My Intoxication

Gay Sex and Revenge

-Tragik’s POV

Gerard Arthur Way, one asshole.
“Let’s go inside,” I murmured. Not only do I HATE outdoors with a burning passion, I was also scared shitless from the movie.
“Aw, Tragie scared?” Frank betted his eyes and pushed out his lips in a pouty way and drew a tear down his face.
“Well, I am sorry I’m more easily frightened the you are.” I finished off by sticking my tongue out at him.
“BITCH!” he exclaimed.
“And you want it.” I exuded in his face.
“Gerard does.” He spat back at me, in the same un-emotional tone.
“NOT THIS AGAIN!” I screamed at him, complete with evil glare. goddamn that Frank.
“What?” he shot me back the same glare, “You think he doesn’t? Listen honey, lemme teach you something about men: they don’t go around sexing girls that they don’t want, unless they are men whores. I doubt Gee s a man whore.” Again I say, goddamn that Frank.
“Fuck you!!!” I shouted back at him.
“You wanna? Get in line!”
“Where? Behind Pansie? She gets ‘special treatment’?” okay, Frank and I were getting nasty, it will probably get worse…

It so did.
I remembered that I had yet to get revenge on Frank for that Truth or Dare night.

Time to use my fears as my advantage. Frank, welcome to Night of the Tragik Dead.

I figured I couldn’t go all out as Tragik-Zombie, so I decided murder. NOBODY[i/] was in on my plan, so everyone would uber freak out, thus adding a nice effect to the plan.
Only problem left: how to get out?
“Fuck.” Ray announced, “We’re out of fire wood.”
“Oh,” my chance, “I’ll get some.”
“Not alone your not.” Fuck. Why was Gee so nice?
“So not a problem.” I said, and before he could retort, I ran out.

SO I ran out to the store, grabbed some firewood and ketchup and headed back.

I went through the front door to grab a knife, to complete the effect. I ran straight to the kitchen, and grabbed the knife. I returned to head back out the front when I saw Ray, and Sean. THEY WERE FUKING MAKING OUT! HOLY FUCKK!!!!!
Can they do that? Ewy! I mean, I’m not homophobe or anything, it was just…weird.

So I forgot about it (not really, I just needed to finish the mission) and headed out the front door. I ran out to the side yard and plopped onto the grass. I had some scabs on my legs and stuff, which I picked at fore added effect, then I covered my body and the knife in ketchup and let out a blood-curdling scream.

Everyone ran to my side. I got a lot of “Holy Fuck”s and “No way”s and shits like that. I felt kinda bad after a while, they were starting to worry. I could practically feel Pansie ad Gerard’s tears drop onto my face.
Then I heard what I was waiting for, Frank.
“I-I-iii, no-n-no bod-bo-body co-could ha-handle l-los-losing their be-be-best friend tw-ic-twice!” I could hardly understand him through his sobs. Ha on them. Well, not them, ha on Frank.