Please Be Mine


I hide in the bus for the concert, thoroughly disconcerted by both boys. At around ten I could hear the crowd exiting, and I decided to go over to help pack up. The boys were busy doing a meet and greet, so I started packing up the mikes with Bill.

"How'd they do?" I ask Denise, who was sitting with Frankie on her lap.

"Great. Nick and Kevin seemed a little distracted though." She says.

"It's 'cause they like Mackenzie Mom!" Frankie shouts, smiling proudly as his observation skills.

"Bingo little man." I say grimly, and she laughs a little.

"I see. Hmm I have an idea." Denise taps her chin thoughtfully. I glance at her suspiciously as I roll up some leads.


"No, no it's alright. Frankie, help Mackenzie please." He nods and follows his mother's instruction, jumping down from her lap and handing me another lead. "I'll be back soon." She adds, getting up and walking towards the lobby of the theatre.

When I've packed everything and the other stagehands have put it on the buses, we head off again. I'm lying in my bunk, staring at the bottom of Joe's trying to figure out what Denise had done. The boys had been ushered straight to the hotel, and me, being already packed and ready, was waiting on the bus for them.

"Mackenzie?" It was Joe, and I happily opened my curtains. My face drops when I see his brothers flanking him. I groan as Joe pulls me from the bunk.

"We have a proposition." They chant as I sit on the couch and survey them warily.

"Go on." I prompt cautiously, pulling my knees up to my chest.

"Well. This is Mom's idea by the way. We've decided that you should go on one date with both Kevin and Nick, and see who you like better." Joe announces, placing a hand on each of his brother's shoulders.

"Okay..." I say slowly, still eyeing them suspiciously.

"So, Nick will take the first date, being tomorrow night, when we stop somewhere in Connecticut." Nick smiles nervously. "And Kev will take the night after, and we're not entirely sure where we are at that point." Kevin grins, causing me to grin back.

"Okay. I accept this proposition." I say, a little reluctantly.

"Fantastic. My business here is done, and I believe a dream about a certain fan I saw tonight is waiting for me in my bunk. Goodnight all." Joe claps his hands together and walks down the hall to his bed, leaving a very awkward silence in his wake.

"See you tomorrow then Kenzie. Get ready for the best night of your life." Nick winks at me and also heads to bed, leaving Kevin standing uncomfortably in front of me.

"Sweet dreams Mackenzie. I want you to know, there won't be any hard feelings if you chose him. I just like seeing you happy." He nods awkwardly at his statement and turns to go to bed too.

"Dirty pool Jonas." I sigh, following him down the hall and into my own bunk.
♠ ♠ ♠
So it's not that long but... yeah it's good. So once again...




Who will she choose??


Thanks for reading!

~Steph <3