Please Be Mine


After getting back on the bus we watched some movies, and I must have fallen asleep. I woke up, still in the lounge in the kind of living area of the bus, and peered at the clock. Midnight, weird. Only then do I notice how I'm postioned, I'm draped over someone's legs, and that same someone's arm is resting on my waist. I twist around to see a very serene Joe smiling at me.

"Hello there." He says, moving his arm up to my face to brush the hair away. "Everyone else went to bed, and I decided I didn't want to wake you. Let's get you in a bunk then." He says, lifting me up bridal style and placing me in a bottom bunk. I look across to see Nick sleeping on the other side, and Kevin above him.

"How long have they been there?" I ask sleepily, as Joe is still crouched down to my level.

"Umm about an hour." He says, glancing at his brothers.

"Mmmk" I mumble, feeling myself drift off to sleep again.

"Goodnight Sleeping Beauty." He whispers, kissing my forehead.

"Night Joe." I mumble back, slipping down into a dreamworld.

I wake up hearing some very agitated voices. I look across to find Nick and Kevin's bunks empty, and I assume Joe's was too. I lift myself up groggily and enter the kitchen part, where Joe was leaning against the counter defensively and Nick and Kevin were sitting at the little dining table, glaring at him.

"Morning." I sing, sitting next to Nick at the table and resting my head in my hands, smiling at the boys.

"Hey" They say in unison, returning my smile.

"Want some breakfast Mack?" Joe asks, now turning to the fridge.

"Toast?" I ask, noticing the Kevin biting into his own piece.

"So what's happening today for the rockstars?" I inquire, taking the toast Joe offers me and spreading honey on it.

"We've got a photoshoot this morning at around 10, and then a concert for the fans." Nick replies, shaking out his curly mop.

"Mmk, am I doing the sound for that?" I say, taking another bite.

"Naah Bill's back on the other bus, he's still got a cast but he can handle the sound now." Kevin says, "Now you can enjoy our concert fully." He grins, and I grin back.

"I'll actually be able to cry when I hear A Little Bit Longer this time." I say, and Nick looks shocked.

"It makes you cry?"

"It took all my focus to not cry when you did it at the last concert." He smiles modestly, tracing circles on the table with his fingers.

"I'm glad you like it." He mumbles.

When we get to the studio for the photoshoot the boys race out of the bus, happy to be able to run again. I laugh as I walk with Mrs. Jonas and Frankie, who insisted on holding my hand.

"This gets a bit boring Kenzie." Frankie informed me, sighing as we walk into the building.

"Not for me." I laugh, amazed at the busy atmosphere. The brothers had already left to get ready, and Mr. Jonas was chatting with the lady in charge. Mrs. Jonas and I sat in the lobby, and Frankie and I played together while we waited. After a few hours the boys come back to the lobby, in their normal clothes but looking much more primped.

"Lunchtime?" Joe asks hopefully, and his mother nods.

"We'll get something at the cafe along this street, then we'll continue on to the concert venue." We all nod and I follow the family as we exit the building and start walking. Kevin falls behind to talk with me.

"Did you have fun?" I ask, glancing up at him.

"Mmm I guess so." He says, non-chalant. "Would have been more fun with you there." He continues, lacing his fingers with mine. I didn't protest, even though I noticed the other two boys glancing back at us with envy.

After lunch we get back on the bus, and drive for a few more hours. Concert Venue. I jump out with the boys this time and race to the stage, eager to help set up. I knew how to set up most of the microphones and instruments and collaborated with Bill to get everything up and running quickly. They had given me a VIP spot at the very front of the stage, so I could enjoy the concert completely. I danced along like crazy to all their new songs, I knew them off by heart from my iPod and they're practising. When Nick sang A Little Bit Longer, he introduced it, and then said...

"This one is dedicated to Mackenzie, cos she's really something special." This alone started to make me cry, and then as he sang the tears fell freely down my cheeks. They started to play some old classics, and on SOS I touched Kevin's leg when he came out to do his dance. He grinned at me and ran back to the mike to do vocals. At the end of that song, Kevin talked into the mic.

"You guys are such awesome dancers!" He was met with thousands of screams "But I gotta say, nothing has matched this one time when we caught a girl dancing in a record store to it." All the boys laugh. Then Joe walks forward and unexpectedly holds out his hand to pull me up on stage.

"Now, for you Mackenzie, Hello Beautiful." He says, and a stagehand brings a chair out of nowhere and I sit on it as Joe serenades me. I couldn't keep the smile off my face as he holds my hand and looks straight into my eyes. "Thank Mackenzie for us guys!" He shouts after the song, and lets me back down into the crowd. They finish the concert with Burnin' Up again, and as they leave the stage, I fight through the crowd and show the bodyguards my pass to get through to them.

"Guys!" I squeak, still overwhelmed.

"You like it?" Kevin asks, pulling me into a hug.

"I don't know if I've ever enjoyed anything more." I gush, receiving hugs from the other two. They all beam, and then Rob comes up and tells them they have to do a meet and greet. "I'll cya soon guys." They nod and follow Rob, and I find the room with Mrs. Jonas and Frankie.

"Did you enjoy it sweetie?" She asks as Frankie jumps off her lap and hugs my legs.

"Loved it." I smile at her, and she pats the spot next to her on the couch as Frankie runs off to play the playstation.

"Mackenzie, I was just wondering, do you like any of my boys... as more than friends?" She says a little timidly, giving me the this-is-strictly-girl-talk look.

"Uhh" My face pulls into a frown, of course I had thought about it, but no conclusion had availed.

"I'm only saying because well, they all are very infatuated with you. I was hoping you would end their bickering soon." She laughs, and I laugh back.

"Nick is cute, Joe is hilarious, and Kevin is just..." Oh wow, I realise when I put it in words how much I felt for them. "He's just very sweet." I say. "Ohhh man." I sigh, running a hand through my hair. "I think I kinda like all of them." I mumble, and Mrs. Jonas smiles sympathetically.

"You'll figure it out." She pats my leg and goes to find her husband, leaving me completely confused.
♠ ♠ ♠
Haha wow, so she likes all three of them. Who do you think she'll choose???


~Steph <3