Status: Hiatus

To Get to the Top!

Good Evening

Carlee Smythe sat at her computer desk, fingers tapping keys furiously as she drove into her research.
It was common to find the young brunette with thick pink rimmed glasses perched on her nose as she sorted through hours of homework, taking extra care in each sentence that tapped out onto the screen.
Her back would ache for hours afterwards but the hundred percent grades were always worth the effort.
A soft knock hit the doorframe, bringing her from her work to see her father dressed in a dull looking brown suit.
His brown hair was a little untidy today but smoothed back from his hands, therefore dismissing any difference in his usual attire.
Carlee sighed when she even spotted the boring Christmas tie she bought him six years ago then begged to throw away after seeing his delight with her purchase.

“I’m going to the neighbours for a few minutes. You’ll be ready for the party, won’t you?” He asked lightly, his voice never raising a pitch higher than a pubescent boy.
“Yes daddy, I’ll be ready. I’ll clean up right after I finish this biography” She answered him in a soft lilt, brown eyes shifting back to the computer screen.
“Good, good. Have fun, sweetie!” Again his voice was weak and shy as he exited the room.

Turning back to her work Carlee sighed at the instant conversation window that popped up, flashing an obnoxious orange until she clicked it up to read the brand new message.
It was just another ‘checking in’ from her friend Michelle, who apparently thought something new happened to Carlee every few minutes and needed reassurance to the falsely hood of it.
Typing back her short reply Carlee returned to her work, trying to ignore the bubbling frustration when her friend proceeded to ask more questions of the party.
Annoyed finally Carlee grabbed the cordless phone from the side of the flat screened computer and dialled memorized numbers, waiting for the dial tone to quit and her friend’s bubbly voice to slip through the receiver.

“Why’d you phone? Not that I don’t love when you phone, but we were talking! I liked talking!”
“We’re talking now aren’t we?” she shot back simply, tapping her fingertips on the swivel chairs armrest.
“Yes.... So tell me about this party some more”
“I told you, nothing interesting. Dad’s just going to talk to people who don’t even know his name, exit early and we’ll be home before eight”
“Oh come on, have some faith!” Michelle encouraged.
“I do, I’m just tired of people walking all over him” she answered plainly, “Listen, I have to finish my work so can I talk to you when I get home?”
“Fine worker bee, Drone on to your hive”
“Must you always call me that?”
“Mmhmm” and with that dial tone reached her studded ears.

Dropping her phone at her side Carlee finished with her homework quickly and left to get ready for another droll party, picking out a light pink dress and black stockings.
Rolling the nylon up her legs her eyes scanned through the pink glasses to search for her favourite pink converse shoes.
They were her most favourite comfortable shoes (Or were actually the only pair of shoes that fit her feet properly with no problems), her only issue just so happened to be the ten minute delay of slipping her feet inside them.
Afterwards it was all smooth sailing.
Tying the black knots together Carlee smiled at her color scheming, running down the stairs in time for her father to enter through the front door.
After arriving home it was a rush for the two to get to the large villa, complete with six rooms, five bathrooms, a pool and a double garage.
Cars lined the homes circular drive way, fountain spurting beautifully from the middle of the decorated pathway.
Carlee eyed the home with distaste when she thought of how much money her father’s boss must have spent on the most useless material items.

“Isn’t it beautiful Cars? One day we’ll have a place like this” Daniel chirped to his daughter, face gazing up humbly to the artfully decorated roof.
“I hope not, I like where we’re living now
Smiling sideways at his daughter Daniel parked the car and led her up to the front door, greeting the doorman with a large handshake.
“Uhm... Mr...?” The man questioned, looking down at the clipboard in his hands.
“Smythe” Carlee frowned at her father and watched the people pass by, greeting the door man as he called their names without hesitation.
“Right, go on in I guess”
“Why didn’t he know your name dad?” Carlee questioned once they were inside the huge home.
“Oh, well, you know me. I don’t go to many parties, and he must be new”
Eyeing the oblivious smile on her father’s face Carlee began scanning the room, taking note of all the males Daniel encountered that asked three times for his name during conversation.
“Hey dad, whose your boss again? The high up guy?” Carlee questioned him.
“Over there,” Daniel pointed the slim man out, “Mr. Gaskarth. He’s such a successful man! Always knows what to do, though I doubt it would be his company if he didn’t, right?”

Forcing out a laugh for her father’s pitiful joke Carlee excused herself to cross the room, dodging moving waiters until she caught up with her target.
“Hello Mr Gaskarth, sir. I’m Carlee, Daniel Smythe’s daughter”
Looking down at the cute faced girl Mr Gaskarth found a small smile, shaking her hand though his eyes showed confusion, “Daniel Smythe. I don’t believe I’ve heard the name”
Biting her bottom lip Carlee looked back at her poor father who sipped at the punch alone, “He works in your sports section, sir. Um, actually, I came over here to ask you-“
“Who you got here, dad?” A smooth voice asked from her side, eyes drawn towards a handsome male with lengthy light brown highlighted blonde hair.
“Ah this is Carlee, Daniel... Smith’s daughter”
“Smythe sir” Carlee corrected unabashedly.
“Oh, I’m terribly sorry,” He smiled down at the girl, “This is my son, Alexander”
Pleasure to meet you” Alexander spoke, taking her hand to place a delicate kiss upon her light skin.
“Alexander here is going to be starting an apprenticeship in summer, you should think of applying as well. You seem to have a knack” Mr Gaskarth grinned, patting her shoulder.
“Thank you sir, but I wanted to ask about my father”
“What about your father dear?” Mr Gaskarth asked her politely before another eager worker stepped in to pull him away, “I’m sorry, please excuse me for just a moment”

“Daniel Smythe, huh?” Alexander mused, eyeing her like a piece of meat.
Frowning in his direction Carlee looked over her shoulder once more to find her father in the same position she left him, “Yes. Listen I really have to talk to-“
“He’s really boring, don’t you think? I mean, I’ve seen him a few times at work but he never does anything interesting. Always sits there. I mean, sure he skips lunch breaks, but I mean, he doesn’t even socialize properly”
Feeling threatened Carlee took a step away from the young male, glaring at his brown puppy eyes, “My father is a smart man! He deserves a chance!”
“Yah, but what makes him any different than anyone else here? What makes you think he deserves that chance?” Alexander questioned her before walking away, hands shoved deep into the front pockets of his skinny jeans.

Glaring at his back Carlee clenched her fists until the rage subsided.
Sure her father was bland, and he didn’t do well in social situations but he always knew what he was talking about.
Turning her attention back to the task at hand, Carlee set out to hunt down Mr Gaskarth once more and force him to take a look at her father’s work ethic.
It wasn’t too hard to come across the man again, though it was a challenge trying to catch his attention.
The watch on her wrist beeped eight o’clock.

“Excuse me, Mr Gaskarth!” Carlee called quickly, butting into his conversation, “I’m terribly sorry but there’s something I really need to ask you”
“Oh right, Carlee. What is it?” Mr Gaskarth asked politely, shooing away the men around him.
“My father-“
“Hey dad, have you met Kalvin Peters?” Alexander cut in, clasping a hand onto his father’s shoulder.
Once more Carlee fought back her rage, looking over her shoulder to see her own father searching for the exit.
“Kalvin Peters? What about him?”
“Seems like a good guy, I was talking to him and I bet he can help you out with the new partners”
Grinning Mr Gaskarth clapped his son on the back and looked over to a classic dressed man, “I’ll call him into the office tomorrow”

It was at that moment that Carlee realised the best way to get her father attention.
“So Carlee, what about your father?”
“I was... just wondering about... when the next party was, because he um, tends to forget”
Laughing Mr Gaskarth patted her shoulder and wiped at his eye, “Just enjoy this one. I’ll be sure to let everyone know about the next one when it’s planned”
Carlee watched helplessly as the man began walking away, his son left behind grinning at the air.
“Should’ve started crying” Alexander voiced, smirking in her general direction, though his eyes seemed to gaze just over her head.
“I need your help” Carlee suddenly asked him.
“I know,” he shrugged her off, “But I don’t think you deserve it”

It was then that Alexander walked off and Daniel’s dreams were unknowingly crushed.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is the start. Rewritten, editted and plotted about for months and even now I'm still a little uneasy about it.
LOOKS LIKE ITS FRIDAY!!! I'm not sure if the updates will come each friday, or end up affected by BIMF, but we'll see.

So let me know what you think so far, I promise, it's not going to be like what your thinking.

Pages; 3 and a Half
Words: 1,620.