Please Be Mine

'S Wonderful, 'S Marvelous

After a few more concerts, we were travelling along at about nine in the morning, Joe texting crazily with Steph. I lean into Kevin as we watch a movie, Frankie sitting on my other side and snuggled up to me. Nick was in his bed writing in a battered notebook.

"Okay guys, once we get to LA we'll have a day off tomorrow before your appearances start." Paul announces after getting off the phone.

"Awesome." Kevin replies, his brothers nod from their positions. "You better keep tomorrow free babe." He adds, sliding his fingers down my hair.

"Oh damn sorry, kinda already made plans with my hotter, more famous boyfriend here tomorrow... Sorry." I say sarcastically. I twist around to face him. "Of course I'm kidding bub." I laugh pinching his cheek, trying to erase the shocked look on his face.

"Well you know then I'll just have to cancel it... My wonderful date I had planned..." His arms creep around me and pull me closer. He starts tickling me, Frankie runs away at this attack, afraid of being next.

"Noo..." I giggle, fending him off.

"Get your hotter, more famous boyfriend to save you!" He laughs as I wriggle away from him on the couch, he comes closer and tickles me harder.

"There's no such thing! Please have mercy!" I squeal, he chuckles, relenting in his attack and placing his hands either side of my head. "Thank you." I whisper, staring up at him.

"Thank me properly." He demands softly, leaning in and placing his lips on mine.

I kiss back, leaning up and deepening the kiss. I grab a chunk of his curly mop and squeeze it as his chest presses against mine. He breaks our kiss, sliding his lips along my jawline, down my neck, and back up to my lips.

“Hey, can we try to keep it PG here?” Nick asked coming into the lounge. “We do have a small child in our presence.”

Kevin pulled away and looked at his younger brother in disbelief. I blushed and gave Nick an apologetic look.

“Sorry… Nick.” I said.

“Yeah, whatever…” he said turning to face Joe still texting Steph. “And you! You’ve been on the phone for the past two days non-stop! You’re going to run up her phone bill and that noise is incessant!”

“A. she has unlimited texting. B. if the noise annoys you so much, put on headphones. C. get yourself a girl already!” Joe said, while texting.

“Believe me, I’m trying.” Nick muttered before going back to his bunk.

“Poor Nick.” I said with a sigh.

“Yeah.” Kevin said in agreement, pulling me into him and kissing the top of my head.

“We should find him a girl in L.A.”

“Don’t go playing matchmaker. He doesn’t like that.”

“Fine.” I said, rolling my eyes. “So, about this date tomorrow…”

“Not a chance.”


A few hours later we arrived in L.A. I excitedly kneeled on the couch and looked out the window, amazed by everything I saw. Kevin came up behind me and placed an arm on either side of my body and kissed my cheek.

“You’re cute.” He said.

“Yeah, I know.” I said, smiling. “So are we staying in a hotel or your L.A. house?”

“Our L.A. house of course.”

“Awesome.” Sooner than I thought we pulled up in front of a gorgeous house. “No way… this is your house?” I asked as I got off of the bus and looked up at the beautiful house.

“Yeah. What do you think?”

“I think it’s amazing. Hey Joey!” I called.

“What?” he shouted back.

“You wanna put your phone away for five minutes and show me your house?”


“Why not?” I asked, pouting at Kevin who just rolled his eyes.

“Steph’s going to call me and play something on the piano for me to hear!” he shouted, still being situated on the bus.

“Fine then! I don’t want you to show me around anyway!” I was trying to pull the sympathy card. He walked to the stairs of the bus and stood on them, looking at me, phone at his ear.

“Hold on Steph.” He said, pulling the phone away a bit. “Come on Kenzie, don’t do this to me.” He said pouting.

“I just want my best friend to show me his house.” I said, putting on an even bigger pout. He bit his lip and looked at his phone, then his eyes lit up.

“Hey Steph, I’m going to put you on speaker. Kev and I are going to show Kenzie around the house so I’ll just do that so we can all hear. O.K.?” he asked. “Yes!” he said, now pushing a button his phone.

“Hey Steph!” Kev and I said, smiling.

“Hey guys.”

“So, what are you going to play?” Kevin asked.

“It’s a song called River Flows in You. Ready?”

“Yeah. Play away.” Joe said, smiling as we walked into the house.

As I was shown around the house, Joe held his phone out as we listened to her play that sweet, melodic tone. When she was done we all applauded her and Joe gave me a pleading look. I rolled my eyes and nodded at him and he took the phone off speaker and walked away from us talking to her softly.

"He's very cute with her." I comment, watching him climb the staircase.

"Almost too cute." Kevin says, narrowing his eyes comedically.

"Don't worry champ, you'll always be the romantic one." I laugh, standing up on my tiptoes and kissing him on the cheek.


"Oooh pancakes!" I say happily, entering the kitchen to find three Jonai and their parents around the table, being served.

"Oi, no, not our pancakes." Kevin says, entering afterme and hugging me from behind. "We're going out."

"But pancakes..." I mumble, reaching out for them.

"You'd rather have pancakes with this motley crew, or with Minnie Mouse?" My face lights up as I turn to him.

"Are we Disneyland?!?!" I gasp, shaking his shirt.

"Yup!" He replies, leading me out to his car.


After breakfast - with Minnie Mouse might I add - we started walking around the park, Kevin trying to calm me down.

"Oh my god it's Goofy!" I exclaim racing over to him. "Picture!" I demand, hugging the suited person as Kevin snaps us.

"Can we go on the Indiana Jones ride?" He asks now, already exasperated by my hyperactivity.

"Only if you can keep up!" I shout, grabbing his hand and running towards the ride. We enter, wait a while, and finally get on the ride, it was awesome.

"Ok, now are you ready for... the haunted mansion???" He says the last words in a deep, scary voice. I laugh him off, but then get kinda nervous...I've never been great with scary movies, or haunted houses... I'm one of those people that gets scared by the stupidest things. "Come on!" He urges, sliding his arm around my waist and guiding me inside.

"Welcome foolish mortals, to the Haunted Mansion!" A daunting voice booms around us as we enter a sinister looking living room. I shiver, trying not to let it get to me. You can do this...

I hug Kevin tighter as I climb into the cart, it starting sliding through the house soundlessly. A very convincing ghost darts in front of us, I let out a whimper and bury into Kevin's chest.

"Are you alright?" He whispers, I nod, still not looking up.

We stop in a dark room, and a crystal ball lights up in front of us, the green light spilling onto the table.

"I see many grim things in your future child..." A grotesque face appears and speaks, its voice crackling and disturbing. I bite my lip, trying hard not to scream. The cart suddenly jerks away and down a hall, where another ghost follows us.

"Kev..." I mumble, "I'm so scared." I feel a tear roll down my cheek.

"Oh.. really? Sorry, Kenz." He says startled, wrapping his arms around me more protectively. "It'll be over soon baby." He coos.

Sure enough, the cart came to a halt in a warmly lit room, and people were getting out. I jump out gratefully, still a little shaken by the experience.

"Awww you're as white as a sheet babe. Sorry, I didn't realize it would scare you that much." Kevin apologises, hugging me and kissing the top of my head. "It's alright, it was pretty frightening."

A five-year-old girl jumps out of the next cart, looking unimpressed. "That was so lame." She announces in a bored voice, letting her parents lead her back out into the park. I look at Kevin with an annoyed expression, he chuckles.

"We all have different thresholds." He says, still looking amused. "Come on, Space Mountain!" He distracts me as we make our way to the ride.


After many rides, lunch, and many more attractions, the day starts to wind down.

"Any dream that hasn't come true yet Scaredy cat?" He asks jokingly, I glare at him.

"You are not to tell Joe or Nick about that, especially Joe. Can you imagine the pranks..?" He laughs and nods his head.

"I promise not to tell a soul. Now, anything else?" My eyes light up as I spot Snow White over his shoulder.

Without words I grab his arm and pull him over to where the princess and her prince are greeting kids.

"Hi." I say breathlessly as they finally reach us. "Photo?" We get one with Me,Snow White, Kevin and the Prince.

"Thank you!" I call as we walk away. "And thank you." I add, turning to Kevin. "For the perfect day." I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him.

"Only the best for my princess." He replies, I roll my eyes at his rhyme as we walk from the park, hand in hand.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey! I co-wrote a little bit of this one!! Because Kristen had no idea what to do XD I wrote the bit in the bus after Kevin kisses Kenzie where Nick walks in and the bit where Joe and Kevin show Kenzie around the house and Kristen picked back up after Joe walks away on the phone with Steph (me).

So did you like Kevin's surprise? Who wouldn't want to go to Disney Land/World with a Jonas??? I would love to.

Thanks so much for reading!


~Steph <3