Before Eternity

Good Evening

"I look like an idiot."
"Are you kidding? You look like a princess."
"An idiot princess."
"Shut up Brandon!"
We were in my room, Mother had just finished putting the final touches on my outfit. I wore a corset which puffed out my chest and made my butt look like it would explode if I sat on it. So I didn't want to sit anytime soon. The dress was purple, it use to be Mother's, She had worn it on several occasions. But I was okay with old clothes. I hated clothes. Sometimes I think I'd be happier butt naked.
She also made my hair look all nice and make-up'd my face.
I despised looking all dolled up.
"I do wish you would grow your hair long again." Mother said with a sigh. "There's so much more you can do with longer hair..."
I smiled, I hadn't let my hair grow past my shoulders since I was eight and jerk boys would pull on them, So I simply cut off my pigtails.
Needless to say, I shocked the neighborhood as all girls had long hair.
"Long hair's too much of a hassle. I enjoy my short hair just fine thank you."
Mother kissed my head, "Such a rebel..."
"If that's how a rebel looks, I'm sure to never become one." Tabitha said. I stuck my tongue out in the mirror at her.
"Why Chastity Bree, You look quite presentable. I must say I am quite surprised." Aunt Millicent said.
"I'll take that as a compliment." I said rising from the seat before the mirror.
"Edward's coming." Brandon said from the window.
"Well then I guess I should go." I said and started out the door, my sisters blabbering on about how I had to remember everything and tell them. Mother was still getting the last touches, she ran to get gloves. Since I'd cut the fingers off mine, She gave me hers. Telling me to act a little more grown up then I usually do. Aunt Millicent putting in her two cents; Saying that I was representing the family tonight so I shouldn't do anything reckless or moronic. The maid Ingrid had just let Edward in.
Edward really was the most handsome boy I knew. And let me tell you, He cleaned up good. In his black suit and vest with highlighted green patterns to insinuate his gorgeous green eyes. He looked gorgeous.
And then I spotted the bouquet in his hands and I snorted, Aunt Millicent shot me a glare.
Edward knew what I was laughing at, His parents taught him right. He was always polite when needing to be. And his parents always forced him to bring me flowers whenever we were going somewhere fancy. We always laughed at it.
"Good Evening Edward," My mother said smiling warmly.
"Good Evening Mrs. Fey. Good Evening everyone." He smiled and nodded to everyone.
"Good Evening Edward." They said in a pathetic chorus.
"Hi Edward." I smiled.
"Hello," He held out the flowers, "Your bouquet."
I came down the rest of the stairs, "Thank you."
"You're most welcome."
"Marcia," I turned to my younger sister, "Take care of these while I'm gone Okay? "
She smiled widely, "Okay!" She took the flowers happily. She loved it when she was made useful.
"Good girl," I kissed her forehead and turned to Edward, "Shall we leave?"
"We shall." He held out his arm and we went out.
"Have a wonderful time you two." Mother said from the porch.
"Bye," We waved as we got into Aunt Millicent's car and drove off.
"One day, I am going to learn to drive one of these things." Edward said admiring the car as he usually did.
I rolled my eyes, "Of course You will darling."
"I'm serious." He pouted we had this conversation many times before.
"I think Marvin would be willing to teach you." I said.
"That would be great!" He smiled looking out the window, "Then maybe I'll get to drive like, a tank... That would be swell..."
My chest tightened. Tank. I hated tanks. Takes meant war. War meant fighting and killing. And destroying everything. I looked out the window tight lipped. It wasn't till five minutes after that Edward came out of his horrid daydreaming that he realized I was staring at my hands and wanting to scream. He wouldn't apologize though, It was what he believed and he wouldnt apologize for that; Just as I wouldn't apologize for calling his opinion stupid.
"Mr. Lions is getting really excited about his housewarming party. So are his children. Mother told them about how many children songs we know and that we'd created some of our own." Edward said attempting to change the subject.
It worked.
I looked over at him, slight shock on my face, "You- You mean we may have to- to play one of our creations?"
He nodded, A slight excitement in his eyes.
I looked away, sort of worried. We'd never played our own songs for people. Not even our parents had heard them. And now were suppose to perform them in front on a few dozen strangers? That was heavy.
Edward leaned over and toke my hand, "It'll be fine, Chase. We know the songs We've practiced them a hundred times."
I looked back to him and smiled, "Yeah."
He winked and kissed my hand, I smiled back as the car stopped.
"Ready?" Edward asked.
"Never." I smiled.
Marvin came around and opened the door, Edward got out and I followed. Marvin gave us a friendly smile. He knew how much I dreaded these things.
"Don't worry Miss Chastity. You look beautiful. And will do fine." He said.
I smiled, "Thank you Marvin."
"I'll be back to pick you both up at midnight."
"Sounds good." We both said and he got in and drove away.
Edward and I turned to each other. The mansion was big, every window had a light in it. You could hear the music, talking and laughter from outside. We were early but it looked quite alive already.
"So, Shall we go in?" Edward asked.
"I suppose we have to." I said.
"It'll go fine." He slipped his hand in mine and gave it a squeeze, Smiling at me in his crooked way. I smiled back and we went up the steps and Edward knocked.
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Hope you enjoyed! xomelf