So She Dances

So She Dances

A waltz when she walks in the room
She pulls back the hair from her face
She turns to the window to sway in the moonlight
Even her shadow has grace
A waltz for the girl out of reach
She lifts her hands up to the sky
She moves with the music
The song is her lover
The melody's making her cry

Daina twirled into the room, the skirt of her dress flowing above her knees. She was wearing the dress that Joe, her childhood friend and now current boyfriend, gave to her for her sixteenth birthday five years back. She felt a stray strand of hair falling on her face, and she tucks it behind her ear.
It was dark in the spacious ballroom, the moonlight shining in from the wide, tall windows covered with lace curtains. She went up to one of the windows and looked outside. The full moon was shining brightly, unraveling every corner of the outside world. She then turned on the speakers and Josh Groban’s ‘In Her Eyes’ started to play softly. Daina started to sway and twirl around the room, following the beat of the music. Tears formed in her eyes as she was listening to the lyrics intently. This was the song that Joe sang on her Sweet 16th, and it was special to both of them. Joe taught her how to play this song on the piano and also sing it.
The doors opened then, and a sea of people poured in. Today was Kevin and Danielle’s pre-wedding party, and it was a huge event for the showbiz industry. Daina looked around to get glimpse of the second Jonas, who was her childhood friend, and her lover.
So she dances
In and out of the crowd like a glance
this romance is
From afar calling me silently

She caught the familiar smile of Joe in the crowd and started to walk toward it, weaving in and out of the crowd. Joe felt a sudden pull from one side of the room, and he saw Daina walking towards him, yet it seems as if she was dancing. He heard her sweet voice calling his name softly from afar, “Joe, Joe…”
He took two large strides, bumping into a few familiar people and enveloped Daina in a hug. She welcomed his hug. His familiar, caring, and warm hugs. She will never get tired of his warm embraces, especially when she’s in dire need of one.
A waltz for the chance I should take
but how will I know where to start?
She's spinning between constellations and dreams
her rhythm is my beating heart

The song Hero started playing, and they looked at each other. “Shall I have this dance?” he smiled sweetly at the love of his life. “Yes,” Daina answered, “you can.” Joe then took her hand and brought her to the side of the dance floor. He put on of his hands on Daina’s waist and the other held her right hand. Daina rested her head on Joe’s shoulder as he led her in a waltz. Kevin and Danielle were in the middle and close to them were Nick and Selena. They glanced at the sweet couple dancing in the side once in awhile, Joe and Daina. The two of them disappear from the world when in each other’s arms. As they danced on through the night, Daina can’t help but notice that Joe was getting restless. “Is everything alright?” she looked into Joe’s brown eyes. Joe looked into her blue-green ones and brushed away stray auburn hair from her face. He nodded his head, “Yes, everything is perfect.” He was still looking into Daina’s eyes, seeing her dreams of becoming a Broadway star happening. She was now a professional Broadway singer/actress/dancer, and has acted on several plays and musicals. Their dreams came true, and they couldn’t ask for anything more, except probably for them to spend the rest of their lives together, of course. The two of them could feel each other’s hearts beating at the same time, in synch with each other, beating as one. Joe stared into Daina’s eyes, and she was doing the same. It was as if they were the only people in the world, the only ones dancing to the music, the only couple to be holding hands.
So she dances
In and out of the crowd like a glance
this romance is
From afar calling me silently

The dance floor was now getting crowded as more slow songs played. Joe led Daina in dancing and they danced through the crowd, whispering sweet nothings into each other’s ears. They recalled the times when they were younger and didn’t care about the world. That was how they felt now, that they were two lovesick teenagers going through a case of ‘puppy love’. But both of them, and everyone else, knew that this was the real thing. They are inseparable and are irreplaceable in each other’s eyes. This isn’t ‘puppy love’, but it is ‘true love’.
When Daina auditioned for Broadway, Joe was there to support her. Just two years ago, Daina’s mother died from heart attack, and Joe’s shoulder was there to lean on. When she had her first performance night at the age of 17, Joe was in the audience, clapping the loudest amongst the thousands of people watching.
Joe got discovered at the age of 16, and he never forgot about his friend, Daina. When he went to his Burnin’ Up Tour, he didn’t forget to call her everyday and every night. Whenever Daina could go to one of his concerts, she’d be there, screaming louder than any other girls around her. When Joe was dumped by countless girls and he himself dumped a few of them, she will be on his side no matter what. If Joe has a rumor circling around him, Daina wouldn’t believe the absurd lie.
They were both 20 years old when they realized they loved each other, and they both planned on living their lives together, forever, if only Joe would pop the question. Someone tapped Joe’s shoulder and they stopped dancing. “Joe, would you mind if I dance with m daughter for awhile?” Daina’s father, Mr. Taylor, or Patrick as he likes to be called, asked Joe. “No,” Joe replied, “It’s perfectly fine.” He said and let go of Daina’s hand, giving it to her father. Daina kissed him on the cheek and smiled, walking away with her father. Joe went over to the punch bowl and filled a cup. He looked over at Daina’s head leaning on her dad’s shoulder blade, and wondering when will be the right time.
I can't keep on watching forever
I give up this view just to tell her

She looked up to her dad and whispered, “Thanks for everything, dad. I love you.” Her dad smiled and gave her a kiss on the cheek before walking over to Joe with Daina on his arm. Daina’s hand was transferred onto Joe’s. She walked away with Joe looking around for his brothers. “Joe,” Daina whispered, “I could tell that something is bothering you.” Joe saw Kevin and Nick getting on stage and turned back to Daina. “Go sit next to Danielle, I have a surprise for you.” He then kissed her lips softly and ran up onto the stage, standing next to his brothers, and was passed a microphone. Daina didn’t have any idea what was happening, but followed Joe’s orders. There were chairs set out in front of the small stage and she spotted Danielle waving at her. “Daina, over here!” she called out. Daina smiled and walked over to Danielle, and gave her a hug. Danielle has already saved a seat for both of them and they sat down, waiting for the boys to begin.
Joe held the microphone with his two hands and his eyes swept the crowd. He locked eyes with Daina and smiled. He turned to his brothers, “I Could Not Ask for More, guys.” He said. That song was a favorite of Daina’s, even more than In Her Eyes. She has always dreamt that this would be the song she would have her wedding dance with. Joe turned back to the listening crowd and took a deep breath. “This is for Daina, my girlfriend.” He grinned at her. Daina felt her face heating up and smiled a grateful smile at Joe. Kevin started to strum the guitar while Nick started to hit the keys on the piano. The intro came, and Joe started to sing I Could Not Ask for More by Edwin McCain. Daina smiled through the whole performance, especially since Joe kept looking at her as he sang. When the song ended, the crowd clapped, and Joe cleared his throat, “I would just like to say a few words to Daina.” The spotlight was still on Joe and he jumped off the stage, mic still in his hand. Kevin and Nick were smiling at their brother walking to his girlfriend as they played the chords of In Her Eyes. Joe walked over to Daina, gazing into her eyes. When he was right in front of her, Daina stood up and she hugged him. “Thank you,” she whispered into his ear.
Joe let go of the hug, knelt down on one knee and took Daina’s hand in his own. Her heart stopped for a second and she could feel a knot forming in her stomach. Joe took a deep breath and let it out. He put the mic back up to his mouth and started his prepared speech.
“Daina, ever since I first saw you, I knew that you’re going to be one of my trustable friends. Throughout the years, I never noticed that I was falling for you. I was too blind to see, that you were meant for me. We’ve been dating for three years now, and have been together for two years. I just want to say that I love you with all my heart, and all the boyfriends you had, if they show up at your doorstep just because you’re famous, I’m gonna beat them up,” the crowd laughed at that. Joe smiled at Daina and continued, “You know our song, Just Friends? It’s about you. I don’t wanna lead you on, but the truth is I’ve grown fond of you. I remember the times when we were in school, everyone used to tease us because I was always with you. We say we’re just friends, but look at where we are now. Do you remember that time when you got insulted by that guy?” Daina nodded, and her tears of happiness fell. “I got suspended from school because I beat him up… but I’m happy I did, because if I didn’t, then we would never be this close. Daina, I want you to be part of my life until I’m in Eternity. I have fallen for you, and you caught me. Thank you for being there for me all the time and I love you. I.Love.You. those words don’t mean a thing when apart, but together, they mean everything.” Joe fumbled in his pocket, took out a black velvet box and opened it, revealing a diamond ring. “I guess what I’m trying to say is, Daina, will you marry me?” Daina stood up from her chair and wiped away her tears. “Are you serious?” was the first thing that came out of her mouth. Joe stood up, and his hopes were crushed. “Of course, I will!” she exclaimed and hugged him. Everyone erupted into applause and Joe gave her a quick kiss then slipped the ring on her finger. “I expect a house with a picket fence and rose garden, okay?” Daina said, recalling the time when she said that was her dream home to Joe. “Anything for Mrs. Jonas,” Joe whispered into her ear. She smiled and Kevin and Nick jumped off the stage and Heaven Help by Lenny Kravitz started to play through the speakers.
When I close my eyes I can see
The spotlights are bright on you and me
We've got the floor
And you're in my arms
How could I ask for more?

Joe took Daina to the middle of the dance floor, her new ring glistening with the spotlight on them. Daina closed her eyes and hummed with the music, thinking, “Joe and I are dancing and I’m in his arms, what else should I ask for?” She heard the lyrics of the song, ‘Cause I decided right now, I’m ready for love.’
Joe liked the warmth of Daina’s embrace and he was in such a great mood. He was over the moon because she accepted his proposal. The two of them are dancing in the middle of the floor, and everyone was happy for the couple.
So she dances
In and out of the crowd like a glance
this romance is
From afar calling me silently

They danced amongst the crowd, high on happiness. They’ve already planned how to live their lives, going on the road and having a house in Europe, Asia, and America. They both wanted two children, a girl and a boy, since Joe grew up in a large family and Daina was an only child.
I can't keep on watching forever
and I'm givin' up this view just to tell her

Everyone watched as the newly engaged couple danced in bliss. The spotlight wasn’t on Joe and Daina anymore, but it was now on Kevin and Danielle. Joe smiled at his older brother and his younger brothers dancing with the people they love. “I love you, Daina.” He gazed into Daina’s eyes lovingly. Daina kissed him on the lips for three seconds, and then pulled away. “I love you, too, Joe.” She said and they danced the night away.
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This is my first ever one-shot and first ever song-fic. Comments????