My Intoxication

Pansy and Pansie


“Are we there yet?” I muttered. I was groaning in displeasure, due to the fact Frank was leaning on my shoulder and giggling at something Mikey said. Mikey seemed cool, more my type than Gerard was.
“No” Gee returned, shaking his head.
“Are we there yet, now?”
“No” Gee and Tragik yelled over Frank’s laughter.
“What about now?”
“No!” Everyone screamed at once.
“Geez, no need to yell” I pouted and leaned forward to crank up the crappy radio of Frank’s crappy car.
“Your radio’s a piece of crap Frank” Tragik commented, smirking. Twiiiiiiiiiiiiin telepathy, I tell you, twin telepathy.
“Yeah … well. Yeah!” Frank stuttered. I shook my head and laughed at them. I have such weird friends. Nervous Breakdown by Black Flag was on. Frank’s eyes lit up as we both started screaming the words.
“They we’re made for each other”
“Tell me about it”
I glared at Gerard and continued my little dance and song.

“Pansie poked me!” Frank whined from the backseat and Tragik rolled her eyes.
“Did not!”
“Did too!”
“Nuh uh!”
“Yeah huh!”
“Nuh uh times infinity!”
“Yeah huh times infinity and four!”
“Will you love birds shut it and grow up?”
I glared and Frank mumbled, “Gerard’s your lovebird, Tragie”

We we’re riding through the Holland Tunnel and singing 1979 by the Smashing Pumpkins, cause we’re cool like that.
“We should push Mikey down a hill in a tire!” Tragik suggested. I loved her random train of thought and her ingenious ideas.
“Yeah!” We shouted in agreement.
“Hell no!” Mikey squeaked and crossed his arms over the chest.
“Pansy,” commented Gerard.
“What?” I asked leaning my head forward to look at him.
“I was calling Mikey a pansy, I wasn’t calling for you”
“I see said the blind man”
“We’re here!” screamed Frank from beside me.
“Yay! Let’s disturb the peace!” I cried, unlocking the door as we all piled out.