Missing Piece Of The Puzzle


My name is Lily Hannah Walker and I’m nineteen years old.
I lived in the small town of Cedarville, Washington; the place where I grew up. Life was normal. I had a Mom and a Dad. I played sports with my older brother, Greg. We were your normal everyday functioning family, that is, until disaster struck.
On my eighteenth birthday I was told the truth - they weren’t my parents. I was adopted.
Now, this won’t strike you as too weird, because thousands of children are adopted daily. I had been one of them.
No, you see, the weird part is because my biological family, that is to say my real family - well, they were living the dream. My birth name is Lily Hannah Jonas - twin sister of Joseph Adam Jonas, older sister to Franklin and Nicholas, younger sister to Paul Kevin Jonas II and daughter to Denise and Paul Jonas.
I had only one question repeatedly running through my mind throughout the entire flight to Los Angeles where I would call them out on it:
Why had they given me up for adoption?