My Intoxication

Fall Out Boy

-Tragik’s POV-

-Time Elapse
So we get to this bar, at this club in New York where were supposed to play.
We get there…and who do we see?
“Tragik?” Great. He notices me first. “What are you doing here? Where are you’re parents?”
“Dead.” I told him.
“No there not!” Frank retorted skipping over “I have adopted the Aiden twins.” Then he grabs Gerard “And this is my wife.” Then he gave us all a huge hug “We’re a very happy family.”
“Extremely funny Mr. Iero. Now why are you kids here.”
“We’re performing.” I told him “Now, now Stumpy. Why are you here?”
“Uh…same as you guys.” Said this guy walking over to us. He looked like 18. “And you are?” he looked at us.
“You first.” Frank added with a scoff.
“Pete.” He said “Pete Wentz.”
Something about this Pete guy gave me the creeps.
“Wait. So your in a BAND?!?” I asked Stump. Ew. My geography teacher is in a band. GROSS.
“Uh…yes.” he said, he looked kinda embarrassed.
“What’s it called?” Pansie asked looking slightly interested.
“Fall out boy.” Said Pete. He scared me, a lot.
“Good name.” Gerard smirked. “We’re My Chemical Romance.”
“And we’re My Intoxication.” Great. My sister revealed to my ex-teach our band name was basically My Drunkness.
“You still teaching, Stump?” Frank asked him.
“No. It wasn’t the right thing for me.” He said, grabbing a seat at the bar. Ew. I was having conversations with my teacher and his band at a bar. Ew.
“WAIT!” Insayne screamed, running over. “YOU QUIT BEING A TEACHER TO JOIN A BAND! LIVING THE DREAM, MAN!” she offered him a high five. He nodded and naively gave her a hand a slight slap.

So we kinda split up a little to do as we pleased. I went to the bar to grab a Diet Coke. I couldn’t snag a beer with my teacher lurking around.
“Hey.” Pete said walking over to me, grabbing the seat next to mine. “I never caught your name.”
“Tragik.” I said “My friends all me Tragie.”
“Okay Tragie-” he started.
I put a finger to his lips. “I said my friends call me that.” And got up to walk away.