Before Eternity

Silly gossips.

I still felt quite sad in the morning but shook it off. I had to be normal. I had to be happy. Even if I was going to a stupid party I had no interest in going to. Edward and I were sitting by a creek. I didn't even realize it was so quiet. Or that Edward had left my side and climbed the tree above me. He fell right in front of me, hanging upside down, I let out a scream as he laughed.
"You creep! What was that for?" I yelled.
"I haven't seen you smile all day. And I thought I'd see it if one of us was upside down and seeing as you're a girl, I thought it was my duty to climb the tree."
I burst out laughing.
"There's my Chastity."
I glared up at him, though the smile stayed on, "You are a jerk Edward Masen."
"Only for you darling."
I stuck out my tongue and he grinned. There was a loud crack and suddenly I was covered by a cursing Edward.
"Oh dammit! Oh damn- I'm so sorry Chastity- So sorry! Are you okay? I didn't hurt you did I?" He was off me in a second, examining me.
I laughed, "You're the one that fell- Not me."
"And I daresay you broke that fall."
"True, But that's beside the point now isn't it?"
"Does anything hurt? Is anything bruised?"
I smiled, "Nothing I'm going to show you." His crooked smile came on with a slight blush.
"I really am sorry."
"I know. I forgive you. Are you okay?"
"Nothing I can't handle."
I stuck out my tongue and we laid on the grass, staring up at the sky behind the tree tops.
"So, How badly are you dreading Kelsey Presley's party?" Edward asked.
"Oh, Pretty badly." I looked over at him with a smile, "But I think as long as I have you as a co-pilot I'll do fine."
"Of all the boys in town you want to go with me?"
"But of course. We can keep those gossips talking that we'll be hosting the next coming out party."
He laughed, "Silly gossips..."
I decided if he was going to outgrow and leave me, I'd have to have as much fun as I can while he's still in my presence.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I've put up five chapters today, I've always gotten good feedback on quizilla for this story, I know it starts out sortof slow but it'll get good, I promise. So let me know what you think I love hearing from people! xomelf