My Intoxication


-Tragik's POV-

"TRA-LA-LAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Frank squealed, sprinting down the hallway, and hopping on my back.
"Don't call me that!" I screamed back, equally as loud " And shove off" I Started squirming and dancing across the halls trying to get him off my back.
"OUCH! You're making me hard, Trag."
"Get off her Frankenstein" Pansie barked skipping down the halls.
Frankenstein? Tra-la-la? What are we? 4?
"FINE!" Frank screamed in a P.M.S-like rage and got off me.
Then he sulked and took a couple steps and hopped right on top off Pansie! I sat there, laughing like the walking spastic I am. It doesn't take all that much to make me laugh. Especially Pansie and Frank.
"Thanks for returning the favor." Pansie murmured, Frank on her back looking rather triumphant.
"Aw sugar, you know you like it"
"Who wouldn't" Frank replied, rocking back and forth on Pansie, as if humping her.
"FUCK OFF!" she screamed, and Frank slowly climbed off her.
Then the bell rang.
I had Science, which meant Pansie had Geometry,which meant Frank had Social Studies. We were hardly in any of the same classes, homeroom, Language Arts, an specials. That's all.

I headed off to Science to see the usual assholes,doing usual asshole-ish things, as usual. Then Mr. Teddermuffins introduced a new student.
"This is Mr. Way" he said "Maybe, some of you could show him around and make friends with him"
"Yawn" I thought. I had my Pansie and Frankie, so I was all good.

Class rolled on, Gerard(new kids first name) and I got stuck as lab partners. I didn't care. I hardly talk to my lab partners. I hardly talk to anyone besides Pans And Frank.

Then we got out of class. Science was my last period. So no more school until Monday.
I thought quietly about whether or not Dad was home. He wasn't ( i think) so Frank could come over. Mom wasn't a problem, seeing as though she's dead and all...

"OVER HERE YA WHORE!" Frank shouted. Tsk Tsk, I get no respect.
Me and Pansie piled into Franks car (it is shit). He had a car cause his birthday was on before mine and Pansie's and it already passed so he was 17. It wasn't his car...his dad's his dad never drove much, so Frank used it.

We hopped in(me and Pans) and cranked the radio. Smashing Pumpkins. It was gonna be a good weekend.
That is until we saw the local assholes beating on some kid. We couldn't just let Henry Bowers and his cronies mutilate this poor kid. Frank pulled over and went up to Bowers.
"Hey man, let him go. What he do?" Frank always had to try and reason. No reasoning with Bowers and his jerks.
Me and Pansie rushed over to the kid as Frank confronted Henry. Then I noticed he was Gerard.
"You okay?" I asked.
"I am now." He looked at me and smiled. He had a pretty smile, ugly tic-tac like teeth though.
Me and Pansie helped him in the car. I sat with him in the back and Pansie drove. She didn't have a permit like Frank, but we had to get the hell out of there.
We pulled up next to Frank.
"Get in!" Pansie yelled. Frank hopped in, narrowly escaping a punch to the face from one of Bowers' boys and we drove off....

The ride home was pretty quiet. Especially Gerard.
When we pulled into mine and Pansie's driveway, no car so I was right.
"So..." Frank said. "what do we do now?"
"NOOO clue." Pansy said. "Is Tragie like dead?"
I got sooo embarrassed. Frank was officially going to die for that.
"So...Wanna come in?" I asked Gerard. He naively nodded and without speaking. We headed inside.
"Hey." I started. "let's do something stupid. Like play a 5-year-old board game."
"Only you." Pansie said.
"Er...." Gerard actually spoke "You guys got Candyland?"
I glared at Frank. He glared back. It was WAR.
"Ya." Pansie said. "not a good idea though."
"Do I wanna know?" Gerard said.
"Probably not"
Then Frank and I sprinted for the game shelf and tore out Candyland. We threw the board and cards together and found the buried treasure...the red player piece.
"MINE!" I squeaked and snatched up the piece.
"NO!" Frank cried. He started wrestling me for it. Then I licked it.
"Ew! I don't want the one Tragie gave head!" Frank squealed.
Then we started playing.