Please Be Mine

Who Am I Fooling?

"Oi!" Joe pushes me awake and I bolt up realising I'm still in Kevin's bunk and hitting my head on the bus ceiling. Beautiful. I slip out of bed, somehow Kevin hadn't been roused by Joe.

"What time is it?" I mumble, rubbing my head.

"About 12. Nick is coming to bed soon so I thought you'd want to move..." I nod and climb into my own bed, already wearing comfortable sweats.

"So so so..." Joe pops his head in my bunk, grinning. I smile and raise my eyebrows at him.

"It was lovely." I turn over to face the wall but he pulls me back.

"No!" I face him giggling. "You are way too cryptic girl." He kisses me on the forehead. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight Joey. The one Jonas I can truly count on." He smiles and stands, hopping into his own bunk.


I sleep in the next morning and wake up to a bus void of rockstars.

"Where are the boys?" I ask sleepily, trudging into the living room area where Denise is reading and Frankie is watching The Suite Life of Zack and Cody.

"They're at a concert for the fans. Joe was insistent we shouldn't wake you." She looks up from her book, smiling at me. "They'll be back in about an hour or so."

I nod and head back down to the bathroom, grabbing some fresh clothes from my suitcase on the way.After dressing I grab one of Nick's guitars and sit on Kevin's bunk, strumming the chords to one of my favourite Alexz songs.

I finish, feeling a little relief as my feelings were expressed. I play a few more songs quietly until I hear three pairs of feet jump onto the bus.

"Where's Kenzie?" I hear Joe ask, soon after his footsteps come down to hallway to find me. "Hows it going?" He says as I jump down from Kevin's bed.

"Alright. Good concert?" I put away the guitar and lean against the wall next to the bunks. He nods enthusiastically.

"Always. Anyway, we're here all afternoon until our proper performance tonight. Want to-" As he is talking a heavy downpour showers down on the bus. His face crinkles in annoyance. "Go outside... Well that ruins my plan." I laugh at him and pat him on the head.

"I think I'll go for a walk anyway." I shrug, grabbing my raincoat and pulling it on.

"Want me to come?" He calls from behind me as I now make my way into the living room.

"No thanks." I call back, glancing at Nick, seated on the couch watching TV quietly.

Just as I step from the bus I hear a voice yell my name. Nick appears at the threshold.

"I don't know what happened last night, but it sounded like you were having alot of fun." He begins, standing on the last step on the bus while I stood on the ground. I look at him questioningly, frowning slightly. "I'm just trying to say that... I want you, so much, but I understand if you choose him."

He has to shout slightly over the rain, when he finishes he leans over and kisses me on the forehead. He winks before disappearing back into the bus.

I start strolling through the rain, contemplating this decision. On one hand, I had the sensitive, protective Nick, who will always look out for me. On the other I have Kevin, the funny, romantic guy who has always cared for me and known what's best. I shove my hands in my pockets, letting the rain splatter over me. The bus was near a park, and I found myself wandering down a path glancing over at a small gazebo and the curly-haired boy occupying it.

"Kevin." I say quietly, reaching the gazebo and surveying him as I sit on the opposite bench. He looks up, his hood is down and he's playing with the ring on his finger.

"Kenzie. Last night was... I felt... Never before have I..." He chuckles, lost for words. "I want every day to be like yesterday. You and me." He looks down at his hands. "I don't know who you want. But I want you to be mine. All mine." He mumbles, then looks up and smiles his cute, heart-melting smile.

"Thanks Kev." I murmur. He nods, getting up and walking back out into the rain, keeping his hood off and letting the rain soak his dark hair.

Nick... Kevin... Nick... Oh who am I fooling?

I take off from my seat, bolting to him. I grab his head and turn him around to face me. There's just enough time for me to see his shocked face before I press my lips onto his. He catches on quickly, wrapping his arms around my torso and pulling me closer. Our mouths lock tightly as the raindrops stream down our faces. My fingers knot in his shaggy wet hair as I pull away and rest my forehead on his.

"I want you." I breathe, staring into his hazel eyes and immediately feeling warm. He sighs in relief, kissing me once more.
♠ ♠ ♠

Who saw that coming? *Raises hand* Though of course... I have the advantage =p

So thoughts?

BTW the title of this chapter is also an Alexz Johnson song so check it out

Thanks for reading! There's a lot more in store!


~Steph <3