the brakes scream long enough to glance up, but by then it was too late.

I could hear the sounds of people screaming around me, but the only thing that kept my heart from breaking was seeing him standing over me. I couldn't hear his voice, I didn't know what he was screaming but I could tell that he was. I didn't know any of the people around me, and I couldn't understand why there was so much water around me. I knew it wasn't raining.

"Dakota," his voice finally became clear. I gave him a grin. A small, peaceful grin. "Dakota, can you hear me?"

"Rian," his voice came smooth off of my lips. "You're here."

"Oh, God," his voice was shaking. "You're bleeding. Has anyone called 911?"

It was at that moment when my hand went to my forhead, and I could feel what I had thought to be rain spilling from my skull. My fingers showed me the warm, thick blood, but my body refused to panic. Instead, I moved my eyes back to Rian, giving him another soft smile.

"I'm sorry, Dakota. I'm so, so sorry. I was on the phone with you, and there was ice, and I tried to stop, but.."

"Shh," I couldn't feel my lungs moving anymore, much less the words spilling from my lips. "It's okay, Rian. I love you, do you know that?"

"I love you, too, Dakota." His shaky arms slowly lifted my weak body off of the ground, where he held me tightly in his arms. I could feel a small pain in the back of my head, but it wasn't strong enough to scare me. "Please don't leave me. Please, I'm sorry."

It's a scary feeling to know that you're dying. To see a dozen people crowded around you, pointing fingers at all the blood you've spilled on the ground. It's even more scary to think about leaving anyone behind, to think of all the things you've left unsaid and all the bad things you've done.

"I'm sorry, too." I gave him a smile. "Dear God, forgive me for all the bad I've done."

"Shhhh," Rian held me closer. "The ambulance is coming, you're going to be okay, you've got to be okay."

"You tell them," my voice began to crack and my lungs began to ache. I could finally feel the tears streaming down my face and the pain in my head. "You tell Alex, Zack and Jack. You tell Amber and Wesley and Tyler, you tell my family and my friends, Rian. You tell them that I'm sorry, and that I love them no matter what."

"I will," he nodded. I could faintly see tears spilling from his eyes. "Where's that ambulance?"

"I never stopped loving you, either. I'm just sorry it took me this long to tell you." It was getting harder to breathe. "I love you, Rian Dawson. I give all my love to you."

"Dakota," he cooed. "You're going to be okay. I love you, I love you so much. I'll do anything if you just stay with me. No, don't close your eyes, please don't close your eyes."

My air was running short, so I began to gasp for air. My lungs seemed to be getting smaller, and everyone around me was starting to fade from my view. I tried to keep my eyes open for Rian, but the harder it got to breathe, the more it hurt to look him in the eyes. His tears were falling harder, hitting my cheek as they slid from his own. I wanted so badly to wipe them away, but I couldn't lift my own arm. I tried to call out one more I love you, but when I opened my mouth to scream the words, I could feel my final gasp of air escaping my lungs. I was fading faster than I ever imagined possible, and within a second, I was gone.

"Time of death- Eight fifteen P.M."
♠ ♠ ♠
Annndddd... Done!
Now, I know it's probably not what you expected, and it didn't come out anything like I planned.
But this was certainly the main idea for this story.
Final thoughts?