Please Be Mine

So... Good Talk

I sit on the bus, just staring, my brain had fizzled to a stop after the first few minutes of freak out. In the next few minutes Denise opens the door and looks surprised to see me.

"Oh, Mackenzie. Are you having a break?" I nod and she smiles. "I'll go find Franklin then. Here's Joe, make sure he doesn't talk." She ushers Joe into the bus.

He is the most subdued I have ever seen him. I smile weakly at him and he frowns, about to open his mouth.

"Don't" I stop him, "Your mom will be very mad." He frowns deeper and then gets up. He comes back with Frankie's doodle board and writes on it.

"What's wrong?" He has written, I giggle at his method of communication.

"Well, Kevin and Nick just like... battle-sung to me." He sniggers and I smack his arm. "They sang When You Look Me In The Eyes, and Kevin sang your part 'cause we needed to set up that microphone." He rolls his eyes.

"They like you." He writes, and I force a laugh.

"No really?" I say sarcastically.

"Who do you like then?" He scribbles.

"Now thats a good question." I sigh, slumping back in my seat.

He draws a big questions mark on his board and taps it.

"I don't know..." I mumble, rubbing my face with my hands. "I like both of them. Nick is so sweet and we get along so well. And Kevin is just... ahh he's just so nice and I feel so safe with him..."

"So you don't know." He writes, smiling sympathetically at me.

"No I don't. And they are overwhelming me. Both of them asked me out this morning. I didn't answer either of them properly..."

Joe drew a big pair of lips on his board and wiggles it at me. I roll my eyes at him.

"Yes, I've kissed both of them." I admit, his mouth drops open. "Well, yeah I know, not really my initiation either time." I mutter.

"Did you like it?" He writes, raising his eyebrows suggestively.

"Who wouldn't like kissing a Jonas Brother?" He smirks happily. "Well I mean, who wouldn't like kissing the attractive Jonas Brothers... not that Joe, he's just blah." I add smiling at his appalled expression. "I sometimes wish they would just leave me be... I need to think..." I mumble sadly, and he keeps the board blank for a while, putting his arm around my shoulders.

"Which one?" He writes, and just as he shows it to me the boys in question enter the bus, fuming at each other.

"Guys." I address them, moving swiftly down the couch and away from Joe.

Joe gets up immediately and grabs both of his brothers by the arms, and pulls them down the hall, his doodleboard tucked under his arm. I pull my legs to my chest and rest my head on my knees, trying to sort out my scattered mind.

After about 10 minutes of curious silence, Joe leads the boys back down to the living area of the bus. He nudges them forward and they look at me apologetically.

"We're sorry for being so pushy Mackenzie." They smile hopefully, and I smile back.

"Thank you for understanding." I reply, and Joe grins triumphantly.

Denise enter the bus and finds Joe. "Ok Joseph, you're allowed to talk now. How are you feeling?"

He turns to his brothers and simultaneously smacks them on the back of their heads. "Idiots!" He shouts and then smiles. "Hey, I feel heaps better. Thanks Mommy." He smiles sweetly at his confused mother.

"Your father wants you guys back in the hall so you can start warming up." She says, and Kevin and Nick follow her out.

"Are you coming Kenzie?" Joe asks, standing on the steps down to the road.

"I'll be there later." I smile at him, and he nods and closes the door behind him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Haha... okay so props to Kristen for that adorable moment between Joe and Mackenzie. So... he tries to help her out the best he can. Let us know what you think!!

Please keep the votes coming in! Five comments and I'll put up the next chapter!




Thanks for reading :)


~Steph <3