My Intoxication

To. The. End.

Tragik’s POV

“I hope you burn in he-” I was cut off by this insane pain deep in my stomach.
I felt like I was leaking.
I grabbed at my stomach and just about feel to the ground.
I was curious to see if Gerard would be nice and try to help, or if his anger would get the best of him.
“Oh my god. Are you okay?” Squee! Yay for Gerard!
“Yeah. I just- ow!” I couldn’t even get out a full sentence.
“Fuck.” He mumbled and tried to help me up.

About ten minutes later Pansie rushed to my side.
“Damn.” Was all she had to say. Thanks darling.
“You think you’re like water broke?” Insayne asked.
“No.” I mumbled “just a really bad hangover.” There is no situation in which I cannot be sarcastic.

About another five minutes later I felt totally fine. Birthing is weird.
“I’m really sorry.” Gerard said to me.
“Don’t be. I’m the ass face mc-spazatoid”
And on that note a got weird looks a kiss on the check and all was good.

-Time Elapse-
“FUCK!!!” I screamed inside of the ambulance on the way to the hospital.
“Shhh. It’s okay” Gerard said, dabbing the sweat off my forehead.
“Isnt this thing like early?” Pansie asked. Her and Gerard were the only ones allowed into the ambulance. Everybody else was at the hospital (or on the way at least).
“Noo” insert scream here “SHIT!!” I yelled at her.
“Thank geebus this is almost over.” She said as I squeezed tight on her hand.

-Time Elapse-
“IS THAT THING OUT YET!” I yelled. Labor is a bitch.
“Uh… Miss Aiden.” I corrected. Gerard’s face kinda dropped, but it is my name.
“Oh yes, of course” he said in typical ‘I’m a doctor, so I didn’t just fuck that up’ fashion “About your baby…”