My Intoxication

Do you have AIDS?

Tragik’s POV

Lucky for Frank and me they caught our tuberculosis early enough, so we got vaccinated. Then again, maybe we’re not so lucky, because now we get to listen to Pansie bitch about it.
“THIS ISNT FAIR!” she demanded.
“Shush baby, yes it is.” Frank said, calming her down.
“WHY? CAUSE I GET TO SIT HERE AND DIE!?!” she exclaimed.
“No, you just need some meds and stuff. You’ll be here a week tops.” I said, stroking her hair.
“Fuck you”’ she looked at me “and how come Gee doesn’t have it?”
“Why would he?” I asked.
“Cause you guys make loooooooove.” Frank looked at me. I slap him too much; I did it again anyways.
“You feeling like your dying?” I asked him.
“Not in the slightest.” He retorted.
“See? Gee is fine.” I told Frank and Pansie.
“Whall we’re on the topic of diseases that could have been spread from Tragie to Gee and vice versa; Gerard, do you have AIDS? I don’t want my sister to have AIDS.” Pansie asked. I would have slapped her, but she was ill. So I shot her a signature Tragik Aiden death glare.

time elapse
“I think I’m gonna go…” I said. I was still dying of hunger, plus Gee looked bored enough, and I knew he wasn’t budging unless I left. “You coming Frankenstein?”
“Naw,” he said “I’m gonna stay here with Pansie”
“Okay” I said, grabbing Gerard and pulling out his wallet. I so knew he would have one.
“Stay safe.” I finished, throwing them a condom. The weirdest thing…they’d probably use it (0_o).

(so i lied, but i am gonna go away tomorrow. i will try to update as much as i can today. sorry for the shortness!)