Before Eternity

Our differences will tear us apart.

Days seemed to roll by eventless in our hometown of Chicago That's why Edward and I spent so much time imagining we were somewhere else; somewhere exciting and worth while.
As soon as Mother found out we were going to be playing for Mr. Lion's house warming, she was ecstatic, insisting we practice all day and night till Thursday night. I didn't like that but nodded anyways.
Meanwhile Aunt Millicent absolutely despised the idea.
"Performing is no way to live in life. It isn't a steady job. Most performers live on the streets and eat once a week. You must be quite beautiful and talented to make it in the media. And Chastity- You're beauty could be quite questioned." She said.
I rolled my eyes.
"But she is quite talented, Great Aunt." Mother said with a warm smile. "I'm surprised more offers dont come in for her to play. And Edward... Well, he's really gifted with the piano too."
"He doesn't keep his nails very well for a piano player." Aunt Millicent stated.
I snorted in my soup which made Brandon and Marcia giggle. Aunt Millicent shot them nasty glares which shut them both up quickly. When she was done her glowering, she looked back to her soup.
"Anyway, I think Edward and Chastity already spend too much time together. And the way they act together! It's absolutely improper Always jumping on each other and holding hands I know couples who have been together for years and never feel into such tomfoolery. Why, When Alfred was alive, We never acted like that, Even in our lonesome..."
What an awful way to live. I thought, but was grinning. If there was one thing I like more then being with Edward, It was ticking off my aunt. The power of rebelling against her prude ways always made me happy. It gave me a nice buzz just like coffee did.
"I think it's cool that Chastity's friends with so many boys." Marcia said boldly. "All the boys in school do is run away from me. They all claim I have 'cooties'..."
"That's because you do." Brandon said from the other side of the table. Marcia stuck out her tongue as Aunt Millicent lifted her cane and bopped him on the head, I laughed gently with my sisters, "Hey!"
"There'll be plenty more where that comes from if you speak like that again." She huffed.
"Yes maim..." Brandon said darkly.
Dinner ended with the discussion of my going to Kelsey Presley's coming out party. To be honest, Id forgotten all about it. She was never a close friend, Or even much a friend at that, One of those gossip hogs who carried on the arm of anyone with noble blood. I hadnt a clue why she hung around me; I was middle class and didnt like to spread stories as she did. Them being true or not.
"You better dress up nice. I heard some of her male cousins are coming in from Quebec." Aunt Millicent said.
"Quebec? That's a strange name..." Marcia said.
"It's French dear." Mother said, "Which you should be learning soon because you descend from it."
"None of us learned French." Tabitha pointed out.
"I tried to teach you, But you all refused." Mother said with a mock glare.
Brandon and I high-fived.
"See! It's things like that which makes me worry for you Chastity." Aunt Millicent said in distress, "You're so improper, No man will want you."
I smiled, "Good. I wouldn't want to be tied down to any man anyways. All I need is Edward."
"I hate to say it but he will eventually grow you out, Chastity."
I was still greatly confused, but apparently this wasnt appropriate for the others... Then again when did Aunt Millicent ever approve of anything. After dinner I caught her alone in the library.
"Aunt Millicent?" I asked.
"Yes," She answered never looking up from her book.
"What did you mean at dinner when you said Edward would out grow me?"
A smile came to her face, but it wasnt a nice one. It was a triumphant smirk. She snapped her book shut and took off her glasses, looking to me with a new sparkle in her eyes.
"That really bothered you didnt it?" She said smug.
"Well it wouldn't bug me so much if I knew what you meant." I snapped then closed my eyes. I wouldn't let her get the better of me. I couldnt...
"Come here Chastity Bree." She beckoned me and I came over, kneeling at her side. "Now I am only saying this because I care for you-"
She cares for me? There's a laugh.
"-But you are being quite silly. Most girls your age are courting boys and thinking about starting families and making names for themselves- And then there's you. You are still dreaming of days gone by. Youre nearing seventeen now and spending your days in the forest and hanging around a boy you have no intention on marrying is not the way to go."
I'd heard this several times before, I didnt even hurt my feelings anymore. But I was still annoyed about what she said at dinner, "What is this great problem you have with Edward?"
"I have no problem with Edward, He's a lovely boy and if he'd stop hanging around you he'd make a great husband or soldier- I heard he wanted to become one..."
I bit my tongue to stop from screaming. I hated war. It was the reason our family wasnt together and with the way Edward went on, It would probably take him away too.
"Anyway You must learn to let him go, Because one day he'll realize that you cant be a child your whole life. While I am sad to say, You will probably never grow up."
I didn't say anything. I knew it was true. Edward seemed to already be growing tired of our silly games wed been playing since we could remember. And he always snuck in his infatuation for war. And I would complain to him about it. It was one of the horrible things we did. Fight. We were both highly opinioned.
I walked away from Aunt Millicent, ready to cry. I never cried in front of people. I always ran away. The last time person to see me cry was Edward and thats because he chased after me. Evan and Father had just been drafted off to Europe and my heart had been braking. I'd begged them for days not to go...
It hurt to hear the words from someone elses mouth. Even if it was just Aunt Millicent and I didnt value her opinion much. Because I knew the truth just as everyone else did. Edward and I couldn't be best friends forever. Our differences would tear us apart. And not having Edward in my life would kill me.
When I reached my bedroom I collapsed on the bed and cried for hours till I feel asleep.
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