Before Eternity


Edward and I ate lunch with his mother and left soon after, We still needed to go have whatever adventure his evil little mind had plotted.
"So, Its a lovely day. Not too hot or cold..." Edward said looking up to the sky.
"Yes it is." I said.
"And I'm feeling quite dried out..."
"Mhm," I said thinking I knew where he was going with this.
"Shall we go down to the river and see how our loot is doing?"
Bingo. "But of course, Mr. Edward."
He smiled, "Excellent."
"Chastity?" He stopped.
"Yes?" I looked to him and he looked most serious, Looking into my eyes with the utmost intensity. His fingers traced down my arm and the next thing I knew- He flicked me in the middle of my forehead wearing a playful smirk.
"You're it!" He said happily and ran down the dirt road.
I gasped and shouted, "You little cheat rat!" I chased after him and the forest was filled with his whole hearted laughter.
When he reached the water, I was ready to jump on him but instead, he turned with a shout of, "RAWR!" And grabbed me around the waist, we spun several times and fell on the sandy part laughing. When the hysterics calmed down in us, We looked at one another smiling.
"You're really okay with performing then?" Edward asked.
"Edward," I propped myself up on my elbows, raising an inquisitive eyebrow, "Just who do you think you're talking to?"
He rolled his eyes, "Hey, There was that one time when you wouldn't go on."
My eyes went wide in fake horror, "You pinky swore you would never mention that again!"
"Oh come on, Chastity." Edward said sitting up, "It was cute."
I pouted, "I don't like you anymore."
He laughed, "But lots of girls freak out when they develop- At least thats what our mothers said to you."
I gasped in mock horror, "I knew you were listening! That's really is it Edward Anthony Masen! We are not friends anymore!"
He laughed, "Oh, Chastity Bree Fey- You know you cannot resist me."
"Can and will." I rolled onto my side and grabbed some sand.
"Oh come on, Dont be mad." He came closer so he could rest his chin on my shoulder.
I remained quiet, smirking. He sighed and I'm sure rolled his eyes, got up and walked away. I wasn't sure what to expect him to do next- Probably put a spider down my back or something. Instead I heard a splash.
I sat up and saw the water rippling, a few seconds later his head came back out. He was smiling at me.
"Come on in Chase- It's wonderful."
I laughed, I could hear his teeth chattering, "No way, Edward. I see you shivering."
"H-H-Hey! I got in- Now you have to too!"
I got up, "I don't see why I have to."
"Because you just do."
I stuck my tongue out, "Have fun catching a cold darling." I turned and began to walk away ,swaying my hips. I heard him getting out, So I decided it was time to run. But his arms caught me around the waist and I screamed and laughed as he swung me over his shoulder.
"Let me down Edward! This is most improper!"
Let made him laugh, "You? Thinking something is improper? Ha!"
"This instant Edward- Let me down!" I was suddenly very worried for my shoes- They were my favorite and would be ruined if they got wet.
And as if he'd read my mind, Edward was unbuckling my shoes. "This doesnt make things much better."
"That's only what you think." Edward said and swung me so I was across his arms bridal style.
"It's what I know jerk."
"Why thank you." He said before dropping me- I screamed and fell into the five foot deep water. I came up cursing Edward. I looked up to see him squatting, wearing his smile, "Tut, Tut, Tut, Chastity Bree... Kiss your mother with that mouth?"
"It isn't even cold in here! You had my acting up for nothing!"
"Of course- It's most fun."
I glared at him, "You are not a nice boy Edward Masen."
"Only to you." He gave me a wink.
"Well make you self useful and hang these up wont you?" I shimmied out of my dress and threw it up to him. Along with my stockings.
"As you wish." He said and went over to a tree, humming.
I rolled my eyes and let myself float on my back, shutting my eyes I let the water embrace me in all its wonderfulness. I could hear Edward entering it again and then arms beneath me, swaying in opposite directions gently and slowly.
I felt at peace. Lying on the grass and letting the sun and shadows embrace you was one thing, But nothing made me feel better then being in the water. It was my own sanctuary.
I opened my eyes slowly after a minute or two and saw Edwards chin against his chest, eyes shut, hair in his face. He seemed to be thinking about something. I reached up to push the hair out of his face and as I did, He opened his eyes and smiled at me.
"Relaxed?" He asked.
"Very." I smiled.
"Good." Then he lifted me up again and threw me several feet away, I screamed his name in annoyance. He was laughing when I resurface.
"Can't we ever have a nice moment?!" I screamed, but couldn't help smiling.
He was smiling too, "Nice moment are for couples and we are far from being that."
"Good. So then this means I can do this." I lunged at him and we started to wrestle, holding one another under water and laughing.
After spending long enough for our fingers to turn to raisins, we got out and laid on the grass, talking of random things.
"Well, It's getting late." Edward said, I rolled my eyes. "Hey- I'm just thinking of your poor aunt and the heart attacks you cause her."
"Worry wart." I stood up and so did he. We got dressed and started to walk down the path again, laughing more and talking.
"Well look who's that there!"
We turned and I smiled as I saw some of our friends from school; Billy House, James Garland and Owen Peters. They had fishing gear and Billy was completely soaked.
"Now how is it youre always the one getting wet Billy dear?" I asked.
He blushed, "I'm no good on my feet, You know that Chastity."
"Well it's not like youre so dry Chase." Owen said smirking, noticing my still wet hair.
I just stuck out my tongue and they laughed.
"Where are you guys heading now?" James asked, looking at me.
"Well back to town of course." Edward answered before I did.
"We'll walk with you then." Owen said.
"Sounds good. Did anyone catch anything?" I asked as we started up again.
"Sadly no..." James said.
We walked and talked, as my home was so far away from town and the boys were all such gentle men, They wouldnt think of letting me walk home by myself. It took an extra twenty minutes to reach the house, but it was spent laughing. When we got there I turned to them and curtsied.
"Well then, Thank you all gents for walking me here." I said.
"Our pleasure." They all said in their own way.
"I'll see you later perhaps." I said turning to the house.
"If not before Saturday night." James said.
I turned, "What's Saturday night?"
"Well Kelsey Presleys coming out party."
"You're going arent you?" Billy asked.
"Oh, Yes Of course. I'll see you all then, then." I said and they laughed at my silliness.
"Bye Chastity." Edward said.
"Bye." I smiled and went up to the house, before I entered it; Marcia sprang out and wrapped herself around my middle, "You must tell me everything!"
"Everything about what, heart?" I asked kissing her head.
"Why is it boys seem to swarm around you like bees to honey? I want that- Will you teach me?"
That made me laugh. I didn't even understand why boys liked me so much. "Well see." I kissed my sister on the top of her head again as Aunt Millicent barked at me for being late.
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I never had names for my chapters... Hopefully they aren't too lame :P xomelf