My Intoxication

Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie

Pansie’s POV

I was having the perfect dream, seriously. Frank and I were front row at a Black Flag show, and then BAM! I was uneasily awakened by an extremely loud fire alarm. I sat straight up and clung to Frank.
“Is it on fire?” screamed Insayne as Gee and Tragie burst threw the door and slammed and locked it behind them.
“Why are you locking us in a firey hotel room?” I shrieked. We’re they morons?
“Not. On. Fire. Tragik. Is. Idiot!” Gee said breathlessly.
I really didn’t want to know.

I love my sister, really. Not only did she almost make me have a panic attack, but also she and her glorious boyfriend got us kicked out of the hotel. So now, we had to sleep in the oh-so-comfortable van. No sarcasm involved.

Time Elapse

“Stop kicking me, Frank” I mumbled.
“Its not my fault, this van is too damn small”
“Rawr” I sighed. I looked at the clock-radio thing. 3:20 AM.
I need coffee.
I grabbed Sean’s wallet, my jacket, and the keys.
“Where are you going?” inquired Frank, sitting up.
“Go back to sleep” I told him.
“No” He refused, “I’m coming with you”
He grabbed his jacket and hopped out beside me.
He took my hand and we walked aimlessly until we found a Wawa.
“Thank geebus for it being open 24 hours” I sighed.
“Word” Frank retorted, smirking.