My Intoxication

Gallons of the Stuff

Tragik’s POV

Raise your hand if you think I’m a dirty slut. Did you? If you did, you are most likely a wise person. So I shall save you the details of he night in the van. If you’re going “Aw man” right now, you’re just as big a slut as I am.

“I am starving, what’s for dinner?” I asked. I don’t think I’d eaten in like 2 days or something.
“We ate.” Pansie announced.
“Yeah,” Insayne added “You were kinda...uh… not here.”
“YEAH!” shouted Frank “too busy serving yourself up a hot plate of Gerard!”
And guess what happened next…
Bet you didn’t guess right.
Okay, maybe you did guess right, whatever.

So me and Gerard had to go to bed without any means of food. Sob.

Time Elapse
I have slight insomnia problems. Nothing to get all worried over, I just don’t sleep that much. Big deal.
So I get up, and look around the room.
I was squashed between Pansie and Frank on one of our two beds, which is slightly unusual seeing as though Pansie is usually in the middle. Then I gazed over to see Dya and Insayne on the other bed. Aw, the girls got the beds (yes, I include Frank in this category). Then, by the window, were Bob and Mikey (not at all near each other, so don’t get ideas). Then Ray and Sean were together in between the beds, on the floor. No Gerard. How weird?
As worried as this made me, I had a mission. BATHROOM! I am a slow person, so even though wev’e been in this hotel room for a while, I still didn’t know where the bathroom was. Then I saw a door.
“Bathroom or closet.” I though and went in.
Sigh. It was the bathroom.
“Oh my god! I’m so sorry.” And I started to blush insanely. I walked in as Gerard was pulling up his pants! Yep, that’s just my luck.
“It’s okay,” he walked over to me “No big deal.” He said washing his hands, thank god. People that don’t wash their hands bother me to hell and back.
“No really, I’m sorry.”
“Sugar, it really is no big deal.” He replied giving me a smirk that said “you so wanna do me hard right now”…
Uh….well…I …kinda…uh…did.
I’m not sure how it all got started…but…yeah.

I pulled off from him as he bit my lower lip. What was that coughing sound?
“Come with me.” I told him, as we quickly got dressed and ran out the door.

“Pansie!” I screamed at her through tears, she was coughing up blood[. Lots of it too, practically gallons of the stuff!
“I’ll call an ambulance.” Gerard said, clearly noting I was no help.
“What’s going on..?” Frank asked, waking up.
“Pa-pa-pan-PANSIE!” was all I could burst out through tears.

Once the ambulance came, Fran and I were arguing over who gets to go with her. I have known her longer, so I won.
“It will be okay.” I told her, leaning down beside her in he ambulance, kissing her cheek. “I promise.”

(im gonna be on vacation next week, til the 7th so no more Tragik updates for a while sorry