My Intoxication


-Tragik’s POV-

“Well, that was disappointing..” Gee looked at me with a smirk.
“Dude, you’re preaching to the choir, you should’ve been inside my head it was all ‘Taco Bell. Fucking Taco Bell.’” I returned at him.
“I am inside you’re head.” Gerard muttered, running over to me and pretending to open up my skull.
“Nope, it’s empty.” He laughed.

Then we heard a knock on the door saying it was time for dinner, damn, that soon? Maybe that’s how the Aussie’s do it, whatever.

By the time we met up with Frank and Pansie he didn’t look so hot (not that he usually does, but...).
“You okay?” I asked, feeling his forehead.
“Yeah, he is.” Pansie added, “He is just no fun, probably jet lagged.”
“Yeah...” I murmured. I think it’s worse than that.
And I was right too (I just about always am). Too bad he didn’t hold out…

“Hey kids!” Oh god…the Stump rises from the dead. “How you liking Australia?”
“Pretty go-” and BAM! Right then and there. Frank barf and Mr. Stumps new leather shoes, WE HAVE MADE CONTACT!

“Oh god.” Pansie muttered, Gee grabbed Frank and helped him walk, and then we all headed for the First Aid station.

“Food poisoning.” The nurse said, “He’s got it bad too.”
“Ha.” Pansie said “What a shitty way to spend a week in Australia.” You could tell she was really worried; she just didn’t like making it apparent.

-Time Elapse-

Poor Frank, he had to stay in the hotel room, when the rest of us headed out to the Sydney Opera house. It was probably one of the most famous (and exciting) stops we were gonna make.

We all kissed Frank good-bye (even Gee, I was right, it was hot) and left, all I could think about was poor Frank, and Mikey a little too; he would’ve stayed with Frank. I don’t know why Pansie wouldn’t, probably because she is a heartless fiend (kid-ing)