Daemonophobia; The Fear of Demons

In which a gift is received

~||Monday Night ||~

We walk inside and Mrs. Hale greets us with a smile. Mikey drops his backpack next to the couch and hugs her. I smile and dump my bag before moving into the kitchen.

I open the fridge and pour a glass of milk for myself. After that, I pour a glass for Mikey, who comes in a few moments later. He sits down on the barstool and twists around, this way and that. It makes me smile.

“So… How was it?” He asks, sipping lightly as the milk.

“Except for the Demon infested cafeteria and the one that got me in science,” I think over my words, “I think the day went quite well.”

"One got you?" He looks at me with feverious swiping eyes. "Are you- "I'm okey Mikey, it was just surprising" I calm him, placing my hand on his shoulder. Mikey takes a deep breath and looks at me again.

“Did you meet anyone new?” Mikey looks at me with a smirk; he knows my answer.

“Maybe…” I smirk back at him.

“What’s his name?” Mikey just can’t seem to wipe the grin off his face.

“What about your day, Mikey?” I roll my eyes and question him.

“Well!” His enthusiasm seems to come undone, “So many new people, and they seem so great!”

He smiles and goes on and on. I listen to each word, giggling silently inside. Mikey just makes me smile. He gets to a part of his day where a volleyball almost hit him in the head, when Mrs. Hale comes in the kitchen.

"You two sound like you've had fun." She smiles, then digs in the fridge, "Oh, Gry. You mother stopped by while you were in school. She left something for you. I put it on your bed."

I fly out of the room and up to my room.

On the bed is a small jewery box and a card. I bit my lip and open the card first.
'Happy Birthday, Kiddo'. on the inside my mother had written 'Hope you like being twevle. From, Mom'

I stare at it and then close my eyes, consentrationg of breathing in deep breathes. At least she's trying...

"Knock, knock. can I come in?" Mikey asks from the doorway. I look up at him and nod." Whatcha got there?"

He sits next to me and gently takes the card. After reading it he looks at me and I look at him. I give him a sad smile and he wraps his arm around me, pulling me against his shoulder.

"At least she remembered you have a birthday." He says, fingering the card.

"I know, but five months after? Mikey, my birthday is April 18th, I'm fourteen." My voice starts to shake, "I'm not twelve, and my birthday isn't in September."

"Yeah. I know. But Gry, you got a card. AAAAANNNNDD..." He reaches around in front of me and grabs the jewery box. "You got a present. She's trying."

I smile and look up at him. He smiles down at me and shakes the box a little. I laugh and sit up, taking the box from him. I open it slowly.

"Oh... wow." I look at the necklace inside the box.

The delicate gold chian laces through a black teardrop cameo pendent. The image is three golden flowers, perfectly blending and standing out from the black.

I take it out of the box gently and unclasp it. I hold it out to Mikey, "Would you ...?"

"No problem." He takes it, and I move my hair out of the way so he can clasp it around my neck.

"It's beautiful." He says when I turn to face him. I smile and touch the pendent which hangs right at the base of my throat. Milkey reaches out and touches the pendent.

"Happy Birthday, Kiddo." He says, quoting the card and making me laugh."Okay, celebration over. Homework time."

He takes my hand and we walk from the room and down stairs. I pick up my bag and Mikey grabs his before we head for the Dining room table. The spot of all our 'homework times.'

"You two starting yoour homework already?" Mrs. Hale asks over her newspaper."You're high schoolers now, arn't you suppose to be out with friends?"

"Who are you and what have you done with my mother?" Mikey asks. I just move around him and put my stuff on the table.

"Go get your work done, Mikey" Mrs. Hale says and Mikey sighs before coming into the room.

I pull out my science and start to read the next chapter, figuring it's a smart idea. Mikey starts flipping through his To Kill A Mockingbird book, which both of us have already read.

"What page did we find out that Scout is a girl?" He asks, "It'll probaly be on the reading quiz tomorrow."

"Not until the second chapter." I answer, looking up from the chart in the book. "I think..."

Mikey laughs and starts reading the book, from page one. I tuck my scince book back in my bag, and pull out my Math, desiding to read that chapter too.

No. I'm not a nerd or an overachiver, I just don't want to ever do these classes again. So I might as wellknow what I'm suppose to learn.

"This is is ... odddly familar..."

I look up at Mikey and he is reading the book upside down and backwards. He looks up at me and smiles. I raise my eyebrow and he laughs, putting To Kill A Mockingbird back in his bag.

"Computer's mine first!" With that Mikey dashes from the room, completely ignorant to the fact that we both have laptops. I'll let him have his moment.

I pack up my stuff and leave the messager bag on the table. I move upstairs, unplugging my computer and sitting with Mikey in his room. He smiles from the bean bag on the floor and I flop onto the bed.

I log in and pull out the piece of paper from my pocket. I sign onto my insant message and type up Danny's screenname.

xxGatexxKeeper28xx is avalible

~whitedarkness~: Um, hi?
xxGatexxKeeper28xx: gry?
~whitedarkness~: Yep. I guess it's safe to say this is Danny?
xxGatexxKeeper28xx: yup. got any questions from scince?
~whitedarkness~: Nope. I finished. Got any math question ^-^
xxGatexxKeeper28xx: ha, no. finished that at lunch.
~whitedarness~: By Lunch? Wow. Oh, Hey where do you sit? I didn't see you in the cafe.
xxGatexxKeeper28xx: i don't sit in there. too... crowded

"Who you chatting with?" Mikey's voice pokes into my concentration.

I look up at him and smile. He smiles back and goes back to his computer. I can tell he's playing tetris by the way he sticks the tip of his tongue out in concentration.

~whitedarkness~: I sit outside. In the courtyard, by the tree. Wanna join us?
xxGatexxKeeper28xx: us? you mean your boyfriend who seems to hate me?
~whitedarkness~: HA! James isn't my... ew... no... I don't even have... Anyway, the invation is still open.
xxGatexxKeeper28xx: maybe, i'll see..
xxGatexxKeeper28xx: oh gtg see ya tomorrow
~whitedarkness~: 'Kay, Bye,

xxGatexxKeeper28xx has signed off.

I look at the screen, then click my way through the world wide web. I glance up at Mikey and almost burst out laughing. His tongue seems to hang out of his mouth. He snaps out of it and looks up at me.

"What?! I was about to beat my high score!" He protests.

I tilt my head to one side and hang my tongue out, imatiaing him. I break down in giggles and Mikey sticks his tongue out at me.

"You're just jealous," He crosses his arms across is chest and sulks, "Because I'm better!"

"Hey, right. I'm jealous of having slobber all over my face." I shoot back, sarcasm fills my words.

I insantly see my mistake. Mikey smirks and puts his computer down. I back away, holding out my laptop as protection. Mikey shakes his head.

"That won't help you...against The Force!" He uses a silly voice for the introdution.

He licks his hand and comes towards me, hand outstreatched. I sqeuak, put my computer down and leap off the bed, trying to make a break for it. Mikey beats me to the door.

"No, no. This is uncivil!" My voices cracks as I yell when I feel his arm wrap around my waist.

"So?" The movement in the room halts for a moment as he stands there pondering the thought.

He brings his hand around and I flinch away; I feel him containing silent laughter behind. Don't you dare touch me with your spitty hand. I know where you sleep, Mikey

"Hey, Dinner!" Mrs. Hale yells up the stairs.

If there is one thing in this world that would destract Mikey, food would be that one thing. He bounces away from me, wiping his hand on his jeans and disappearing out the door. I sigh and roll my eyes, following him slowly.

New day tomorrow. Woop dee... so excited. At least I've done my homework
♠ ♠ ♠

ta-da. I like this chapter. : 3 Mikey is sooo cute. hee hee


i'm going on t trip and I don't know when I'll be able to work on the new chapter. so bare with me. love ya!