Please Be Mine

Wake Up

I wake up the next morning, glancing over at Nick who was sleeping solidly. I sit up on my knees and reach over to his bed, trying to shake him awake.

"Oof." Before I reach him I slip off my bed and onto the floor. He remains alseep, so I feebly reach up for his arm and tug on it.

"What?" He groans, leaning over the edge of his bed and looking at me.

"Morning." I mumble, lying on my back and facing him.

"Why are you down there?" He asks.

"I was trying to wake you up and I fell." I grin, and he chuckles. He grabs my wrist and pulls me up so I'm sitting next to his bed and we're face to face.

"Morning." He whispers, I smile back. He releases my wrist and brings his hand up to my face, molding it to the shape of my cheek. "What would happen right now if..." He trails off, losing his nerve.

"If we?" I murmur, mesmerized. He sighs, and then leans in carefully, softly placing his lips on mine. "Oh." I breathe as he pulls away.

"That." He stares at me, and I suddenly feel uncomfortable.

"Bags first shower!" I shout, jumping up and grabbing some clothes as I run into the bathroom.

As I shower I mull over the confusion. Two boys, Kevin and Nick, both like me, I like both of them... So hard to pick... I shut off the shower and dress for the day. When I emerge Nick is sitting on his bed, and he gets up and smiles at me.

"My turn." He walks past me and into the bathroom, I take the opportunity to visit his brothers.

"Hey Kev." I say walking into their room and noticing Kevin, sitting up in his bed and watching tv.

"Hey Mack." He grins, his hair curly and messy and incredibly cute.

"Joe still sleeping?" I ask, reaching out a pulling a curl, I couldn't resist.

"Yup. Good luck getting him up." He says, smirking and lying back on his pillows. I look over at Joe, sleeping peacefully, and I launch myself off Kevin's bed and onto his.

"Earthquake!" I scream, jumping on his bed hard. "Woah!" I keep screaming, his slumber unaffected by my efforts. I sit on the edge of his bed, upset by my failure.

"Told ya." Kevin chuckles.

All of the sudden a pair of strong arms lift me off the bed and off my feet, slinging me over a shoulder.

"Morning Kenzie." Joe says, now standing next to his bed with me over his shoulder.

"Morning Joe." I say back, a little phased by this sudden movement. "Thinking bout letting me down?" I ask casually, and I feel him shrug.

"Not anytime soon." He says, and I nod.

"I understand." I say solemnly, as he walks over to the kitchen area and grabs a bottle of water. "Kev?" I call out to him, and he looks up. "A little help?" I plead, and he rolls his eyes and lifts himself off the bed.

"Joe, hand over the girl." He demands, holding out his arms.

"Never!" He screams, taking a few steps away from his brother.

Kevin approaches again, and I put my finger to my lips and silence him. I grab the edge of Joe's pajama pants and yank them down quickly, revealing his boxer briefs.

"Oi!" He shouts, letting go of me and allowing me to slide off into Kevin's arms.

"Good teamwork." I grin up at Kevin, who smiles back.

"Morning guys." Nick enters the room and sees me in Kevin's arm, immediately adopting a sour look. "What's all the commotion?" He asks, frowning slightly.

"Kev saved me from the Evil Joey." I inform him, sticking my tongue out at a shocked Joe.

"I feel the need to inform you that I am Superman. The good guy." Joe huffs, play-stalking off into the bathroom.

"And what do you mean saved? More like stole." Kevin says in an evil voice, raising his eyebrows suggestively. My eyes widen.

"No..." I breathe, acting terrified. He grins and starts spinning me around, laughing evilly. "Put me down!!!!!!!!" I wail, and he finally gives in. He lets me down gently, and I collapse immediately to the floor. "Solid land!" I gasp, flattening myself against the carpet.

"Taste of your own medicine." He says, crossing his arms over me.

"We're meeting our parents for break Mackenzie, we should go." Nick snaps, and I notice his jealous gaze.

"K..." I agree meekly, following him out of the room.
♠ ♠ ♠
Haha cuteness!!!

Who do you think guys....




Any comments will be forwarded to my dear friend Kristen who wrote this fabulous story. :D


~Steph <3