My Intoxication


Pansie’s POV

Surprisingly, when we went to go get Gee and Frank, they weren’t doing anything, they we’re asleep. I jumped on the both of them and they groaned.
“Wakey, wakeyyyyyy!” I screeched.

“I refuse to eat food that Ray made. I’d probably get food poisoning,” Frank declared.
“You already had food poisoning” Tragik sighed.
“No. He had foreign food poisoning” I corrected.
Everyone just sighed at me and shook their heads. That happens … a lot.

We we’re watching spongebob and we’re all lazed around on the couch somewhere. I had my head on Frank’s lap and my feet on Sean who had his head on Rays shoulder. Insayne sat in the armchair next to us with Dysfunctional on her lap. Gerard was on the arm of the couch and Tragik was squished between Frank and myself. Sean squirmed and pushed my feet off of him and growled, “Stop ruining my morning”
“I’m not ruining it,” I explained, “I’m enhancing it”
“I want a mini Squidward” Tragie announced.
“I’ll get you one for Christmas” Bob assured.
Sean and Ray we’re making out again… 0_o

Time Elapse

You know what I felt like doing? Making Frank guilty! Haha. I’m a pisspoor friend.
“Remember when we we’re 7 and you broke my wrist?” I asked him. He flushed.
“And remember when you left the gate open when we we’re 11 and our dog ran away?” Tragik added.
“And re-” I started but was cut off by Frank screaming, “Stop”
“Can’t you find something else to do other than torture me?” He pleaded.
“Hmm. Nahh. I live to torture you”