My Intoxication


Tragik’s POV-

Okay, so I was drunk, (apparently) pregnant, and like high. So I decided to not sleep. No sleep, no waking up, no hangover. See, I’m genius.
“SO baby,” I said plopping myself in Bob’s lap. “I dig your sound. You should do vocals in a band.”
“LIKE ME!!” Iny slurred.
“NO DEAL!!” Gee screamed sitting next to Bob and I. “I get to be vocals! Bob’s drums!”
This confused me. Were they in a band?
“Are you guys like in a band?” I asked. Frankie looked like he saw a ghost. He was definitely the most sober of us, shocking, yes?
“Uh…yeah.” Frank muttered.
“What? Was this a secret?” I asked.
“Yuppie.” Gee hiccuped “But you know, so its okay.”
“Yeah…” I murmured. Why didn’t they tell me? Bah. I was too drunk to care.
“Come here.” Gee spat at me, not in a mean way in a ‘I-am-so-effing-drunk-get-your-ass-over-here’ way.
So I sat on him, in a straddle kinda way. Ew, I could feel his boner. Eww…
“I am tired.” I announced laying my head on his shoulder.
“Me too,” he agreed, lying his head on mine and wrapping his arms around me. “I’m going to bed.”
“PARTY POOPERS!” Pansie and Dysfunctional announced. They can shut up.
“Go die.” Gee muttered.
“I thought you would stay up” Insayne added.
“OH RIGHT!” I said dropping Gee like a rock and sprinting over to my girls.
“SO what now?” Dysfunctional asked.
“Hmm…” I thought, going to get more booze. Okay, so I’m starting to go alcoholic, big deal.
“Stop.” Pansie added, slapping the beer out of my hands “You’re just like mom!” …
Mom died of alcohol overdose. Yeah, I should probably stop.
“MOVIE!!” demanded Insayne. I so knew which one she meant.

Then Pansie put “IT” in the VCR. We’ve seen this movie too much.
“Oh my god, turn it off!” demanded a hungover Gerard as he woke up.
“Aw sugar.” Ii said putting my arm around him, “It will be okay”
“Does this mean you’ll turn it off?”
“NO DEAL!!!” I screamed going back to my Peennywise.