My Intoxication

Freaking Taco Bell

-Tagik's POV-

"Food..." Frank mumbled, after we all had situated ourselves in the hotel.
"Sounds good." Mr. Stump added walking down the hall past us, "Head to the buses."
"Buses? What about cabs?" I asked
"Buses wouldn't pick us all up at the airport, but they will take us anywhere... and everywhere else."He said with a twinkle in his eye. Why was he trying to be so funny? He didn't do funny well...

We boarded the bus and decided to spice things up. I sat with Pansie, and Frank with Gee. I know, we lead such exciting lives.

The the bus pulled into our lunch spot....holy fuck. It was Taco Bell. Mother fucking Taco Bell. We get a nice hotel, an awesome trip, and a freaking Taco Bell. Life sucks.

Frank and Pansie couldn't really eat much, Pansie had some chips,and Frank ate some weirdo-looking cheese thing....

After a while we decided to idiot up the place. We went to the soda machine and blended every flavor. It was epic.
The final product looked similar to Mikey' "surprise" from a couple days ago, god, that seemed like years...
So anyway the stuff looked like barf, and everyone thought it tasted like it too...well almost everyone.
"Yum!" Pansie shrieked.
"How can you stomach that??" Frank asked in disbelief.
"Cause its good." She yelped taking another huge slurp.
Then Gee started to laugh. "Ha." he said "Now, when you guys make-out she's gonna taste like soda shit!" I laughed too. Revenge; so sweet.

After an hour or two we headed back to the buses to go back to the hotel and do our "activities", you know, like learn-y stuff. So off we went.