My Intoxication


-Tragik's POV-
"Yes." I muttered "But were happy idiots."
"HEY!" Pansie said "I think Gee needs a tour."
"I'LL GIVE IT!" Frank said and ran upstairs. "Follow you idiots."
"Again, happy idiots." I corrected.

Then Frank led Gee and me and Pansie to our room (mine and Pansie, that is) we don't have to share a room, we just want to.
"And this is my bed" Frank said plopping on Pansie's bed. I don't know why, but he likes Pansie's bed better. I think it's because she's slightly shorter than me and Frank is uber short. "You can have Tragik's bed, Gee." he finished.
"MY bed?" I demanded.
"Ya, Cause Pansie's bed is owned, by me, so he could have yours, or your dad's. I think sharing a bed with Mr. Aiden would make Gerard slightly uncomfortable. Am I right?" I rolled my eyes, Frank thinks too much, me? Hardly at all, Pansie is the same way.
" Uh...yes!" Gee screamed and hopped onto my bed.
"Well, Tragik" Frank said to Gee in his best high-pitched girl voice," Let's see whats on t.v"
"OH pa-lease, Lero" Pansie said "You don't have to try and get your voice that high." Pansie remarked. I gave a laugh. Ya, I do that sometimes...more like a lot.
"Why yes, dear sister Pansie. Let's." Gerard returned at Frank.
" 'Dear sister Pansie' ?" I chuckled "I would die, before I said 'dear sister' to anyone."
"She's right." Pansie agreed. She was probably thinking the same thing.

Gee, Pansie, and Frank chatted for a while and I sat on the floor and started brainstorming ideas. I do that a lot. Just sit there and think up something fun (and stupid) to do.
"Road Trip." I muttered after a hardcore 20 minutes of thinking.
"YES!" Pansie squealed. Nine times out of ten she thinks my stupid ideas are genius.Having a twin to agree with me, keeps me sane.
"I'm up for it." Frank agreed. "Gerard?"
"Sure! I really like hanging out with you gu-...oh shit."
"What?'" I asked him.
"Mikey." he said "I totally forgot about him."
"He can come." I said. I didn't care if the kid sucked on his toes, if he was Gee's little brother he was okay by me.
"Ya! Gee's lil bro is probably cool-io." Frank scared me sometimes....
"You scare me sometimes" Pansie said. Twin telepathy is really a funny thing, at times.

Then we all headed down to Gee's house, he didn't live that far, and knocked on the door waiting for an answer. After Frank rang it like 50 times (we didn't wait that long, Frank just has no patience) Mikey answered.
"Hey, Gee! Who are your friends?" Mikey was a nerdy-looking kid. Square like glasses, like mine only mine were pink and his black, blondish-brown hair, very tall (which did not please Frank) and very thin.
"Tragik, Pansie and Frank." Gee said, not even bothering to label which is which.
"I'm Frank" Pansie said, she is sooo mature.
"What?" Mikey clearly didn't get sarcasm, Pansie's kind at least.
"I'm really Frank" Frank's no fun sometimes. "That comedian is Pansie and that's her sister Tagik." Then he lowered to a whisper "Tragik is madly in love with your brother"
It was still loud enough for me, Gerard,and Pansie to hear, so she said "True story." and started to nod. Gosh, my friends are so nice to me.
"No I'm not. And the reason were here is to see if you wanna come with us on our rode trip!"
" It's not like I have anything better to do. Where we going?" Mikey replied.
"Very nice question. And it was your idea, so where to my dear Tragik?" Frank asked.
"No clue. We'll wing it. LETS GO!!!!" I said grabbing everybody's arms and sprinting back to my house and we all sat in Frank's car.

"uh...Tragie? I love you to death but I have to know where we are going. And how long will we be there?" Frank was starting to get pushy on my free will.
"Hold on." I said and ran into the house got all the money we had and some extra sweatshirts and blankets, in case anyone got cold.
" I WANT THE PINK ONE" Gee demanded. Frank and Pansie were right. I do love him.

So Gee snatched up my pink sweatshirt and I handed out the rest.
"SO THE CITY IT IS!" Frank shouted and we started up the car and left.