Before Eternity

Just A Friend

The door was opened by an older man. He must be the butler. And a snooty looking one at that.
"And who are you?" He asked looking down at us from his nose.
"Edward Masen and Chastity Fey." Edward said politely, Before the butler could reply, A positively beaming young man came over.
"Edward Masen!" Kevin Harris said happily, Hugging Edward and ultimately pushing me out of the way.
Edward looked a little overwhelmed. He awkwardly patted Kevin on the back, "Nice to see you again, Kevin."
"You too old boy, You too." He had a huge smile on his face and turned to me, I saw his eyes wonder. "And here we have dear Chastity- Looking all grown up."
"Congratulations on the engagement, Kevin." I said smiling and he simply hugged me. That's what I liked about Kevin. He wasn't afraid to act silly and just hug or kiss anyone. It was great.
"Well since someone won't get her head out of the clouds- Kelsey would be a great second choice." This was one of Kevin Harris bad points: He was quite a flirt.
He hadn't made this comment very loud but I knew Edward had heard and I saw something flicker in his eyes, I wasn't sure of. I don't even think he realized it because his smile didn't move and he made conversation.
"So where is Kelsey?" He asked.
"Still getting ready of course!" Kevin said with a laugh, "We spend all day shopping for a perfect dress for tonight And you know her- Leaves everything to the last minute."
"That's definitely Kelsey." I said.
"Chastity!" Someone cheered from the stairs, We all looked to see Myra Von Dirk rushing over to us.
"Hello Myra," I smiled politely. Barely been here five minutes and we were already getting yelled at every which way.
"We've been wanting another woman's opinion. Come upstairs with me." She took my hand and pulled me up them before I could say anything. I did however hear Edward snicker.
Myra was saying a hundred words a minute I swear. I caught something about Kelsey looking completely gorgeous in the most expensive gown ever. And how her own dress wasn't near the price of Kelseys but was better. And how she swears she'd seen my dress before and if it was a hand-me-down she would smack me for never treating myself to new clothes. When we reached Kelsey's room there were two more girls I knew and four I didn't. Some of them were talking in French accents, All of them drinking wine.
"Look who I found!" Myra sang. They all looked over, Some with more interest then others. I noticed a smug look fly across Kelsey's face as she saw me.
"Chastity Fey- How are you doing darling?" Angela Brown said waving her hand.
"Im fine, And you Angela." I answered.
"Oh, You know I'm good baby doll." She said with a wink, girls giggled.
Good lord, She was like totally gone.
"Congratulations on the engagement, Kelsey." I said.
"Thank you ever so much Chastity dear." Kelsey said and crossed the room.
I had to look at her dress. Myra had said it was quite expensive, and when I saw the sparkling diamonds hanging from along the top of the masterpiece, I saw why it was worth so much. Though it wasnt that great. It was too poofy at the hips and the top went way too far down. Not leaving a whole lot to the imagination.
But I guess that's just how girls liked to dress these days. Less clothing equals more appealing. Uh, No. At least not in my mind.
Kelsey was circling me now in a debating Sortof way.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Didn't your mother use to wear this?" Kelsey asked.
"Yes" I said unsure.
"Hm," She said in a dismissive way she swung her long hair over her shoulder and went back to the seat, saying something to one of the girls I didn't know in French.
One of the girls I didn't know with the accents came up to me, "You're name is Chastity is it not?" "
"Ah, Yes. Yes it is." I said, "Who are you."
"Ariel La Crock. I am a cousin of Kelsey's. And I saw you coming up the stairs with a rather how do you say attractive young man."
"You mean Edward?"
Angela let out a noise like a tiger, "Oh, That Edward Masen is a gorgeous one!"
"If only he would notice other girls" Daphne Weaver said dreamily.
"So he is your beau then?" Ariel asked.
I laughed, "Edward and I? No He's just my best friend."
"Or so she claims." Myra said with a playful smirk.
"We expect a engagement from them any day." Daphne said.
"Or be just like Justine and David and run off to elope in New York." Kelsey said.
"You're friends seem to think you are more then friends madmosielle Chastity." Another French girl said.
"Well thats just because they've all been delirious since they noticed I spend time with Edward more then anyone." I said smiling. Myra and Angela stuck out their tongues.
"So It's okay if I ask him to dance with moi?" Ariel asked.
I smiled, "Of course. He's actually quite the dancer- I'd watch your toes."
She smiled, "I will then."
"Alright girls, I do believe I am finished." Kelsey said happily, turning to show us how gorgeous she looked. Not that she wasn't ever not beautiful. The others gasped, I clapped with them.
Kelsey narcissism was showing then as she soaked in the attention.
"Lets go down and show the rest of them what they'll be missing out on." She went past us confidently. Everyone hurried to follow her out.
I rolled my eyes, This was going to be a long night.
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