Please Be Mine

Perfectly Ordinary

I wake up the next morning and peek over at Joe, fast alseep. I take the opportunity and grab a shower, changing into denim shorts and a button up short sleeved shirt.

"Jooooooey" I sing, shaking his shoulder.

"Maaaaah" He groans, batting me off.

"Fine grumpy." I laugh, letting him sleep in. "Heeeelloooo" I enter Nick and Kevin's room, grinning at Kevin as he sits up on his bed, already dressed.

"Hello gorgeous." He gets up and hugs me. "Today is my day." He smiles, kissing the top of my head. Nick enters the room and his jaw tightens as he sees our embrace.

"We're travelling today." He says shortly, grabbing his clothes and stuffing them in his suitcase.

"What do you mean?" Kevin asks, sitting down on his bed again.

"I mean, we're driving from 12pm today to 9 tomorrow morning." He answers, almost smirking.

"Awww man. So it's a bus date." Kevin looks down at his shoes sadly.

"It's alright." I smile at him, messing his curly mop up. He smiles up at me apologetically. Nick snaps his suitcase shut and leaves the room without saying another word. I look at Kevin questioningly and he shrugs in return.

"Come on, I'll take you out for breakfast before we have to leave again." Kevin says, grabbing his wallet from the sidetable and taking my hand, pulling me out of the room.


We come back from breakfast, still laughing. I grab my pre-packed suitcase and Kevin gets his, and he takes both as we re-meet in the hall and go into his parents' room.

"Hey." I laugh, greeting the rest of the Jonas family.

"Morning. We're going to leave soon, I though we might bump up the schedule a little so we arrive tomorrow earlier. We're gonna leave in about half an hour. Everyone packed?" Paul asks us, Kevin, Nick and I nod, whereas Joe gets a startled look on his face and excuses himself. "Well, while we wait for Joe we may as well get on the bus." He sighs, smiling at his older middle son.

"Piggyback to the bus?" Kevin asks, I laugh and accept, climbing onto his back. He grabs our suitcases as I cling on, and he takes us down to the bus. "There you go Princess." He grins, placing me on the couch in the bus and dropping our suitcases on the bunk.

"Thank you Sir." I smile and he grins back.

"Sooo, what can we do on a bus?" He ponders, plopping down next to me.

"Ummm kick your butt in Guitar Hero." I reply, smiling at him.

"When will you learn Mackenzie that's just not possible." He sighs, shaking his head. I giggle and slap his arm.

"Prove it then."

We spend the first few hours on the bus playing video games, and he happened to beat me everytime in Guitar Hero, even though I dominated in Tony Hawk. Nick and Joe were giving us space, Nick was reading in his bunk and Joe was somewhere up the bus on his laptop.

"Lunch champion?" I suggest after being brutally slaughtered again on Guitar Hero.

"Mmmm turkey sandwiches..." He smiles, and I laugh and agree.

We make them together, delaying ourselves with a lettuce fight. We take them back to the lounge and decide to watch a movie.

"Any suggestions shorty?" He asks from the DVD cupboard. I grin, rolling over onto my stomach.

"Uhhh would you happen to have She's the Man?" I ask and he pulls it out.

"I love this movie too." He smiles popping it in and sitting on my butt.

"Oi!" I shout, and he laughs.

"Get up then." He crosses his arms as he stand over me.

I pout as I push myself into sitting position and grab my sandwich, bopping along to the opening song. "I got you, I got you on my mind, and it's time to make you see..."

"What I want." Kevin interjects, I break out in a fit of laugher as we sing along to the rest of the song.

By the end of the movie we're laughing so hard, holding our sides and leaning against each other for support.

"Ohhh man I love that movie." Kevin says, wiping his eyes.

"Me too." I stay against his shoulder, attracted by the smell of his cologne.

"Another?" He asks, I snuggle against his shoulder.

"Yeaaah... You choose this time." I say, he nods and gets up grabbing another movie.

"How about The Matrix?" He says in a dramatic voice, wiggling the case in front of me.

"Old but good. Alright." I lean back on the couch and when he sits back down I lean against him again.

When the movie ends the bus is stopping at a gas station/food court type place.

"Okay guys, 20 minutes to get your food and then back on the bus." Denise instructs, and Kevin pulls me off the bus by the hand.

"I'm sorry I couldn't take you out for a fancy dinner like Nick..." He says apologetically as we enter the court.

"It's alright. Pizza will suffice." I smile as he drags me over to the takeaway pizza place.

"Meatlovers?" He suggests and I nod enthusiastically.


We're back on the bus, sitting in his bunk with an empty pizza box between us.

"So tell me you're most embarrassing moment." I grin as Kevin blushes.

"Well, I was going to try and talk to this girl, but as I walked towards her I tripped and spilt the drink I was holding all over her. She was pretty mad."

I chuckle, grabbing the pizza box and throwing it onto my bunk.

"Kev..." I groan, lying down next to him. "I've had the best day." I mumble, turning my head to face him.

"Me too." He murmurs, twisting his body to face me.

"You know what would make it perfect?" I whisper, smiling slightly.

"Let me guess."

He moves his head closer to mine so our lips connect. I bring my hands up to clasp his face, pushing my lips harder onto his. He slides his hands along my arms and around my neck, plunging his hands into my hair. He deepens the kiss, sliding his tongue into my mouth. We pull apart, resting our foreheads together.

"Wow." I whisper, staring into his calm hazel eyes.

"Better than wow. Amazing." He replies, sliding his arms around my waist and just holding me against him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aw so that was Kevin's date :D I absolutely LOVE She's The Man. It's one of my favorite movies and Kristen's too, obviously.

So now that you've seen how both boys have treated Kenize:





Thanks for reading!

~Steph <3