My Intoxication

Let's Get McCraken!

-Tragik’s POV-

-Time Elapse

Oh joy. Today was time to see Bert. I could already hear his voice:
“Let’s get McCraken!”
Ugh. I dreaded Tuesdays.

Frank pulled up in front of our house, he gave me a ride. Dad and I hardly spoke anymore, can you blame us? Only thing he enforced was I stayed in (other than school and Bert) and I never[//b] got to speak to Gerard.

“Hey hey!” he exclaimed as I hoped in the car. Since my little “accident” we were closer than ever.
“Hey!” I repeated at him, giving him a uber hug.
“To Bert?” he asked.
“To Bert.” I answered.
“Okay.” He said as we sped off.
“HI HO SILVER!AWAY!!” I yelled.

In case you are wondering, Bert is my therapist. A pretty okay guy, but every misunderstood teenager hates someone that tries to understand them.

“Hello Tragie!” Bert exclaimed as we walked through the door. Yup, he called me “Tragie”, like we were friends or something.
“see you in an hour.” I sighed
“I’ll be counting the minutes.” He replied and walked out.

“So,” Bert began “Let’s get McCracken!” he always said that. Funny at first, seeing as though he’s Bert McCraken, then it gets kinda fucked up.

“well…” I began “I thought about killing myself again yesterday.” I joked. He was okay with jokes, as long as he could tell that their jokes.
“Hardey Har har.” He added sarcastically, then said “so, you been out lately?”
“Nope.” I sighed “Only for school and to see you, and I hardly talk to any of my friends at school now-a-days” I thought a minute, back to the fearsome threesome, Pansie, Frank, and me. I laughed in silence.
“Why is that?” Bert questioned.
“Hm… Mostly because I only had like five or six (if Sean counted..which I doubt) and one of them fucked me, and the other one was the guy that did me, his brother, and the other the guy that did me’s brother’s best friend…so yeah.”
“Oh right!” he exclaimed “The Jared guy.”
“Gerard.” I corrected and sighed. Haven’t talked to him since the accident, which was how long? A month?!? Damn…
“So who do you talk to?”
”erm” I thought “Pansie and Frank, and Bowers, but only to harass him.”
“Tsk tsk. I thought we dealt with your anger problems.” Ha. That so did not work.
“Yeah. But, Bowers isn’t the kinda guy you just stop hating. If you do, he’ll make you hate him all over again.”
“I’m so sure you weren’t looking for someone to hate. You cant channel your anger towards a person, through someone else.”
”Oh really.” I cocked a brow. “And who exactly would this other person be.” I started getting cozy, put my feet on his table and laid back.
“Gerard.” He muttered
It was hard not to die of laughter. Never for a second could I hate Gerard. I was kinda pissed he never spoke to me, but I couldn’t blame him.
“Uh huh.” I told Bert “If you say so…”

The hour rolled on, very slowly, and Frank came to pick me up.
“How’d it go?” he asked
“Hm” I shrugged “Not sure.”
“Wanna kill yourself?”
“Then it was successful.”

And on that note, we left..