My Intoxication

The Camel Game!

- Pansie's POV -

I rubbed my eyes sleepily and slowly sat up, disconnecting myself from Frank’s grip. I realized I was squished between Tragik and Frank in the hotel bed. Hmm. I wonder what time we crashed last night? I turned myself over and kissed Frank lightly on the lips and he slowly opened his eyes. Now, I know exactly what your thinking: Your not with Frank, so isn’t that weird that you slept in the same bed and kissed him? Well, it’s not, trust me. Frank and me have done this kind of stuff countless times, he was like my brother.
Then I turned over to Tragik and licked her face. Yeah, I’m weird. She sat up and looked around.
Gerard and Mikey were already up, playing some card game.
I yawned softly, “What time is it? Noon?”
“Four” Gerard answered, looking up from the cards.
“Four?” Frank asked sleepily.
“Four” Gerard repeated.
“Mhmm…. It’s four already?”
“Woah, we sure can sleep”
“Word” I echoed, pulling the comforter off me and stretching.

It took us awhile to get up. I kept lying back down and closing my eyes. Eventually Frank just dragged me out of bed.
Everyone got dressed and we put all of our shit in Frank’s car and got comfortable. I was in the back with Mikey and Frank, and naturally, Tragie and Gerard we’re up front together.
“Let’s play the camel game!” I suggested. Tragik groaned and Gerard and Mikey just kind of stared.
“Your on” Frank challenged as I took a deep breath.
“Camel!” I screamed as everyone covered their ears.
“Camel!” Frank shouted back louder. We just got louder and louder until Tragik pulled over.
She turned around to look and us and quietly said, “The next person to scream, gets dropped off on the side of the parkway”
We nodded furiously and smirked at each other. Frank and I lived to torture Tragik. Sometimes I think me and Frank could pass off as twins because we we’re so alike.