Before Eternity

Meet Chastity Fey

The wind was blowing softly on this summer day. Her heart was flying, She wanted to go somewhere, anywhere which wasnt where her dreaded aunt Millicent was...
The sun was warming her skin, She was comfortable on the fresh grass beneath the many tall oak trees which surrounded her....
The voice was getting closer to her, It was a soft sound. Like her mothers own sweet voice calling to her whenever she day dreamed too much...
No, Not yet. She told the voice. The day was too wonderful, Her mind was at peace.
"Chastity Fey! I will not tell you again!" My horrid aunts voice shrieked above me. "You will get off this filthy ground and help me to the grocers!"
I opened my eyes, Aunt Millicent stood above me, blocking out the sun. I sighed and got up, "of course, Aunt Millicent."
She hmph'd in disapproval and walked off, Muttering to herself of the 'disobedience of the youth today.'
I rolled my eyes and followed her in silence back to the house. I knew I should have run farther then I did. A bit farther so her old bones couldnt find me.
"There you are Chastity!" Marcia said happily as she saw me behind Aunt Millicent.
"Here I be, Marciabug," I said and kissed my youngest sisters head. She beamed.
"Well thanks to you, We'll be lucky if the fruits have not been all picked over." Aunt Millicent said.
"I apologize for my disobedience again then, Great Aunt." I said with no such real apology.
"Wouldn't you prefer me as a escort, Aunt Millicent?" Tabitha asked politely, Trying to hold herself up as she'd had the misfortune to catch one of those dreadful summer colds. But as always, Tabitha thought herself stronger then she really was.
"My darling Tabitha," Aunt Millicent touched Tabis warm cheek and was still unsmiling to her favorite neice. "I will always want your help. But you are ill and there for, I want you back to bed and stop pretending to be well." She tapped her cheek so it sounded like it hurt, But Tabi just blinked, "Now get to bed before you catch your death." And pushed her up the stairs.
"But-" She began but Aunt Millicent shut the door in her face.
"Ha ha!" Brandon laughed at Tabitha's dismissal.
Aunt Millicent slapped him on the back of the head, "Don't make me bring my cane on you, boy." She said warningly and looked down upon me. "Let's get this done with shall we? My book club is coming tonight and we have much to do."
"Of course, Aunt Millicent." I curtsied and Marcia giggled.
"Inconceivable..." Aunt Millicent said harshly and rolled her eyes, walking past me into the car. Marcia followed and I came after. Shutting the door, My Aunts butler Marvin started up the car and we drove off to town.
I hated being waited on. Although Aunt Millicent had somehow acquired decent servants, It just felt weird to not have to make my own bath, not help cook for everyone and never have to clean. Wed lived with Aunt Millicent the last six months and none of her life was normal to me yet. I missed our small house in town. It was where wed been a whole family
We reached the town quickly, parking as close to the main square as he could as Aunt Millicent always demanded it and Marvin was quite immune to her barking orders for his 15 years of service to her.
Aunt Millicent use to let the servants shop for her but she finally became too fed up with their constant mistakes in choosing food. I thought they did alright. Food was food.
As we walked, Marcia begged to go see our mother at her work. Aunt Millicent eventually agreed. But she refused to enter the charity house where our mother worked. She was not pleased with our mothers career decision. While I was proud of my mother. She always cared for everyone. She was the kind of person who saw goodness in every person and never judged.
"Mommy!" Marcia shouted as we went in. She hopped into a very flustered mothers arms.
"Oh, Marcia darling! I suppose I should have expected you to come here today." Mother said with a laugh.
"We were late on account of Miss Daydreamer over there." Marcia said looking to me, I stuck out my tongue.
"You're lucky Aunt Millicent didn't see that. She'd probably threaten to chop it off." Mother kissed my cheek as I did her.
"Probably." The old bat. I added in my mind, Mother didn't approve of the special namings I had for Aunt Millicent. Plus, Marcia may repeat it, Being the tender seven year old she was.
"You two should get back to your Aunt now, I'm sorry but I really have no time to chat. We're quite busy at the moment."
"It's fine Mother." We both said looking in the door I saw the front and it really was filled with people.
"I love you both." She kissed our heard.
"Love you too Mom." We both said and I took Marcia's hand and we left the store, going back down the alley we came.
"I think they should have a bigger store for all those people." Marcia said.
I smiled. The world was still simple to Marcia. She hadnt been exposed to what it really was yet. She blabbed on about what a cheater Brandon was at hopscotch. That's when arms wrapped around my waist and tore me away from my sisters hand. I screamed as the world spun around me and my attacker yelled happily, "I've been looking for you everywhere my sweet!"
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Oooo this does appear nicer then quizilla so far... Lets see how quick miss melf adapts to it hm? xomelf