Please Be Mine


My eyes flutter open to find the young Jonas sitting on the bunk opposite.

"Morning." He says softly, smiling that cute crinkly eyed smile.

"Morning. What time is it?" I yawn, carefully stretching in my bunk and then sliding to the side and out of it.

"About ten. Shall we adjourn to the dining area?" He says smoothly, holding out his arm.

"I thought the date didn't start until tonight." I chuckle as I take his arm and he leads me down the bus.

"Well, my lucky lady, you are getting the full Nick J experience." I giggle at his anouncement, and as we approach the table Kevin and Joe give us weird looks. "Breakfast? I have prepared poptarts and coffee." Nick offers, placing a plate with two poptarts on it and a mug of coffee.

"I see you slaved away at this." I laugh, biting into one.

"Anything for you." He jokes, putting his hand on his heart and closing his eyes.

The rest of the day kinda goes that way, hanging out with mainly Nick, having him flirt relentlessly. At around 5 we stop at the hotel we'll be spending the night in. Nick rushes me to our room and hands me the dress they bought me on our first shopping trip.

"Wear it tonight, cos I'm taking you somewhere awesome." Nick instructs, leaving me in our hotel room.

I get ready, pulling on the dress, and curling my hair a bit with the straightener, and then applying my makeup a little more precariously than normal. I hear a knock at the door and Nick appears, decked out in a full tuxedo.

"Where are we going?" I ask, a little bewildered by these gestures.

"You'll see." He says, offering his arm again. As we get into the limo, he whispers in my ear. "You look incredible." I smile at him.

"Thanks, you look pretty amazing yourself." He shakes his head, still smiling.

"Tonight is about you girl. I just hope that I don't look like a hobo next to you."

We arrive at a fancy restaurant, like ones my parents would take me to. He leads me in and asks for his registration. As he is talking with the maitre de, I survey the room. The restaurant is huge, with a large dance floor right in the middle, and a swing band playing softly in the background.

"Oh wow Nick." I breathe slowly as the maitre de takes us to our table and seats us.

"I'm glad you like it." He says smoothly, ordering us lemonade. I laugh as our waiter pours it into champagne flutes.

"Very nice." I giggle, and he chuckles.

We have quiet conversation as we eat, his brown eyes constantly on mine, making sure I'm having fun. There was something so sweet about how he acted. He was in charge, but soft too, like I could say the word and his knees would bend in my favour.

"Mackenzie, would do me the honour of having this dance?" Nick offers his hand, smiling slightly.

"Of course."

I shake off the horrible flashback of cotillion balls, and being forced to dance by the pretentious guys my mother pushed on me. Nick leads us into a slow waltz as the band gains volume, and a few other couples join us on the dance floor. By the end of the song my head is on his shoulder and we're just swaying slowly.

"I want to look after you Kenzie. I want to be your hero." Nick whispers, kissing my cheek.

I sigh, closing my eyes and stepping closer to him. Another slow song starts up, and he sways us slowly, standing in the same spot. I feel something in Nick's jacket vibrate as I lean against him.

"That's probably Mom, we should go." He says sadly. He stops swaying and I lean back a little, looking up at him. "Just one thing first." He adds, placing his finger under my chin and laying his soft lips on mine.


He lead me up to our room, which was temporarily mine and Joe's room, a rule that Joe had made so that there was no ability to cheat. We stood in front of the door, his fingers laced with mine.

"I had a really great time tonight." He says, looking down at our hands.

"Me too." He looks up, smiling his cute little smile.

"Goodnight Kenzie." He leans in and places another soft kiss on me.

"Goodnight Nicholas." He winks as he leaves me to go across the hall.

I enter my room to find Joe sitting up on his bed, looking at me expectantly.

"So?" he asks. I give him a funny look and grab my pajamas. He jumps over to me and grabs them out of my hand, holding them out of reach. "No, tell me first." I roll my eyes at him.

"You're such a girl when it comes to gossip." I laugh at his shocked face. "He took me to a fancy restaurant and we danced. It was.. nice." I conclude, he frowns at me.

"Nice?" He jerks my pajamas away as I try and grab for them again.

"Yes, beautiful. Please Joey I'm tired." He sighs and gives in, letting me snatch my clothes back.

I change in the bathroom and emerge, looking at Joe sadly. He rolls his eyes at me this time. He gets up and scoops me into his arms, laying me down in my bed and pulling the covers around me.

"Goodnight Sleeping Beauty." He kisses my forehead, as per our routine.

"Goodnight Joey." I mumble back, snuggling into my pillows.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aw... so that was a cute date? Don't you think?

Kevin's turn next... what do you think he has in store?






Thanks for reading!

~Steph <3