My Intoxication


I’M BACK!!!! XD. But Pansie is leaving tomorrow. Tis sad. :’(

-Tragik’s POV-

Yeah I’m upset. One helluva lot upset. Why? MY LIFE IS EFFING RUINED.
“Shush.” Gerard cooed. “Just calm down.”
“Don’t tell me what to do!!!” I barked. It’s not his fault…well…yeah, it is. Of course, this doesn’t help me be less mad.
“It’s all your fault! I hate you!” I screamed. No Tragik. You don’t hate him. You love him. Shut the hell up.
“It’s okay.” He said. “I know.” Noooooo!! I so do not hate you, Gerard!
Instead of actually mentioning this to him, I sat and cried.

-Time Elapse-
Whoo friggin hoo. My seventeenth birthday. How exciting? For a normal teenager: uber exciting. Pansie was ecstatic. A pregnant teenager: not so much.
“WHEEE!!!” Pansie screamed, jumping from bed to bed in the hotel. “MY BIRTHDAY!!”
“Don’t be so selfish.” Frank yelped. “Tragie too.” And he shot me a big ‘happy birthday’ grin.
“Go die frank.” I glared at him.
“PEE EMM ESSSSS!!!” Bob yelled. Rawr. Stupid Bob.

Then my cell phone rang. For the record, I hardly answer my cell phone. I am in love with my ring tone. I recorded some of My Chem’s “Demolition Lovers” on my phone, and made it my ring. So I’d rather listen to Gerard’s lovely voice than talk to the people.
Then Pansie’s phone rang. She sang a couple bars of her ring tone “Seven Nation Army” White Stripes (of course) in a British accent, she always does it is odd.
“Hello?” I heard her voice. “LUCI!!!” she squealed. I’m so stupid. I should have answered.
“Aw thanks, sugar.” She said. Luci was prolly singing happy birthday to her. Just in case you are not psychic and cannot read my mind, Luci is my brother.

“BROTHER??!?!?” You’re thinking. Yes, a third Aiden. His name is Lucifer. We call him Luci to piss him off. He is ten years older than us, and married. He ran away from home after mom died. He had just turned 16.

“Wait til you hear what Tragie got herself into.” She giggled.
“She got…” Then I snatched the phone.
“A winning lottery ticket!” I screamed.
“No secrets from your favorite brother…” he said.
“She’s knocked up!!” Pansie screamed.
“WHAT?!?!” he screamed.
“Uh…yeah..” I said.
“C’mon. Me and Natasha have been trying for years. No fair.” He said. Natasha was his wife’s name.
“Take it!” I screamed.
“Really?” he asked.
“YES!” I screamed.
“Cool. When you due?”
“I don’t know…”
“Is the father in jail?”
“I’m guessing not…” he squeaked.
“Got to go. We’ll talk about this later.” I said and hung up.
Whoo. My seventeenth party, exciting.