My Intoxication

I Heart Revenge

-Tragik’s POV-

Okay, so I’m nervous as hell, and so are Frank and Pansie. Correction: Frank and Pansie are probably worse.
“Wh-what-what??” Frank stuttered.
“I-It’s Okay.” I stuttered back at him

So we all got in the car and headed to a drug store. When we got there, I just wanted to be in and out.
“Stay here.” I told them, but when have Frank and Pansie been known to listen? NEVER.

So we ran inside, I grabbed what I “needed” and went to pay.
“Ooh.” The cash register lady looked at me “Someone’s in trouble.”
I laughed, “No kidding.”
“Is the father in jail? Trust me, if he is, abort. Or else you’ll end up working at a CVS trying to support your kids your whole life.” She told me
“Personal experience?” I asked.
“Yeah.” She told me. Ruth was her name. She was sweet.
“Well, he’s not. He is too sweet and kind for jail.”
“That him over there?” she asked pointing to Frank, who was with Pansie. “The two timing little bitch.”
“No, that’s my friend, and the girl he’s talking to is my sister.”
“Okay then.” She handed me my bag “Good luck sweetie.” And on that note, we left.

So, we ran inside, made it past dad and I ran upstairs to the bathroom.

How the hell do you work this thing? It took me a good twenty minutes to figure it out.
Okay, I shall spare you how it works. It’s a slightly odd process.
All in all, I was good. Negative. PRAISE THE LORD!

So I walk out to find Pansie and Frank, of course, making out.

I heart revenge.

So then, Dad walks in. I hide the test so he wouldn’t see it (even though I was good) and he caught Frank and Pansie!!

Again I say:
I heart revenge.

So dad kicks Frank out la la la and all that shit. Then Dad looked at me.
“And what the hell are you doing? You’ve never been the innocent one. What’s in your pocket?”
He took it out. FUCK.
“What the hell?” he was to stupid to figure out it meant negative so I shot him a glare.
“Yes daddy, I am pregnant. Gerard knocked me up.”
Pansie turned pale, Dad went to vomit, and I sat there with a pleased smile on my face.
“Daddy?” I looked at him “Get me some marshmallows? Could ya?” he so would. My dad’s a bitch, but he’s a gentlemen bitch.
“Oh yeah, sure.” He grabbed his coat and left.

“FUCK!” Pansie looked at me. “How-How? Ge-Gerard? You tell him?”
“No need.” I said, opening Pansie’s laptop and signing on aim. Wow, like everyone was on. Of course first im; Gerard.

Beautifully Tragik: yeah. hold on a sec.

I didn’t wanna talk to him! Ah, Insayne was on. Good.

Beautifully Tragik: its time
Insayne Clown: k. you and pansie head down now?
Beautifully Tragik: yeah. and have the guys come too. ill tell gee and mikey and frank. you cal the rest.
Insayne clown: k i will
Insayne clown has signed off

Beautifully Tragik: Grab ALL your stuff, and meet me at frank house. same with mikey (specially his bass and amp)
UNLEASHTEHBATS:k. pansie comin?
Beautifully Tragik: hellz yeah. Love ya. Bye
UNLEASHTEHBATS: k. love you 2. bye.
Beautifully Tragik has signed off

“C’mon Pansie. How long do we have til Dad gets home?” I told her.
“Not sure. Where we going?”
“Just grab everything. Even dad’s Epiphone, and we gotta get to Frank’s”
“Er…okay.” She looked a little confused.

So we grabbed all our stuff and headed down to Franks house. It was time to tour.
But, before we left, we had to leave Dad a little note.

Dear Daddy,
We are leaving to go on tour as a band. We will be safe, a 19 year old will accompany us. We will talk to you, when we can. And yes, Gerard will be coming, along with his band.
Pansie and Tragik

(P.S. Tragik is not pregnant, but since Gerard is coming, that could change.)

So we ran down to Frank house, our instruments and belongings in hand. We even brought Jepha (Pansie's giraffe) and Rawr (my penguin). I was soooooooo excited. =)