My Intoxication


-Tragik's POV-

"Aw, sugar." I felt so bad we harmed Mikey, he was so weak and frail.
"Mikey used to being beat up." Gerard joked. It was so weird how earlier we had all period to talk, and didn't say a word, and now we were in a hotel room with our best friends, and not to mention the guy was half naked.
"Thanks." Mikey said. he looked pretty funny, sitting there with a tissue up his nose. Pansie suggested he use a tampon, Mikey wasn't so hot on the idea.

"I GET IT!" i shouted.
"What?" Go figure, Gee was the first to ask about it.
"Of...?" Pansie chimed in.
"I'll share." Aw. gee was so nice to me.
"Or you could steal Frank's." Pansie suggested. She was so in love with him, it was funny.
"Or..." Oh geez. this was gonna be good. "We could rape Pansie!" I died. He said that i effing died. I sat on the floor, started laughing, cried of laughter, and died.
" 'You can't rape the willing' " Mikey said, quoting Pansie.

Then Frank practically toppled Pansie and started kissing her. I always knew this would happen, Pansie and Frank. I dreaded the day. I thought everything would be all weird and stuff, it wasn't. I wasn't sure if they would care/remember it n the morning, but I was good with it for the moment.

Then I started getting insanely happy with Pansie and Frank, they inspired Gerard. We didn't get as 'involved' as Frank and Pansie, but we kissed a little, I was very pleased.

We stopped after a while, because I felt bad for Mikey. I went and gave him lots of hugs and soft kisses on the cheek. I stopped that too, because I think Gee was jealous.

Frank and Pans didn't leave my sight and go into a room (thank god) and at like 3 we went to bed.