I Said, 'Are You Gonna Be My Girl?'

What’s My Age Again?


I was knocked to the ground by a pair of wild-eyed young men. They were in an epic battle of sorts, fighting to the death.

“GIMMIE THE LAST GUMMY BEAR JACK! I LET HAVE THE LAST SKITTLE!” Brendon roared and attempted to slap the candy from his long fingers.

Jack just smiled his devilish grin and ran from the room, Brendon at his heels.

I was lifted to my feet by a pair of dark tanned hands. It was surprising he had the muscle capacity to help anyone up—his skinny frame and ridiculously small height was barely beaten by mine (Brendon liked to call me Queen of the Hobbits). His thin razored bangs fell in front of his eyes as he spoke to me.

“Tell me again why we let the most ADHD people we know into the candy stash?”

I groaned and rubbed my throbbing head. “I don’t know what the hell we were thinking. At any rate, wasn’t this supposed to be a sort of business meeting?”

Pete laughed. “I believe it was, But apparently some people would rather get some high fructose corn syrup than a record deal.”

Before I could think, I was knocked to the ground again. This time, Brendon didn’t bother getting off me, he just sat on my back and looked up at Pete like a puppy waiting for a piece of bacon.

“Record deal?!”

Pete sighed a pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Yes Brendon, we’re thinking of signing your band and maybe even Sophie to our label.”

I yelped at this information and shoved Bren off my back. Springing up to my feet, I stared at Pete with shock and disbelief.

“But, the audition was only for Panic! I never even sang or anything…and how do you even know I make music?!”

Both boys instantly became very fascinated with their shoes.

Jack strolled in and threw his arm around my shoulder.
“Relaxxx ‘lil Soph-soph! Me and the ATL guys teamed up with your Panic buds. They secretly videotaped you performing, while I used my powers of seduction on Petey to persuade him to come see you live. I’ve been on his label for a while and I can pull a few strings for you.” He winked.

As he spoke, he tousled his hair in the most adorable way. He just had a way about his that made my heart bet faster and melt at the same time. From that first moment I looked into his eyes as he complimented my music outside the shop—I knew I had a crush on the boy. There wasn’t a thing this guy could do that wouldn’t make me smile. I wanted so much to get to know him, and by some stretch of fate, he seemed to feel the same way.

I squealed and jumped into his arms like a woman who’s husband just popped the question. I kissed his cheeks repeatedly, grinning like a madwoman. He just laughed and put me come, but not before licking face.

I frowned. “What’d you lick my face for, weirdo?” I reached for the bottle of Purell.

Pete coughed. “I said we were thinking about a record deal. Nothing is certain.”

Jack and I ignored Pete. “You kept kissing me, I felt the same need for intimacy.” Jack shrugged and attempted to look innocent.

“Um guys—“ Pete tried to interject.

I grabbed the hand sanitizer and scrubbed my face until it was raw.
“You sick pervert, there’s swine flu going around. It’s unsanitary. You could have given me AIDS…or cancer!”

“GUYS—“ Pete tried in vain to win out attention back.

“Jacky’s dirty! Jacky’s dirty!” I sang as I crept closer to him while unscrewing the cap for the bottle of Purell. A smirk slowly spreading across my face.

Jack fumbled over a chair to get out of my way. “Ok, ok, I admit I’m a bit unclean, BUT SO IS YOUR MOTHER!” He screeched and started to bolt from the room. Luckily, Pete caught him around the collar and wouldn’t allow him to escape. My smile, widening into a manic grin, I ran at him and threw the clear burning liquid at my skunk-haired target. Unluckily, Jack decided to have one of his rare bursts of reflexes and coordination, and ducked behind Pete, out of the way.

I watched in horror as the hand sanitizer flew through the air in slow motion, and land gracefully all over Pete Wentz’s ‘precious’ hair.
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I just have one thing to say about the amount of love this story is getting.

Zack also approves.
