Please Be Mine


I was packed and ready at 8, waiting slightly impatient in the living room. Both parents had farewelled me before going to work, so I was the last one in the house.

I got a text from Kevin, "We're running a bit early, how far are you from ready?"

I text back eagerly "I've been ready for about 20 minutes! Come get me!"

"Ok, cya soon then. :D" He texts, and in about 10 minutes the Jeep pulls up in my driveway, and all three brothers arrive at my doorstep.

"Your bags madam?" Joe asks, after pulling me into a hug.

"Living room." I laugh, as Nick and Kevin hug me and fetch my bags too.

"You're going to regret this." Nick rolls his eyes as I jump into shotgun and the rest of the boys jump in too.

"What?" I ask shocked.

"Imagine being stuck on a bus with Joe and Kevin 24/7." He replies, rolling his eyes at his older brothers who were now bouncing along to the radio.

"Naaah I couldn't get sick of them." I smile, as huge smiles plaster themselves on the boys' faces.

We got back to the hotel and packed onto the bus, Joe being just as excited as me.

"Come on guys!!!" He yells, chivvying Frankie onto the bus.

"Calm down Joe!" He exclaims, wriggling out of his grip. Soon the whole family was on the bus, and we were on the road. Mrs. Jonas is reading with Frankie, and Mr. Jonas is consulting the tour plans, so the boys and me go down to where the bunks are all pile on Kevin's bed.

"Ok, so, we should get to know you better so that we know you're not a psycho." Kevin says seriously, then laughs.

"You're going to quiz me?" I ask nervously, and the boys grin and nod.

"Firstly. How obsessed are you?" Joe asks, grinning confidently. I put on a shocked face.

"Cocky!" As soon as I say that though, my phone rings, with Burnin' Up as my ringtone. They all smirk as I quickly answer. "Yes Mom I'm fine." I hang up, blushing. They raise their eyebrows at me. "Ok, Ok, but I don't have posters all over my walls." I snap stubbornly, and they laugh.

"Ok, well what do you like doing?" Nick asks, leaning back with his hands behind his head.

"Ummm, I guess I really like acting, but Mom never lets me do anything fun with it. I love drama at school."

"Awesome." He replies. The conversation goes on like that until lunch.

We spent the rest of the day talking and playing playstation, until we stop for dinner at a gas station.

"OK, let's make this one quick, an hour tops. Stretch your legs, get some food, then we'll get back on the road." We all nod and jump off the bus, racing to the station to exercise a bit.

"I win!" Nick screams, and Joe crashes into him soon after. Kevin and I are head to head, and we both jump onto the pavement at the same time.

"Tie." Kevin says, and Joe looks outraged.

"Mackenzie won! No doubt about it!" He says, crossing his arms.

"No way!" Kevin retorts, his face mirroring Joe's.

"Guys, please this is not important! There is food to be eaten!" I say, and the two of them whip around to me.

"Of course!" Joe says, and we all rush into the center.

"Ok, I'll meet you guys back here, I have to visit the powder room." I say.

"Mmm ok." Nick replies, Joe giggles at the words 'powder room'.

I got out of the bathroom and was about to round the corner when I heard three familiar voices.

"She likes me." I hear Joe whisper angrily, I frown and pause, still out of their sight.

"I don't know, there's just as good a chance that she likes me or Nick." Kevin replies, frustration in his voice too.

"Well come on, can't you just let me have her alone for a little while?" Nick asks. "If you're so confident she likes you, then why don't you just give me this shot." He continues, almost pleading.

"Why are you putting so much pressure on her. There's a good chance she doesn't like any of us. Maybe she just wants to be friends." Kevin says, trying to resolve the situation.

"Yeah man, if she does like one of us then we'll decide what to do. I hate that we're fighting over her." Nick says.

"True, but she's so incredible." Joe says. Guilt finally overwhelms me for eavesdropping, and I pretend to have just exited the bathroom.

"Hey guys." I feign surprise, and they all blush a little.

"Hey Mack, let's get some dinner." Kevin smiles his cute smile at me and leads me to the food counter.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow... so there it is. All three Jonas boys like Mackenzie. Do you think she likes them back?

Again... this was all Kristen. I may have had a tad of input here and there? So any comments you leave I will let Kristen know! :D


~Steph <3