Please Be Mine

Copper Boom!

"Oi, Kensington." I open my eyes to glare at Joe, yet again waking me up.

"How is it that you keep waking me up?" I say angrily, propping myself up on my elbows.

He shrugs. "I came to get Steph up too. We're all gonna go out for breakfast before she has to catch her flight home. You gonna come?" I look over at the other bed in the room to find Steph smiling at me.

"Sure." I smile back. Joe nods and leaves us to get ready.

"You and Joe seem to have a good friendship." Steph comments, finding clothes in her suitcase.

I laugh, "He's like the twin brother I never had. He really helped me when things weren't so clear between Nick and Kevin." She gives me an inquisitive look but I change the subject. "He is very infatuated with you by the way." I add with a wink.

She blushes, gazing off in the distance dreamily. "I know... It just felt right from the start. I'm sure alot of girls would say that about Joe Jonas, but he's... I don't know, it's like there could be no one better on this earth." I smile warmly at her.

"I know what you mean. It's like, when you're with them, no one can harm you. And you understand where they're coming from without them saying anything, and they understand you too. And you smile whenever you think about them, and you always wish you were with them." I lean back against the headboard, closing my eyes blissfully.

"So have you told Kevin yet?" She asks, I snap my eyes over to her, bewildered.

"Told him what?"

"That you love him." She says simply, taking my shocked expression as her answer and walking into the bathroom.


"Good morning gorgeous." Kevin greets me, pulling me into his arms and kissing my cheek.

"Morning." I mumble, still shaken by what Steph had said. Joe, Steph and Nick were all ready and waiting to go.

"By the way guys, I invited Selena along too." Nick informs us, I grin at him and he winks back. We all pile into Kevin's car, me taking shotgun and the other three squeezed into the back.


Once we had all ordered and settled in, I smiled around the table at the brothers and their new girlfriends.

"So Selena, are you really busy at the moment?" I converse, she looks away from Nick for a moment to respond.

"Actually I'm having a little break soon. We're almost finished filming for Wizards, and I have some time before I start filming for my next movie." She smiles, Nick looks very happy at this.

"That's awesome." I beam back at her, so happy that Nick has found a girl. I feel Kevin's hand find mine under the table and squeeze it, I smile at him.

"Mmm I'm hungry." Joe groans, patting his stomach.

I laugh, "Where's our food? Copper boom!" I say, banging the table. Kevin gives me a weird look, Joe shakes his head and Nick frowns at me. Steph was looking at me with her jaw dropped, I chuckle and start to explain but she stops me.

"Gilmore Girls?" She asks.

"Yes!" I squeal, beaming at her. "Do you watch it too?"

"Yes!" She squeals back and I laugh, hi-fiving her.

"What is this Gilmore you speak of?" Joe asks, trying to regain Steph's attention.

"It's this show that Kenzie watches. She tried to get me to watch it one time. It has alot of talking." Kevin answers him dully.

"That's what makes it great!" Steph replies, grinning back at me. We finally get our food, I had gotten blueberry pancakes. I wink at Steph and wait until the waiter leaves.

"I didn't order blueberries." I announce.

Before anyone else can respond, Steph shouts "Antioxidants are on the house today!" We both giggle and everyone else rolls their eyes at us.

The rest of the breakfast was fun, we ate, chatted, laughed. We all say goodbye to Selena then head to the airport to put Steph on her flight. Kevin, Nick and I chat as we let Joe and Steph say their last goodbyes. I glance over at them, locked in a tight embrace, and smile. We wave to her as she goes through security and then drive to our next location - interviews.

I stick with the boys as they do their thing, being rushed from green room to green room, set to set. It was getting tiring, and I could only imagine what it was like for the guys. They had done one TV interview with a performance of Lovebug, a Popstar interview and a magazine shoot and interview. All three brothers were totally beat by the time they got out of all that, it was around 9pm.

"Do you want me to drive baby?" I say softly to Kevin as he slumps against the wall in the lobby. He nods, placing the keys in my hand. I lead them all out to the carpark and drive them home, smiling at Denise as they all pile back into the house and start heading upstairs. "Big day for them." I comment, she nods.

"Thank you for helping them out today." She smiles at me.

"No it's no problem." I yawn.

"You should get some sleep too." She instructs, I nod and follow the others upstairs. As I approach the guest bedroom, I notice Kevin leaning against my door.

"Why didn't you go to bed already?" I murmur, letting him into my room and grabbing my pajamas.

"I can't sleep unless I know you're safe in bed too." He says softly, I smile and go into the bathroom, changing and brushing my teeth. When I come back he had pulled the sheets back for me and stood next to my bed waiting. I climb in and he pulls the sheets around me, then kisses me softly. "Goodnight my beautiful girl. Sweet dreams."

I close my eyes, slowly drifting off. "Goodnight Kevin. I love you." I breathe, then snap my eyes open as I register my own words. He was a couple steps away from my bed, but turned back towards me with a startled look on his face.

"What did you say?" He asks, slightly strangled as he fully turns his body to face me.

I blush, pushing myself up into a sitting position. "I think... I kinda.. said I love you." I mumble. He looks at me seriously, kneeling down beside my bed and taking my face in his hands.

"Do you really mean that?" He asks, his brown eyes searching mine.

"Yes." I affirm, gazing back at him with certainty.

"Mackenzie Wells, I love you too." He says each words slowly, emphasizing them softly but surely. I smile and lean forward into his lips, kissing him softly.

"You know I've wanted to say that for a long time, but I was waiting for the perfect moment. You kinda beat me to the punch." He admits, smiling at me.

I shrug. "Sorry. I couldn't hold it in anymore." He chuckles, still holding my cheeks. He places another sweet kiss on me and gets up, I lie in the bed again.

"Goodnight Kenzie. I love you."

"I love you too Kevin."
♠ ♠ ♠
Ahhahahahahaha! Me and Kristen and our Gilmore Girls. Ha, there's no way we can escape it.

So?!?!?! They said I love you... and it was spontaneous... and Mackenzie said it first! Wow........ you guys were wrong :p haha. Nice to see you guys guessing though! =]

Can you believe this story is almost done? I still have yet to write one final thing for it but yeah... almost there... aw.

Any thoughts on where Kristen and I might have gone with this?

Thanks for reading!!


~Steph <3