My Intoxication

Jack White And The Five Dumbasses.

- Pansie's POV -

Hmm. What to do, what to do?
“Barnes and Nobel!” I shouted from the front.
“Oh my Gerard yes!” Tragik retorted and Gerard gave her a pequeerlier (peculiar/queer) look.
“You do not own me,” Gerard stated crossing his arms over his chest and blowing her a raspberry.
“You wanna bet?”
“I do!” Mikey cried and then he looked at us and said, “That was a rhetorical question, wasn’t it?”
Tragik nodded and we grabbed our hoodies and our hotel keys and we we’re off.

“Jack White!” I screamed in fangirlish fashion as I tore the magazine from the shelf.
“Not this again” Frank whined as his hand connected with forehead.
“Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack Whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiteeeeeeeeeeeeee!” I repeated, stretching out his name. I saw Tragik, Gerard and Mikey come back from getting coffee and Tragik moaned, “Crap not again!”
I started doing a happy dance right then and there. Sure, it got me a hell of alotta weird stares and murmurs, but it was Jack White!
“Uh Pansie, do you want some milk and sugar with your coffee?” Gerard asked, trying to calm me down. Jack White was my lover from another mother, son.
“No. I want some coffee with my milk and sugar” I replied. Milk and sugar made coffee win at life.
“If you stop singing and dancing, I’ll buy you the magazine” Frank offered in attempt to make me stop. Hmm. Deal!
I ran up to him and almost hugged him to death.
“If you don’t stop, Jack White goes bye-bye” Frank threatened, so naturally, I calmed down. I felt the urge to lick the magazine, but I figured I’d get slapped by one of the non White Stripes obsessers.

So Frank bought me the magazine and I got coffee too.
“What to do, what to do?” Tragik sighed. I thought, what the most randomest thing we could possibly do.
“Let’s go back to our house and play truth or dare!” I cried. The only one to object was Mikey. Figures, he had no sense of adventure. I shouldn’t complain, he did have enough guts to go blue on his head (well…kinda sorta).

There the five of us sat, in my dark living room. You’d think we were doing some creepy cult thing or having a séance or some shits, but no, we’re just playing “hardcore” truth or dare.
“I’ll go first, considering it was my idea. Hmm. Tragik!”
“Do your worst. Truth!”
“How hard do you want to bang Gee?”
Frank was dying on the floor by then and I had to hit him to make him breathe.
“Uh. Pretty damn hard”
Gerard was blushing like crazy. It was an amusing situation…. if you were Frank, Mikey or I.
“My turn now! Frank!”
“Dare, bitch”
“Ooh, not nice. I was going to dare you to make out with Pansie, but now, it shall Mikey”
“What?” Mikey and Frank gasped.
“That’s right,” She declared proudly, “Bitch,” She added, imitating Frank.
Frank timidly crawled over to Mikey and their lips touched.
“That was pa-the-tic!” I screamed.
“Do it like you mean it! You pansies!” Tragik demanded.
So, they did it harder. And I had one thing to say about it…
“That was hot”