Please Be Mine

Shopping Spree

"You're so good Kenzie." Nick compliments me after we sing Hello Beautiful together. Joe and Kevin were in the next room watching a movie, and their parents and youngest brother were in the room across the hall, sleeping.

"No you are so good Nicky." I reply, smiling coyly. He smiles back, then looks a bit sad, averting his eyes. "What's wrong?" I ask, edging a little closer to him on the bed.

"Who do you like Kenzie?" He asks softly, keeping his eyes on his guitar.

"What do you mean?" I ask, frowning a little.

"I mean.. Who would you want to be with? Is it one of us?" I sigh, the question I was constantly asking myself.

"I'm not sure." I mutter. His fingers tap the guitar nervously.

"I just want to say that I really like you alot." He murmurs, slowly bringing his gaze up to mine.

"I-" My voice gets caught, his brown eyes resting on me. For a moment there is silence, I try desperately to say something.

"G'night Guys." Joe enters our room sleepily, rubbing his eyes. "Want a tuck in Kenzie?" He asks, and I nod eagerly. Joe picks me up again and lays me down in my bed, pulling the covers around me. "Night Sleeping Beauty" He kisses my forehead; it had become a ritual now, his bedtime farewell.

"Night Joey." I mumble back. Joe was definitely more of a brother to me now, our relationship had just grown that way.

"Goodnight Nick, Mackenzie." Kevin now enters the room as Nick climbs into his own bed.

"Sweet dreams Kevin." He smiles and traces the side of my face with his finger.

"Night Kev." Nick says, a little stiffly, and Kevin turns around to face his little brother.

"Night Nicholas." He retorts, tousling Nick's mop before turning off the light and leaving the room. I stare into the dark, still rattled by Nick's confession.

"Nick?" I ask into the darkness.

"Yeah?" He whispers back.

"I think I might like you too." I whisper. There was silence until we fell asleep.


"Today boys, you have a day off before we head to our next town." Mrs. Jonas informs us in the hotel restaurant at breakfast.

"Thank you Mommy." They chorus, along with my "Thank you Mrs. Jonas."

"Honey please, Denise." She insists, and I laugh and give in.

"Sorry it's just the way I was raised." I apologize, and she purses her lips, probably at the memory of my mother. "Thank you Denise." I smile sweetly, and she smiles approvingly back.

"We are taking you shopping Mack!" Joe declares, giving me an excited grin.

"Sounds good." I reply happily.

They take me to the nearest mall, Joe's arm around my shoulders as he steers me into a shop. All the brothers were decked out with sunglasses and caps, but still grinning madly.

"Nicky!" I exclaim, finding a leather jacket that would suit him perfectly. "Try it!" I urge, pushing the jacket on him.

"Okay, Okay." He chuckles, shrugging out of the zip-up he was wearing and pulling on my suggestion. "Looks pretty good." He says, examining himself in a mirror.

"Looks fudgin hot!" I shout, and he smiles, tilting his sunglasses so our eyes meet.

"Really think so?" He asks smoothly, winking at me.

"Yeah" I laugh.

"Well then I guess I have to get it." He sighs, still grinning though, and pulls on his hoodie again. We spend alot of time in that store, finding heaps of cool stuff. When we finally reach the check-out counter, I reach for my purse. "Nope." Nick says, putting a hand on mine to stop me.

"Not a chance Mack." Joe interjects, taking my clothes and putting them on the counter with his. I try to protest but Kevin holds a finger to my lips.

We walk around the mall, grabbing Starbucks and checking out more stores. When we enter one, I see something at the back of the store and gasp.

"Oh my Jonas..." I breathe, immediately being attracted to the amazing dress hanging up on the back wall.

"What did you just say?" Joe laughs, and I blush. "Kenzie is a Jobro fan, Kenzie is a Jobro fan." He chants, I ignore him as I reach for the dress.

It's green satin, with some parts gathered. It's strapless, and the top is corseted with large strips of the satin sweeping across it tightly, with sparkling diamontes along the creases. The skirt flows out, still bunching up in places.

"Wow." I whisper, touching it softly.

"Try it on." Kevin says simply, pulling the dress from the rack and leading me to the dressing room. I pull it up and find that I can't quite reach the zip.

"I need help with the zip." I say meekly to the boys sitting and waiting for me. There's a slight pause...

"Who do you want to come in?" Nick asks hesistantly.

"Joey." I said, not wanting to create any more tension. He opens the door gingerly and pulls the zip up.

"Perfect" He says, smiling at my reflection. I survey myself, trying to reconcile this girl with the one I had been a few minutes ago. "Show the others, they are going to drool like crazy." He grins, pulling me out of the dressing room.

As promised, both boys' jaws drop when they see me.

"Mackenzie you look... indescribable." Kevin says, almost gawking at me.

"Yeah just..." Nick adds, trailing off.

"Oh my Jonas! Kenzie you look sooo hot!!" Joe fakes a girly voice and jumps around a little, making me laugh.

"You have to get this." Nick demands,I turn to face him.

"But it's probably way too much, and I don't need it for anything." He rolls his eyes at my pathetic objections.

"It wasn't a question Kenzie. Now go change back." He chivvies me into the dressing room, but before I can close the door Kevin stops me.

"Just wait a sec..." He says pulling out his phone and taking a picture. "Gotta preserve this." He grins, I smile back.
♠ ♠ ♠
So there you have it. Mackenzie has decided that her relationship with Joe will only reach that of a best friend. Now it comes down to:




What do you think?

I'd really like some feedback on this story. I only have on person who's been commenting and I thank her dearly but I want to know what you other readers think. Please!


~Steph <3