My Intoxication

Nose Job

Tragik's POV-

I was so amped for the trip. It’s not like I had a good reason to stay out of my house. I just… liked to roam. Go free, with my best friend, too. Australia was going to be the best trip ever (New York was so far). But I think life is going to be boring before then.
We found out the official leave date was Friday, it was Monday, and so that’s not gonna be soooo bad. Just a lot of patience will be needed. Patience Frank doesn’t have.
“Why can’t we leave today???” he begged.
“Because, we can’t” Pansie was always looking out for Frank, like a dog trainer and her poodle…Yup, Frank was definitely a poodle.

- Time Elapse-
I was sooo excited. It seemed like Monday was only yesterday…wait, no it didn’t. That was the longest week of my life. We would be gone 3 weeks. I felt bad that Mikey couldn’t come he wasn’t in our grade. We promised to stop and think of Mikey every once and a while…and did.

So when we got to the airport, we managed a four-row seat, don’t ask how…I’m not sure, but Frank has his ways.
“Hey guys, I got us a four-row seat.” He announced.
“How?” Pansie said.
“Kicking and scratching.” He retorted as we boarded the plane.

We all plopped in our seats. Can you guess the order? Well, I like the window seat, and Pansie likes aisle, so you can figure it out from there.
“Are we there yet?” Frank questioned, the plane wasn’t even close to ready to take off.
“Shut up.” I told him. “I’m planning on getting there in seventeen days, so I can catch up on some beauty sleep.
“God knows you need it.” Bowers added walking by. He has been sore at our little cluster, ever since Gerard fucked up his nose. He deserved it.
“Nice accessory.” Gee added pointing to the cast on his nose.
“Go to Beverly Hills and get a nose job" Pansie added. “Trying to look more pretty?”
“Didn’t work.” I said as he started to walk away.
I knew we were all thinking the same thing, we needed a Mikey, Pansie decided to fill in (she usually did when Mikey was nowhere to be found)
“Burnnn” she said. There. It was perfect.

I fell asleep almost instantly. I heard Frank mutter something when I was out “Aw, they are sleeping together how cute.”
“As if he hasn’t happened before” added Pansie. I felt like talking back and saying “We don’t do it every night, like a certain couple I know.” But, I was too tired and Pansie (probably not Frank) would pull a good comeback. So back to bed it was.