My Intoxication


(Sorry this chapters so short. I was trying to make it more like Frank)

Tragik’s POV

So we got to the hotel, and I got bored. So I looked through all the little drawers and stuff. And discovered the most best thing ever.
“OH EM GEE!!!” I exclaimed.
“What do you want?” Gerard looked at me; aw he’s an idiot. Correction: he’s MY idiot
“I meant oh em gee like oh my god.” I shot him a glare.
“Oh,” He blushed a little “What is it?”
“THIS!!” I held up a box of paper-clips someone was foolish enough to leave behind for a tragik little girl to find (tragik little girl, ha. I kill me).

“OH MY GOD!!” Frank and Pansie said at the same time in a yell/sigh.
Then, I got to work. Paper-clip bracelets, paper-clip necklaces, paper-clip earrings, and all types of jewelry made out of paper-clips (paper-clip rings are like impossible, trust me).
“What” started Gerard
“The” Added Pansie
“Hell.” Finished Frank

“You guys want some?” I said, holding up my mini paper-clip jewelry shop.
“I’ll pass.” Said seen shooting me a look. Me no likey Seanie.
Then I ran up to Pansie, and forced a paper-clip necklace around her.
“You know, I will choke and die on this in my sleep.” She told me
“That’s the plan.” I smiled at her.