Please Be Mine

Minor Deceptions

"Yessss" I mumble, realising I had woken up on my own accord this morning.

I slide out of my bed and quietly creep down the hall into Kevin's bedroom. There was a little sun coming through his window, and he was smiling slightly in his sleep, the light illuminated him a little... He looked so golden. I let out a little sigh unintentionally, and tiptoed to his bed and carefully rest next to him, sliding my finger down his nose lightly.

"I love you." I whisper softly, right next to his ear. He let out a slight sigh, but didn't wake. "Kevin, I love you." I whisper a little louder, going so close to his ear that my lips touched it a little.

"Mmm" He still sounded asleep though, I smile, resting my hand on his stomach and lightly brushing my lips against his cheek.

"Paul Kevin Jonas the second. I love you." I say softly now, my face over his. His eyes finally flutter open and I'm so close that his lips brush against mine as he grins.

"I love you too Mackenzie Wells." He whispers back, his arms surround me as he turns so we're facing each other. "That was the best wake up call ever."

"I'm glad you liked it." I chuckle, lightly nuzzling his nose. "But now I have some business to take care of." I kiss him sweetly and lift myself off the bed, now going across the hall and into Joseph's room. I smirk, finally able to get my own.

"JOSOLLENA!" I shout, running and jumping on his bed next to him. A deep thud follows this, as my impact had caused him to fall out of the bed.

"I hate you." I heard muffled from him. I laugh, crawling over to his edge of the bed.

"Payback boy." I stick my tongue out at him as he stands up.

He glares at me and grunts before walking out of the room. I silently congratulate myself before going downstairs to join Frankie watching the Disney channel, Kevin fiddling with his guitar and Nick texting Selena.

"Oh oh!" I jump onto my feet as Demi Lovato's new music video La La Land comes on. I dance around and sing along at the top of my lungs.

"Some may say I need to be afraid,
Of losing everything,
Because of where I,
Had my start and where I made my name,
Well everything's the same,
In the la la land machine,

I dance around like a nutcase on the last 'machine'. I open my eyes to find Joe laughing hysterically against the wall of the living room.

"You so cannot sing at all!" He laughs, pounding the wall with his fist. I fake a shocked look and put my hands on my hips.

"Is this true Nicholas?"

Nick glances up from his phone, looks from me to Joe and back again, then looks back down at his phone. "No comment."

"Haaarsh." I sit down next to Kevin and bat my eyelashes at him stupidly. "Can I sing baby?"

Kevin smiles. "I love you."

"Hmph." I turn away from him and glare at nothing. I feel a small hand on my knee.

"Kenzie, you are very pretty, you are prettier than Demi, but you are not a very good singer. I'm sorry." Frankie tells me solemnly.

I burst out laughing. "Oh sweetie, it's ok, I'm not planning on being a singer. Hang on... you said I was a good singer that time you heard me in the bus."

"Yeah but we all liked you back then and didn't want to insult you." Joe explains. I frown and pout, turning away from all of them and facing the sofa.

"Awww babe, it doesn't matter how many off notes you hit, we'll still love you." Kevin comforts me, I don't budge.

"Kenzie, we all love you for you." I can hear Nick behind me.

"Yeah, spazzy dancing and all." Joe says seriously, standing in front of me. I burst out laughing at all this, turning back around on the couch.

"Ah I love you all too." I grin. "So what's happening today guys?"

"Free day!" Nick informs me smiling. "And Selena has one too, so I was thinking maybe we could all go to the movies or something?"

"Sounds good." I say, glancing at Kevin who nods.

"Joe?" He asks, now texting Selena with conformation.

"Hmm I think I'll stay here... Vidchat with Steph." I smile cheekily at him and he winks.


"What should we see?" We all stared up at the screen showing the movie times. I looked like the odd one out, the only one without dark sunglasses and a hat.

"Ummm... We could see... Get Smart!" Kevin exclaims, getting all excited now.

"Alright" I laugh, Nick and Selena agree and we get our tickets and snacks and get into the theatre.

The movie was hilarious, we all had tears of laughter streaming down our faces by the end.

"Alright, we'll go the powder room and then meet you guys outside the theatres." Selena says, and we go into the bathroom and start primping.

"So, you and young Nicholas?" I look at her, and she smiles sheepishly.

"Mmm yeah.. I kinda already had a crush on him, and we just got talking and then more.." She giggles, blushing a little.

"Oh that's cool."

She sighs, putting her makeup back in her bag and then smiling mischieviously at me. "He is such a sweet kisser."

"I know." I agree, not really thinking. I freeze, staring my stupid self reflected in the mirror.

"Ummm what?"

"Nothing. He's just sweet so of course he'd be a sweet kisser." I try to explain, but she raises her eyebrows at me.

"What happened?" She demanded, staring at me now.

I blush, so angry with myself. "No nothing, just... umm.. Well we just kissed a couple times.. like before me and Kevin got together."

"Mhmmm" She looks at me suspiciously and I follow her back out to the boys.

"Hey Nick, can I talk to you for a second?" She asks him sweetly, I give him a look of warning and he flashes a scared expression before agreeing.

"Maybe we should leave them for a while." I suggest, pulling Kevin down the street now.


"Ice cream!" I distract him, pulling him into the store.

"Haha ok. What kind then sweet lips?"

"Cookies and cream" I grin as he gets the cones.

After eating the ice cream for a little while and just walking around the street, I catch Kevin grinning at me and chuckling.

"What?" I ask bewildered.

"Umm well you kinda have it all over your face." He laughs, taking a napkin out of his pocket and starting to wipe it away.

"Ahh damn it. I can't eat ice cream." I mutter angrily, taking the napkin from him and cleaning it off myself.

"You can.. you just umm.. get overly excited." Kevin laughs, I slap him playfully. All of the sudden my phone vibrates and I drop all my ice cream on the ground.

"You just made me drop my ice cream." I answer the phone Kevin laughing next to me and offering me his ice cream but I refuse.

"Sorry... Things are sorted out with Selena now... she gets it.. Want to head home?"

"Sure." I smile at Kevin who has now intentionally smeared his chocolate ice cream all over his face too. I hang up the phone and look up at him demurely.

"Want me to get that off for you sir?"

He nods, I places my hands around his neck and slowly lick the ice cream from his lips and face. I kiss him lightly once it's all gone, and he kisses back hard, his lips still tasting like chocolate.
♠ ♠ ♠
Eh.... kind of a filler but Kristen hadn't written for awhile and this is what came out. It's still cute though =]

Only a few more chapters left.

So.......... guess who's currently watching Gilmore Girls!!!!!! That's right, it's me. Santa's Secret Stuff yupp that's the episode... "hockey-puck, rattlesnake, monkey-monkey underpants!" GOOD. QUOTE.

Ok... I'm done... so.... where do you think Kristen and I are headed with this story?

Thanks so much for reading!!


~Steph <3