Please Be Mine

Four Jonas Boys, A Mudcake, And A Plane Ticket

"You are coming home. Today. No exceptions."

"Mother please-"

"Mackenzie, this is not negotiable. You must come home. How do you think I feel when the ditzy girl working in my office comes up to me and asks if my daughter is dating a Jonas Brother? Dating! You know you are not allowed to date anyone, especially not anyone who I haven't pre-approved, and this boy... he's too simple looking, he doesn't know the kind of life I want you to have." By the end of her rant my face was drained. I knew all this... but... I didn't think...

"Mackenzie... I was told that you would be looked after; you wouldn't be able to kanoodle with some scruffy looking guitar player. This is why I can't trust you Mackenzie. Get to the airport as fast as you can and I will fly you home from there."

"Mom... No please... Just listen..."

"Listen? No. I will not listen to a childish girl who cannot handle her life for herself. This was your chance to prove that I could trust you and you completely proved yourself unworthy. Your father is also very disappointed in you. We'll talk about this tonight, now, put me back on to Denise." I hand the phone back to Denise who takes it concerned.

"Yes, OK, as soon as I can. We'll be stopping soon; she can take a taxi from there. I am sorry, Georgia. Goodbye."

Denise and I exchange a strained look when Kevin walks down the bus to us.

"Hey, how are you ladies this morning?" He smiles, gives his mother a hug and then kisses me on the cheek.

"Kevin..." I start, his face drops as he notices mine and his mother's expressions.

"What's wrong?"

"Mom just called..." Kevin frowns at Denise and then looks back at me.

"And...? Babe, fill me in."

"And... She wants me to go home. Today." His jaw drops and he looks from me to Denise and back.

"Well... No, not... Mom? Really? No..." He stutters, looking lost.

"I had to go home sometime Kev, it's just a little earlier than we thought."

"But, no, not now, not before, we were…" He sighs, gulping to prevent stumbling on his words again. "I don't want you to go."

He sits down at the booth and I slide in beside him, linking my fingers with his. Joe and Nick stumble into the kitchen area now, sliding into the booth opposite us.

"Morning," Joe mumbles.

"What's up guys?" Nick frowns, rubbing his face to wake up.

"Um, boys, Mackenzie has to go home..." Denise announces, their eyes widen, fully awake now.

"What? You're kidding right? I thought she was staying for the whole tour." Joe exclaims, his mouth in the 'o' position.

"Mom called. She heard about me and Kevin, and... Well I'm not really supposed to date..." Denise purses her lips a little.

"I wish you had told me that, Kenzie."

"I'm sorry, but I didn't think it was still an issue... I'm 18, practically an adult; I don't need their permission for this."

"I know honey." Denise sighs and goes to find Kevin Sr. My eyes find Nick's, he still hadn't said a word and there was sadness in that deep brown.

"I don't want to go..." I whisper, leaning into Kevin's arms even more.

"Then don't." Joe says stubbornly, crossing his arms. "We'll find a way, employ you, and keep you here."

"Joe... I can't, she's... My relationship with my mother... It's complicated." We're all silent for awhile, I close my eyes and just feel Kevin next to me.

"Well, let's just, make the day the best we can." Kevin says, kissing the top of my head.

"Going away party!" Nick exclaims, "What should we do?"

"Party!" Joe answers enthusiastically, giving us an encouraging smile.

"Yes, we got that Joe." Nick says sarcastically, we all laugh. Suddenly, we hear little footsteps run down the bus and something attached itself to my legs.

"Don't go!" Frankie yells, hugging me tight. I pry him off my legs and lift him onto my lap.

"It's not my choice Frankers." I smile sadly at him, running my hand down his hair.

"But... Can't you..." He finishes by pouting, then hugging my neck. "I'm gonna miss you Kenzie."

"Aw, I'll miss you too Frankie." I kiss the top of his head. Kevin leans over and rubs his back.

"We've decided to throw a going away party for Mack, you wanna help us Tank?" He pulls away from me and nods, we smile at him.


We stop at a Seven Eleven, piling out to get some party food. Frankie and Joe ran into the store before us, totally excited. I grab a basket on my way in and immediately Frankie and Joe have tipped candy and junk food into the basket.

"Hold on fellas." I laugh, inspecting the contents of my now full basket. "Do we really need whipped cream?" Joe gives me a solemn look and takes the can from my hand.

"Mackenzie, whipped cream is essential in all partying situations."

"Well, I think that it essentially belongs on the shelf alright bucko?" I laugh, placing it back there.

"Can we have Reese's Pieces? Pleeease!" Frankie jumps in front of me, holding them up.

"Uhh guys, calm down, I know you're diet is very healthy, but don't overdo it."

"But Kensington, it's a special occasion." Joe retorts with a huge grin.

"But Josollena, Nick needs to feel included too, and plus, we can't really spend too much. OK, compromise, let's get, a pack of cupcakes, chips and sodas, and some fruit snacks."

"Mudcake instead of cupcakes and throw in a pack of M&M's and you have a deal!" So Joe and Frankie put back their candy and got the M&M's and fruit snacks, Kevin went to pick out a cake, and I joined Nick in grabbing the chips and sodas.

"Hey, Kenzie, can you listen to a couple of my new things when we get back?" Nick asks shyly, pulling a pack of Doritos off the shelf.

"Of course I can bud." I smile, giving him a side hug.


Back in the bus, and I had four boys all volleying for my attention. The fact that all four boys shared the last name Jonas would make me the envy of millions of girls, and I knew why all too well. Frankie's eyes were shining as he was waving the other Playstation controller at me; Nick was sitting on the couch, tuning his guitar; Joe had a camera stuck in my face 'documenting my last day on the bus'; and Kevin, oh, Kevin had his arms wrapped tight around me, pressing his lips to my head constantly.

"Tell me Kensington, your thoughts on all of us." I settle back into Kevin as I process my answer.

"OK, well, Frankie is the smartest, cutest, 8 year old I ever met." I laugh as I hear him protest.

"Cute? I'm NOT cute! Why do I keep getting that?"

"It's a good quality Tank." Nick winks at him, "You'll understand when you're older."

"You, Nicholas are the deepest, most talented guy I know." Nick plucks his guitar humbly, blushing slightly. "And... Joseph... You are, Joseph. That's all I can say. You're the twin brother I never had." Joe winks from behind the camera and smiles a huge grin. "And you, Paul Kevin," I turn around and take his cheeks in my hands, staring him in the eyes. "I've never loved anyone so much in my life." I kiss him really sweetly, and sigh as I pull away. "I'm really going to miss that." I whisper, he nods.

"I love you too babe." He runs his fingers down my hair and kisses me again. "More than anything before."

"Well! That took a turn!" Joe announces loudly, and Frankie tugs my arm.

"Now will you play with me??" He asks, I smile and nod, taking the controller. Kevin kept his arms wrapped around me as we battled in Tony Hawk. After that Nick dragged me to the end of the bus so I could hear his new stuff.

"Did you like it?" He asks timidly after finishing the last sample he had.

"I loved it. I loved all of them Nick. Promise I get to be the first to hear the new ones."

"I promise." He smiles; I lean over and kiss him on the cheek.

"I'll miss you alot, Nicky boy."

"I'll miss you too Mackenzie." I get up and head back down the bus to where Kevin and Frankie were now dueling on the playstation.

"Kensington!" Joe jumps out at me with the camera again. "Give us a sample of that beautiful singing voice." I glare at him.

"You all think I suck at singing." Joe just grins goofily so I hit him playfully. "Stop being mean; it's my last few hours here." Joe turns serious at this.

"What will I do without my twin?" He mutters, pulling me into a bear hug.

"You'll survive."

“Not with these clowns I won’t. They don’t understand the humor in what I do.” He pouts.

“Oh please Josollena. You’ll get over it.” I say, patting his back.

“Not likely.” He says, leaning back in his seat. I frown and survey the situation in front of me. All four Jonas boys look as sullen as ever.

“Oh come on guys! This is supposed to be a party! We’re supposed to be having fun. Just… forget that it’s my last few hours with you and make me the happiest girl on the planet. Please,” I whisper the last part and they all look up at me. Slowly, grins spread across their faces and they exchange a look that only brothers can understand. One by one they stand up and inch towards me. “Oh no… no, no, no, no, no!” I shout.

Before I know it I’m backed into a corner and all four boys are attacking my sides with their fingers. Tickling me breathless. It was unbearable!

“That’s not what I meant!!!!”

“But babe, you asked for it.” Kevin says, tickling that spot in my side that always makes me double over in laughter.

“Sanctuary! Sanctuary!” I shout out breathlessly.

“Oh no, I don’t think so!” Nick shouts over my screeches. “You wanted us to have fun well… this is fun.”

“What in heaven’s sake is going on back here?” Denise asks, walking in on the commotion.

“Denise, save me!” I shout between laughs.

“Boys, back away from the poor girl.” She says, laughing as well.

“Mom,” they all groan, slowly relinquishing their power over me.

“Mom, she asked for it! She said we should be having fun and what’s more fun than tickling your best friend to no end?” Joe asked, plopping himself down on the couch.

“How about helping her pack everything so she doesn’t have to do it last minute? Then you can return to the fun.” She suggests.

“Well come on! Let’s go!”Frankie shouts running to my bunk and grabbing my things, carelessly throwing them into my bags.

“Tank… neatly.” Kevin groans. He starts to walk towards to his brothers but I stop him by placing my hands on his chest.

“Just… let them do it how they want. I don’t care how neat it is. It makes no difference.” I sigh.


Two and a half hours, one mudcake, three games of Tony Hawk, and four songs later, the bus pulled up outside of the airport. Denise and Paul decided against the taxi… they thought this would be easier for not only me and Kevin but the other boys as well. The bus driver brought all of my things off of the bus and set them on a cart and Paul brought them in to have checked and to buy my boarding pass. It was somber… standing beside the bus with the boys and Denise surrounding me. I could feel a pit in my stomach already and I hadn’t left them yet. Lord knows how my heart would feel once I had.

“Please don’t go!” Frankie pleaded, his face buried in the crook of my neck. I could feel his tears, warm and wet, dripping down my neck and onto my shirt.

“I have to buddy.” I said, rubbing small circles on his back.

“Why is your mommy so mean Kenzie?” he asked, pulling away and looking into my eyes. I wish he hadn’t. Seeing those brown eyes, so much like his brothers’, overflowing with his tears caused mine to start.

“Honestly Frankers… I have no idea.” I said shaking my head and kissing his forehead. “Be good, okay?”

“I will.” He said, nodding his head and walking over to his mother, crying into her stomach. I stood up and walked over to Nick. He pulled me into him, his arms squeezing me tight.

“You better keep that promise Nicky-boy.”

“I promise Mack… every single song, you’ll be the first to hear it. Even before Kevin and Joe.”

“Well… I don’t know about that.” I said, rolling my eyes and pulling away, placing my hand on his cheek. “Keep me updated on you and Selena too.” I said, winking.

“All the time.” He said, smiling slightly even though the sadness stayed in his eyes. I reached up and kissed him on the cheek. I turned away, a tear falling down my cheek only to come face-to-face with Joe.

“See you later, alligator.” I said, wrapping my arms around his neck. He held me tight, his chin resting on my shoulder.

“In awhile, crocodile,” he whispered. He pulled back and kissed my forehead.

“I expect for you to call me like a gossiping sixteen year old girl every night to tell me about how things are going. Give Steph my number, I’d like to keep in touch with her.” I said, his eyes shone bright when I mentioned Steph and he smiled.

“Will do,” he said, saluting me.

“And Josollena…”

“Yes Kensington?”

“Be sure to prank your brothers without me. Especially Kevin.”

“Oh, no worries there.” He said nodding his head. I turned to his mother.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you Denise,” I said, giving her a hug.

“Oh sweetheart, really, it’s not a problem. I just wish that your mother were more understanding. I just don’t understand why she doesn’t seem to like you being happy.” She said, shaking her head.

“Yeah… neither do I.” I said sadly, turning to Paul who had returned with my boarding pass. I took it from him with a smile and hugged him.

“Have a safe trip Mackenzie.” He said, pulling away and holding me at arms length.

“Thank you. And thank you so much for everything. For giving me this opportunity to join you here on the tour. I’ve had the time of my life and I’m so grateful.”

“It was our pleasure.” He said smiling. I smiled back and then turned to face the worst moment ever. Saying goodbye to Kevin.

“I love you.” He whispered in my hair as he held me close. “Did you know that?”

“Oh I had an inkling.” I said, trying to make the moment seem a little less terrible than it really was.

“Mack…” he said pulling away. “I want you to have this.” He said, placing something cold in the palm of my hand. I looked down and shook my head.

“No, Kevin I can’t.” I said trying to place the ring back in his hand.

“It’s my ring. I want you to have it. Something to remember me by.” He said, picking up the ring and placing it on my finger.

“I could never forget you,” I whispered, the tears flowing freely now. “I can’t take your purity ring. I think it would send the wrong message.”

“I’ll buy another one.” He said waving his hand at the nonsense. “I want you to have it.” he repeated.

“Fine,” I sighed. “But… I don’t think my mother will be too pleased.”

“Oh right… well…” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. “Okay, so when you get home just put it on a chain and wear it around your neck.”

“I guess I can do that.” I said, shrugging my shoulders and smiling shyly up at him. His face fell as he looked at me and he closed his eyes, breathing deeply. He pulled me into him and kissed me. Slowly… passionately. I kissed back, burying my fingers in his curls. I pulled away and placed my forehead on his, my eyes still closed. “Paul Kevin Jonas the second,” I said, smiling at the suffix, “I love you so very much. Don’t ever forget it.”

And with that… I grabbed my purse, turned away from the Jonas family, and walked into the airport, my vision clouding with tears. I didn’t look back, just walked straight to the nearest bathroom and cleaned up my tear stained face and then found my gate. Forty five minutes later, my plane was boarding… and Kevin Jonas was on the road again… away from me for God knows how long.
♠ ♠ ♠
*blows nose in tissue*

I hate the end to this chapter. It's so sad. Let me admit... I wrote it. That's right... this is the last chapter Kristen had any writing in... She wrote the first half and I picked up where Joe says "Not with these clowns...." about his brothers to Mackenzie on the bus.

So... she left. She's gone... away from Kevin. How do you think they'll handle it? What are you feelings on Georgia now (her mother)? Only two more chapters and an epilogue... completely written by me... left to go. I'm not going to post anymore tonight though because Emma would kill me because I'm already over-loading her with posts for when she gets back.

I'm not posting again until Saturday night or early Sunday because I'm going out to camp tomorrow... no internet. Boo. I know. It upsets me too.

Thanks so much for reading! Leave me love! =]


~Steph <3