My Intoxication

Hot Fries

Pansie’s POV

“To the music store!” I announced. Only Frank followed me though. Figures. So Frank and me went to the music store alone. Tragik was with Bob, Ray, Sean and Mikey; so she’s safe, and I don’t need to worry.
“So what do you want?” He asked as I looked through tape after tape, CD after CD.
“The White Stripes” I mumbled, finding what I wanted.
“Bah” Frank shrugged, picking up a Bouncing Souls CD, “I’ll buy you that, if we can share”
“Deal, as long as you let me share that with you” I told him pointing to his CD.
“It’s a good thing we have the same taste, or I’d be broke from buying music,” Frank said laughing, as he took out his money. Frank doesn’t have a wallet like a normal person; he just shoves a bunch of change, dollars and receipts into his pockets. He looses a shit load of money that way, but he’s too stubborn to get a wallet.
So we paid for CD’s and went to meet up with the rest of our gang.

It was still early on a Friday night, so we needed to find something to do.
Sean and Mikey we’re going back to his house to play guitar hero, so now we we’re minus two smart people who could’ve came up with something to do.

“I want fries,” I announced randomly.
“Word” Frank echoed. Tragik threw me five dollars and said to bring her some too.
So I got everyone their shit, and handed it out.
“Hot!” Frank cried as he went to eat one.
“You think? I mean, they only just came out of a boiling pot of grease” Tragik retorted.
Frank scowled and went to eat another one.
“Hot!” He cried again.
Frank’s not the sharpest crayon in the box.