Please Be Mine


That afternoon was the boys' first concert here, and afterwards we go back to the hotel.

"Ahhh" Joe groans, holding his throat.

"What's wrong?" I ask as we re-enter their room.

"Sore throat." He rubs his neck, looking grimly at me. Denise looks immediately alarmed and takes his arm and pulls him into the parents' room. I follow them in, but she waves her hand, keeping me at the doorway.

"Alright Joseph, open wide." Denise had turned into nurse mode and had a small bag sitting next to Joe on her bed. "Hmm looking red, take this Vitamin C, and I'll have you sleep in here tonight and we'll move Frankie into your bed." She informs us, mixing some white powder into a glass of juice. Joe drinks it obediently and his mother smooths his hair down, smiling warmly at him. "I wouldn't want you getting sick too Mackenzie, you should go back to the others." She says, glancing back at me and smiling.

"Get well soon Joey." I wave him goodbye, and he waves back smiling feebly. "Goodnight Denise, Paul, Come on Frankers." I lead Frankie from the room and into Kevin's were he immediately jumped onto Joe's bed.

"Hi guys!" He says brightly, grinning at his healthy brothers. They both look at me for information.

"Joe's feeling a bit sick, so Denise is having him stay in their room." They nod, and Nick comes over to me shyly.

"Shall we go too? Frankie needs to get to sleep." Nick offers his arm, and I take it gingerly, glancing back at Kevin.

"No I'm fine!" Frankie protests jumping on the bed.

"You guys go, I'll take care of him." Kevin sighs, moving over to calm the youngest Jonas. He meets my glance and winks, mouthing "Goodnight." I smile back as Nick takes me from the room.

The next morning I wake up, shower and dress before getting Nick up.

"Goooooood Morning Nicholas!!!!!!!!!!" I scream, yanking the covers off him.

"Ahhh." He growls, trying to retrieve them but instead hooking onto my arm. "Not good morning." He shouts getting a stronger grip on my arm and pulling, causing me to collapse onto his bed. "Oh well, actually now..." He corrects himself, smirking as we stare at other each.

My breath catches in my throat, much to my annoyance, and I can only stare at him.

"Be my girlfriend Kenzie...We'll be great together." He mumbles, his hand finding mine.

"I... I don't know." I stutter, rolling out of the bed. "Sorry." I exit into Kevin's room.

Kevin and Frankie are sitting on their beds, playing Nintendo DS.

"What are you playing?" I say exictedly, jumping next to Frankie.

"Pokemon!" He replies enthusiastically, and I watch over his shoulder as they battle using Wi-Fi.

"And the winner... FRANK THE TANK JONAS!!!!!!" I scream, only a quarter of an hour later, lifting him off the bed and spinning him around.

"Let me down Kenzie!" He giggles, I laugh with him as I place him back on the bed. Nick enter the room in jeans and a white singlet, rubbing a towel over his mop. He avoids my gaze as he addresses Kevin.

"We should check in with Mom." He is almost glaring at him, which makes the oldest Jonas quite uncomfortable.

"True. Come on Tank." Kevin says offering his a piggyback to his little brother, who takes it eagerly. I follow the boys out of the room, and Nick enters first, then Frankie, but Kevin holds back.

"Mackenzie." My stomach drops as he gets a soft look on his face and turns to me. "I really like you... I was wondering if you would like to be my girlfriend." He looks at me shyly, and I open my mouth to speak but he suddenly notices my horrified look.

"Oh." His face falls and he looks away from me. "Nick already asked you didn't he?" I nod and he sighs, chuckling bitterly. "Well, fair game, I guess first in first served." He remarks, shoving his hands in his pockets.

He's about to walk into the room when I stop him.

"I didn't accept Nick's offer though." He halts, "So..." I bite my lip. "I'm still not sure." He nods, then walks into the room, I follow.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay new chapter! Sorry it took me so long to post. It's not like it's already written or anything *blushes*. No, really, I was somewhere without internet for four days and I didn't have time until now to post. Thanks so much for the comments guys! Keep them coming!


~Steph <3